Criteria Chart

SAMPLE Criteria Chart
Austin History Project – Written Portion
Allow students to help create a list that looks something like:
I know I’ve written a good Austin
History Project report if:
1. Our writing follows the outline we used when we took notes. This
means the writing is organized and follows a logical flow.
2. Paragraphs are well-written (include indentions, topic sentences,
each paragraph talks about only one idea; includes details about that
one idea)
a. Should sound realistic, like a real conversation with someone
b. Includes “voice” where appropriate.
3. We use our Writing Process strategies, including peer and student
conferencing after each step:
a. Draft
b. Revise
c. Edit
4. Followed what we’ve learned about how to write compostions that
a. Interesting introduction that introduces our topic (beginning)
b. Describes subtopics in individual paragraphs (middle)
c. Conclusion – re-states your topic in a new way; gives your
opinion (end)
5. Published piece is neat and legible with an obvious intent to do your
best work.