Thermostat_Questions RH.doc: uploaded 28 January 2016 at 11:21 am

Interview with RH – 21 November 2005
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1. What features of your thermostat do you use?
Uses all of the features.
Does not have a programmable one, but requested a manual thermostat.
It has a slider like in the old days.
Lever on the right that can slide up for the temperature to rise
If you slide it to the left (=heat), the right (=cold), the middle (=off). And it
has an auto.
Also has a fan only mode.
There is programmable thermostat that talks, but it’s not a high priority for her
Put marks by the temperatures (70, 80), bubble dots.
2. What features of you thermostat do you not use?
Uses all of them because it’s very simple.
She dealt with a programmable one, but that seems to have not been a good
Problem was that if you reset it, you need a sighted person to set it up.
3. How much would you be willing to pay to make your current thermostat
Thought about the talking thermostat. A friend has purchased one that wasn’t
compatible with house, and the friend resold it.
They cost around 100$ or more than 100$. She wouldn’t be willing to pay that
4. Do you use a screen reader? If so, what brand(s) do you use?
JAWS for Windows
Freedom Box
5. Would you be interested in some sort of software or website that would allow
you to interact with your thermostat from your computer?
Interesting concept! Very doable!
Interview with RH – 21 November 2005
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-----------------------------For our project for our Assistive Technology class, we decided to design a computer
software program to control a thermostat. This program would consist of a CD that you
can load onto multiple computers (e.g., work and home computers) that would allow you
to monitor and change the current temperature of your house. This would also allow you
to set the temperature from work so that when you arrive home the house is a comfortable
temperature for you. Given this program….
6. How (in what order) would you arrange a webpage to help you control your
Single column?
Two columns?
Single column … a screen reader reads everything off in a running order. If
had 2 columns, then she wouldn’t know … then corrects herself … because
screen reader will say ‘column 1, column 2’ … but will still put everything in
a running order
Single Page?
Multiple Pages?
prefers everything on one page, grouped in sections, for example all cold
[controls] in one section, all heat in one section etc.
- Functions—heat on/off, cooling on/off, set heat/cooling, current
temperature reading, current thermostat setting, fan on/off, program
plus programming and making changes online
7. How would you like the functions/buttons labeled?
- Heat, heater, cold, cool, A/C, etc.
Heat … basically what they are currently labeled
Current temperature (what air temperature is), current thermostat
setting (what thermostat temperature is set for)
would like to have these functions, how they are normally labeled
Interview with RH – 21 November 2005
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8. What controls would you like?
- General off button vs. heat/cold off buttons?
Prefers a general off button because you don’t have heat and cold running at
the same time.
General set temperature button vs. set heat/cold temperatures buttons?
Prefers a general set temperature button and better if scroll up and down.
If have set heat/cold … would suggest that had to enter both.
9. How would you like to control the input of temperature?
- Up/Down Arrows?
Yes. JAWS has a combo box for arrows up or down
Numerical Value Input?
Good option to have
10. Would you use the program feature?
11. Would you want to access the temperature from a location away from the home
(ex. work, travel)?
Would love to … would be good for anybody blind or sighted
Travel is what popped into her mind right away
12. Would you be interested in this sort of technology for other devices such as:
- Washer/Dryer?
Interesting idea. Doesn’t know about washer and dryer. They have turn dials
But she could see it for:
i. porch lights (she turns them on in the evening and sometimes
forgets to turn them off in the morning)
ii. alarm systems
iii. anything that can hook up to the network
iv. internal lights (turn them on when traveling so it looks like
someone is at home)
v. maybe stove – to set timer
Interview with RH – 21 November 2005
Security Systems?
laughed when she heard dishwasher 
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