Ch 19 Study Guide

Ch 19 Study Guide Name: _________________________________________________________ Period: _________
1. Vocab:
A. Line of Demarcation
B. Treaty of Tordesillas
C. Tribute
D. Daimyo
E. Samurai
F. Seppuku
G. Shogun
2. What were the 3 European motives for exploration and what did each of these mean?
3. What new technology made exploration possible?
4. Which European country led the explorations?
What did Prince Henry the Navigator do to promote exploration?
5. Which European country next begins exploring foreign lands?
Who was the first European to land in the New World?
Where did he think he was?
Where did he actually land?
6. Line of Demarcation – who decided on it, and who got what?
7. Why were the prices of spices so high before European exploration?
Who takes over the spice trade after the Muslims are cut out?
How did they cut out the Muslims?
8. Which 2 countries form East Indian companies?
What powers did these companies have?
9. Who drove the Mongols out of China in 1368 and became the first Ming Emperor?
10. How many voyages did Zheng He go on?
What did they do on these voyages?
11. Who was allowed to conduct foreign trade under the Ming dynasty?
12. Why did the Chinese NOT become highly industrialized during this time?
13. Under the Qing dynasty, which foreign countries would follow Chinese traditions in order to trade, and which was
14. What was life like for Chinese women at this time?
15. What were the classes in Japan’s feudal system?
How was Japanese feudalism similar/different from European feudalism?
16. What is the difference between the emperor and the shogun?
Who had more power?
17. What two types of Europeans first came to Japan?
Were they welcomed?
Why/why not?
18. Why were foreigners expelled?
19. What were the characteristics of Japan’s closed country policy?