Exam 3 Review Questions 4.23.12 Format: 25-30 multiple choice

Exam 3 Review Questions 4.23.12
25-30 multiple choice
5-7 definitions
1 draw and label
4-6 short answer
-What is evolution?
-What are the key drivers of microevolution (4)? What are the different classes of
-What is Natural Selection and what are the some possible outcomes?
-Define taxonomy and systematics. How are they related?
-What two ways do we group or classify organisms?
-How do we determine phylogenies and what are the benefits and pitfalls of each
-Be able to read a phylogenetic tree and answer questions about it.
-How does cell division in fungi differ than cell division in plants?
-In general, how do fungi reproduce? Describe both strategies.
-What are the four main phyla composing the fungi? What are some of the traits
associated with each of these phyla?
-What are some benefits conferred by fungi?
-What about some detrimental aspects conferred by fungi?
-What are the three generalized life cycles? Draw out each of these cycles, labeling
sporophyte and gametophyte generations.
-What is alternation of generation?
-What are the phyla in the kingdom Protista? What do they all have in common?
-What does secondary endosymbiosis mean? What evidence exists that this has taken
place in certain protist lineages? Be able to name at least one of these lineages.
-Describe three different protist phyla. What are some of the interesting features of these
-What is the function of the contractile vacuole in euglenoids? How is this consistent with
what you know about osmolarity?
-Which group of protists is most likely to have given rise to the ancestor of land plants?
Name both the phylum and the class. Give evidence to support your answer.
-What’s the difference between the red and green algae?
-What is special about the life cycle of some of the red alga? What kind of reproductive
advantage might it serve?
-Which phyla are considered bryophytes?
-What traits do bryophytes have in common with vascular plants?
-What are the archegonia and antheridia? What function do they serve in bryophytes?
-What is matrotrophy?
-Which is the dominant phase of the bryophyte life cycle?
-What are the three main classes that are part of the Phylum Bryophyta?
-What are the interesting features you can describe about these classes?
-What are the three ways vasculature is arranged in vascular plants? Be able to draw
these and know where each type is predominantly found.
-What are two different types of leaves? What steps were required for their evolution?
-What is the difference between heterospory and homospory? What type of gametophytes
does each produce?
-What are the earliest know land plants? What did they look like?
-What are the two extant phyla of seedless vascular plants?
-What are the three orders of Lycopodiophyta? Be able to describe some of the general
features of each order.
-What are the four orders of pteridophyta? Be able to describe some of the general
features of each order.
-What is the function of a seed?
-How do gymnosperms differ from the plants we’ve talked about?
-What phyla make up the gymnosperms?