syllabus MISY 251.docx

King Abdulaziz University
College of Business - Rabigh
Introduction to Management Information System MISY 251 YB4 Course Syllabus 1435 / 1436
Class Day/Time/Location: Monday & Wednesday, 9:30-10:50, RG05/13A
Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday 12.30-1:00 pm and by mutual arrangement
INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Zelal Ahmed Kutby ROOM: Second floor EMAIL:
PHONE: 0535995425
This course provides an overview of information System in the business world. It presents an
organizational view of how to use information technology to create competitive firms, manage global
organizations, and provide useful products and services to customers. Topics include hardware,
software, databases, telecommunication System, and the strategic use of information System, the
development of information System, and social and ethical issues involved with information System.
1. Understand the ways in which organizations use information technology for competitive
2. Develop an understanding of the terminology associated with all aspects of information System.
3. Be familiar with data modeling concepts (E-R diagrams) used in database development.
4. Become familiar with key concepts related to hardware, software, telecommunications,
database System, and System development.
5. Examine long-term trends in information technology that will impact organizations in the future.
“Management Information Systems” 13th Edition by Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P. Laudon
1) Respect
Respect and be sensitive to the ideas, opinions, and property of others.
Think before you act and treat others with kindness and consideration.
Use only appropriate/respectful language
2) Responsibility
Take responsibility for your work and your actions.
Come to class with all required materials.
Consequences for not following these rules:
1. Verbal warning.
2. Loss of eligibilities or bonuses.
3. Move seat.
Tardy = not being in your seat 10 min from the beginning of the class.
Three tardiness = one absence, Six tardiness = two absence, and Nine tardiness = three absence
Absence = not in class
Students are expected to attend all classes.
(25%) or 4 absences in this class = elimination from the class.
Students absent for any reasons are expected to submit their work on time unless other arrangements
were made.
Absent from Midterm Exam or quiz is your responsibility and there is not making up exams, unless you
have an approval.
Absent from final = uncompleted class. Means you are allowed to take the final in this course with next
semester finals.
Homework POLICY
• You will be divided into groups. Each group will choose a unit in one of the modules to prepare and
present in front of the class. Topic choice will be based on the availability which means groups may not
get what they want to present about.
• Some assignments may take different forms from regular homework. For example, bringing a
newspaper article that is related to the class topic may count as a homework grade.
• Each group will prepare small activities at beginning of the class.(once during the semester)
All your major and small assignments will be placed in your groups portfolio to be assessed at the end of
the semester.
Academic Dishonesty
Students are expected to conduct themselves in an ethical manner in this course. Cheating of any kind
will not be tolerated. Any form of plagiarism or cheating on any assignment, quiz, test or project will
result in an immediate "F".
Cell phone: Turn off or keep your cellphone silent during the class, if there is an emergency tell me
before class or leave the class and then explain your situation.
Remember that our class is a community that is dependent on the respect, communication and
collaboration of each member for the success of the whole.
5 points
Midterm Exams
2 Assignment
Attendance and participation
Dhu al-Qidah
W 8/11
M 12/11
W 15/11
Chpt. 1 Information System in Global Business today
M 20/11
Chpt. 1 (Cont.)
W 22/11
Chpt. 1 (Cont.)
M 27/11
Chpt.2 Global E-business and collaboration
W 29/11
Chpt. 2 (Cont.)
Dhu al-Hijah
M 5/12- 12/12
No Class.
W 7/12-14/12
No Class
M 19/12
Chpt. 2 (Cont.)
W 21/12
Chpt. 2 (Cont.)
M 26/12
Chpt. 3 Information Systems, Organizations, and strategies
W 28/12
Chpt. 3 (Cont.)
M 3/1
Chpt. 3 (Cont.)
W 5/1
Chpt. 3 (Cont.)
M 10/1
Quiz 1
W 12/1
Chpt. 4 Ethical and social Issues in Information Systems
M 17/1
Chpt. 4 (Cont.)
W 19/1
Chpt. 4 (Cont.)
M 24/1
Chpt. 4 (Cont.)
W 26/1
Midterm Exam
M 2/2
Chpt. 5 Information Technology Infrastructure
W 4/2
Chpt. 5 (Cont.)
M 9/2
Chpt. 5 (Cont.)
W 11/2
Chpt. 6&7 Foundations of Business Intelligence/ Telecommunications, the internet, and wireless
M 16/2
Chpt. 6&7 (Cont.)
W 18/2
Chpt. 6&7(Cont.)
M 23/2
W 25/2
M 30/2
Rabi 1
W 2/3
Saturday 5/3
Finals Starting
This is a tentative schedule and any changes will be announced in class