June 14, 2011

UW‐Green Bay Retiree Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Jim Wiersma (president), Mark Brunette, Chuck Rhyner, Ken Fleurant, Sally Mancoske, Pat Przybelski,
Marge Weidner
Excused: Barb McClure Lukens, Mike Murphy, Betty Baer
The meeting was called to order at 9 a.m.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of May 10, 2011, were approved with the addition of Chuck Rhyner’s name to the excused list.
Scholarship Status and Future Awards
Mark distributed a draft copy of the criteria for the Retiree Association Scholarship. We will ask the
Financial Aid office to match students with the criteria of our scholarship. Because many freshmen drop out
of school and sophomores transfer because of their major area of expertise, we will change sophomore status
to read “junior or better status at UW-Green Bay.” We will also add the word “undergraduate” to: full-time
registered undergraduate student at the University. We can refine the criteria in the future as needed. The
scholarship this year will be for $700, split between fall and spring semesters. In the future, the scholarship
will be $350/year, splits between semesters.
The scholarship recipient will be invited to the scholarship reception and to our annual retiree banquet.
Oral History Project
Betty Baer was unavailable to attend the meeting, so we will discuss the oral history project at our August
meeting. Ken Fleurant indicated he talked with members of the oral history committee and new people are
needed to join. The committee is now done with their work and the project will end if no new members are
recruited to continue the project.
Mark Brunette Update
The Retiree Association Benefit Golf Outing is set for August 26 at the Shorewood Golf Course. Mark
distributed a copy of the sign-up sheet that will be distributed to all retirees by mail. The information will
also be put on the RA website and in the LOG.
Retiree Association Banquet
The date for the banquet is set for October 18 and it will include a social hour, a short business meeting to
include the annual report, election of officers (vice president, treasurer, and member at-large), list of new
retirees, and individuals recently deceased. The mailing for the banquet will go out 6-8 weeks prior to the
banquet and will include information about our scholarship.
We thought the business meeting could possibly begin during the dessert part of the meal. Paula Fleurant is
working on the theme and menu. Jim Wiersma will contact her to discuss any increase in cost from last year.
There was a discussion on music/entertainment and whether there should be background music during the
social hour, dinner, or both and whether music should be from a CD or a small group of musicians. Jim will
check into entertainment. We also discussed the possibility of asking an alumni or retiree to present a short
talk on what they are currently doing.
Jim distributed a draft of an interest survey that will be distributed at the banquet. The survey will ask
individuals to rate their interest on items such as a one-day bus tour, working on various retiree projects,
serving on the Board or on one of its committees, interest in presenting at a brown bag luncheon, etc. We
will continue to work on this at our next meeting.
New Business
— Pat Przybelski contacted the HR office to find out how we can get e-mail addresses for the new retirees.
Currently HR sends an e-mail with an attached letter to all retirees asking them to complete an exit survey.
We can either add a paragraph to the e-mail or to the attachment telling the retiree about our association and
asking them to forward their e-mail address to the membership committee if they would like to receive
information about upcoming events. Pat will prepare a short paragraph and send to members for approval.
We will then ask HR to include the paragraph in their e-mail to retirees.
— Sally Mancoske will contact Dave Kieper to check of the status of the retiree e-mail project: Has the
project been delayed? Has it become defunct and are we OK with that? Does it need to be revisited? etc.
Ken asked that if we have money left in the budget this year, might we think about purchasing an LCD
projector for retirees to borrow for presentations. Ken wanted to borrow one from Media Services and he
was going to be charged a rather substantial fee. Mark said he would check with Media Services to see if he
can check out the equipment under the Advancement Office.
— We need to discuss committees and chairs. Should the committee chair become a member of the Board?
Also, Ken is on the Board as past president. How long does his term continue? Does he remain on the Board
for two years until the current president’s term expires?
— We will ask Ken to include two items to every e-mail he sends to the listserve. 1) a link to our website,
making it easy to check out what is new, and 2) the question: Have you moved? Do you have a new e-mail
address? Please send updates or other information to retirees@uwgb.edu.
— Professor Emeritus Chuck Matter passed away April 18. There will be a gathering held on Sunday, June
26, at Shorewood from 3 to 5 p.m. to share memories and celebrate a life well lived. A “Charles Matter
Scholarship” fund has been established at UW-Green Bay.
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.
Our next meeting will be held August 9, 2011, at 9 a.m. in the Lambeau Cottage. We will not meet in July.
Pat Przybelski, Secretary