SUFAC Meeting Minutes for 9 Oct. 2008 I.

Meeting Minutes for 9 Oct. 2008
Call to Order
SUFAC Chair Tania Galligan called the meeting to order at 5:17pm.
Roll Call
a. Members Present: Lynsy Beckett, Andy Locke, Sheila Schroeder, Brianna
Markowski, Cheng Thao, OFO – Nicole Maas, Ricky Staley, John Lee, Chris
McDermott, Joe Tyrrell, Jessica Olive, Yue Yang, Jason Askew, Ron Ronnenberg
Recognition of Guests – Sarah Pratt- ASA; Jamie Karlin- SAGA
Approval of Agenda- Tania entertained the motion to strike item “E” from discussion
item. Joe motioned. Chris Seconded. Matt called the question. There was a hand raise to see who
was in favor of striking item “E” from the agenda. Tania entertained the motion to approve
agenda. Joe motioned. Yue seconded. Joe called the question. Matt acclimated.
Approval of Minutes- Tania entertained the motion to approve the minutes. Joe
motioned. Andy seconded. Joe called the question. Chris acclimated.
a. OFO: Contingency is $37,725.69 and small org is $1500.00.
b. Senate: Meeting on Monday.
c. SGA Exec: Monday there is a senate meeting and we will be submitting for approval
the 5th justice for student court. Still looking for someone for the Environmental affairs
Good Time Programming: Gretchen Witt will be in the Coffeehouse on Thursday.
Taylor Williamson is performing in the club Friday.
Vice Chair: No Report
Chair: Court will be either October 24 or October 21 at 6:30. Handout discussing how
orgs all over the UW system are being cut budgets. Stricter rules are being applied stating
events need to be involving the entire student body or no funding. If you still need to
register to vote, Tania stated that she can register you by Wed.
VII. Discussion Items
a. Meeting Conduct: Briefly discussed what was ok at meetings and what was not.
Committee needs to be respectful to presenters and other members. Side talking is ok if there
is a question or it could be disrespectful. In general, be respectful to board and presenters.
b. ASA: Sarah Pratt requested the amount of $200.00 on behalf of Accounting Students
Association. The purpose of the request was to send 20 students to IMA dinner in the fall. It is
a great experience for students to network with management accountants. It is encouraged for
students to attend the dinner on Oct. 21. Last year, quite a few students attended and had
funded themselves. The agency fund is going to be used for other events without SUFAC
c. SAGA- Jamie Karlin requested $1062.00 for the rest of the expense for performer Andrea
Gibson. She touches on many other topics besides gay and lesbian rights such as: women’s
rights and war. This will be her first time at UWGB and there are many academics interested
in using her performance as extra credit for students. Humanistic Studies and Women’s
studies donated $200.00.
d. Innovative Arts Management Request- Chris McDermott requested $409. 72 for the arts
management student summit in Stevens Point. Workshops are available for every student to
attend and there is a mock- tail reception being held at the end of the day were students can
learn to work with others and network with professionals. There are 17 students attending and
there is no advisor attending. Chris stated they had gotten a quote from Kobussen. This is a
practical way for students to put the things they learned in school to use. It is a chance for the
community to get involved and get students out into the community through internships. This
event is open to all students and is Nov. 7; not Oct. 7 as listed on request.
e. SUFAC Org. Budget Presentation- Tania presented a mock presentation to exercise the
information and see the process of which an org budget would be presented to the board. A
handout was given to the board showing a sample budget for SUFAC. It was an excellent
opportunity to see how an org budget would be presented and to have a little fun while
learning. Many questions were brought up by the board during this time regarding the sample
budget. Questions included: are travel requests open to the entire student body? Are they
advertised? Have you looked at cheaper alternatives to the things you requested? Where did
you find your locations for lodging and are those the most cost efficient?
VIII. Action Items
a. Phoenix Bytes- Tania entertained the motion to approve the Phoenix Bytes request. Joe
motioned to approve. Andy seconded. Chris called the question. Joe objected. Joe motioned to
enter committee of the whole for 15 minutes. Matt seconded. Ricky called the question. Matt
acclimated. Enter committee of the whole at 6:05. The committee discussed how the intent of
the project is not how the arcade machine will be used or stored, but rather to gain the
experience needed to build something at a higher level. Phoenix Bytes was very well prepared
for the presentation and had researched things in extreme detail. Joe motioned to exit
committee of the whole. Andy seconded. Joe called the question. Chris acclimated. Exit at
6:09. Matt called the question. Phoenix Bytes request approved 10-0-1. Motion carried.
b. Anime Club- Matt motioned to approve reallocation. Lynsy seconded. Joe called the
question. Roll call vote passed 11-0-0.
Announcements- Meeting is next week in the 1965 room at 5:15. Auxiliary presentations
start on Thursday with the Dean of Students. There will be copies in mailboxes. We will have a
timeline created soon through the next few months. Look over the sample budget and create a list
of questions.
Adjournment- Joe motioned. Andy seconded. Lynsy called the question. Matt acclaimed.
Meeting adjourned at 6:14 pm.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Amanda Hart
SUFAC Administrative Assistant