UTAS-NHMRC-CI-and-AI-consent-Process-2016.docx (744.0 KB)

Consent to be a Chief Investigator (CI) or Associate Investigator (AI) on an NHMRC Project Grant
Application for Funding Commencing in 2017
To submit a certification each CI and AI named on the application will need to:
Copy the relevant text on page 2 of this form, paste it into an email with their email signature and
send it to Research.NHMRC@utas.edu.au. Please ensure the CI/AI includes the relevant NHMRC
reference number (eg. APP12345678) and project title in their email.
Alternatively, the CIA can collate all required CI and AI consents and forward in bulk to ORS.
Please have the emails sent to Research.NHMRC@utas.edu.au by Monday 14 March 2016.
The following conditions apply to NHMRC Project Grant applications for funding commencing in
Consent to be a Chief Investigator (NHMRC funding rules; section 7.2.4)
The CIA must confirm in writing with all other CIs that they agree to be named on the application
and endorse the application. The CIA must provide written evidence (e.g. an email) of this to the
RAO. The RAO must not certify and submit the application to NHMRC until the CIA has completed
this step and all relevant CI consents and endorsements have been obtained.
Consent to be an Associate Investigator (NHMRC funding rules; section 7.2.4)
The CIA must confirm in writing with all AIs that they agree to be named on the application. Written
evidence (e.g. an email), must be obtained from all AIs and provided to the RAO, stating their
agreement to be on the application. AIs are not required to endorse an application prior to
submission to NHMRC. The RAO must not submit an application to NHMRC until the CIA has
completed this step and all relevant AI consents have been obtained.
Consent to disclose personal information to other organisations (NHMRC Project Grants Scheme
Instructions to Applicants; section 4.2)
NHMRC have confirmed funding arrangements with the other organisations for the 2016 Project
Grants scheme. Note (if applicable) All CIs must consent to NHMRC providing the application,
snapshot reports and information about the results of NHMRC’s assessment of this application to
third parties. It is the CIA’s responsibility to seek consent from the other CIs listed on this
application. Written evidence of such consent should be provided to your RAO, and may be
requested by NHMRC.
Research Misconduct Policy
All Chief Investigators must confirm in writing that they agree to the University of Tasmania’s
reporting requirements to the NHMRC as outlined in accordance with the Managing Allegations of
Research Misconduct Procedure.
For Chief Investigators B-J:
Application Title:
I confirm my consent to be named as a chief investigator on the above-named NHMRC Project Grant
application and I endorse this application for submission to the NHMRC. I agree to participate in the
manner described in the application and to the use of my personal information as described in the
NHMRC Privacy Policy. I understand and agree to the University of Tasmania’s reporting
requirements to the NHMRC in accordance with the Research Integrity and Research Misconduct
Policy. Furthermore, if applicable, I consent to NHMRC providing the application, snapshot reports
and information about the results of NHMRC’s assessment of this application to third parties as
indicated on the application.
For Associate Investigators A-J:
Application Title:
I confirm my consent to be named as an associate investigator on the above-named NHMRC Project
Grant application. I agree to participate in the manner described in the application and to the use of
my personal information as described in the NHMRC Privacy Policy. Furthermore, if applicable, I
consent to NHMRC providing the application, snapshot reports and information about the results of
NHMRC’s assessment of this application to third parties as indicated on the application.