Document 15357548

Explain large group learning session
Apply group dynamics to a large learning
Describe various large group session
(conference, symposium, tutorial, role play,
debate …)
Explain advantages of large group session
Teacher controlled
lecture, symposium,
tutorial, demonstration
bed side clinic
Learner controlled
free group discussion, project,
self study, programmed study
Lecture :
A careful presentation of facts in an
organized manner by a qualified person
 One way activity
 Commonest teaching method
Traditional, convenient for a large group, covers
a large portion of the topic,
especially a new subject, or a concept, with upto-date summary from several sources,
Less effective with a passive / mixed student
group, too long, (45-60min) & no problem
solving / skill learning
1 . Plan carefully
Set objectives
Stress the main points
Give sub headings
Select more than one A-V aids
Plan student activity to break the time up
Plan feedback / follow up activities
Give enough time for questions
2 . Deliver confidently
Begin by arousing interest in the topic
Let the students know the objectives
Time management and speed
Assess learner response & react maturely
Notes to be handed out at the end - if ?
Questions are welcome!
Ask them to come after reading basics
Open with a series of Qs that they should be
able to answer at the end
Present a problem which can be solved by
listening carefully
Allow time towards the end of lecture to write
a summary or answer a few Qs
Clearly audible, visible
Interesting history, basic
latest developments,
Correct pace, complete
coverage, with
continuity, from
known to unknown
Clear objectives,
stimulates thinking
Mastery over language
Good sense of humor
Democratic and friendly
No personal mannerisms
Well informed
Considers learners view
Invites questions
Utilizes different AV aids
Enjoys teaching
Incoherent, language, volume, faces away
Poor A-V aids, crowded writing
Covers too much in too little a time, misses the
main points
Is reading his own notes – not expert
Knows every thing but do not know how to
transfer that knowledge
Be strict but polite
Implementation of an acceptable set of rules
Monitor the class room activities
Clarify what is unacceptable behavior and
respond consistently to it
Treat students with respect even when punishing
for breaking rules
Informal / Formal
Evaluation / Exam
Peer Evaluation
Video / Audio
Series of prepared talks by 2-5 persons with a
chair-person, in front of an audience
10-20 minutes each, on different aspects of a
Audience is passive except when allowed
question time, ‘symposium-forum’
Best for presentation of new ideas/
controversial topic.
Formal atmosphere / passive audience
An orderly and logical conversation on a given
topic by 4 or more experts in the presence of a
moderator, in front of an audience.
Topic is discussed from many angles
But not all aspects of the topic are covered
Moderator should keep it logical and balanced
Audience is passive, except ‘panel-forum’
Improving quality of teaching by using the
talents and skills of a team of teachers
Relay style
Same period - Integrated learning
Ability based teaching – workshop
Specialization based - multidisciplinary team,
integrated modular T-L on core subjects
Plan and preparation
Lecture itself delivered well
Learner oriented
Active participation
Follow up