أسئلة المحاضرة الخامسه

‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
‫جامعة المجمعة‬
‫كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية‬
‫قسم علوم المختبرات الطبية‬
Ministry of Higher Education
Majmaah University
College of Applied Medical Sciences
Department of Medical Laboratory
Lecture 5
Name of Instructor: Dr. Mosaab Omar
Location: Majmaah male campus
Please find the proper answer of the following:
1- ……………..A primary or secondary mycotic infection caused by members of
the genus Candida
a. Cutaneous mycoses
b. Tissue mycosis
c. Candidiasis
d. None of them
2- Which of the following statements regarding Candid are true except ………..
a. Thick cell wall of mannan and glucan polysaccharides
b. Unicellular
c. Reproduce by budding (asexual)
d. Multicellular and reproduce sexually
3- The most common cutaneous infections related to candid are ……………
a. Paronychia (skin around nail bed)
b. Onychomycosis (nails)
c. Diaper rash
d. Balanitis
e. All of them
4- Samples might be used for candida diagnosis ……………
a) Blood
b) Tissue
c) Urine
d) All of them
5- Candida can be treated by……………
a. Amphotericin B IV
b. Azoles
c. Antibiotic therapy
d. Both A and B
6- Candida lusitaniae is resistant to……………………..
a. C. lusitaniae (amphotericin B)
b. C. glabrata (fluconazole)
c. C. krusei (fluconazole)
d. All of them
7- Candida glabrata is resistant to………………..
a. C. lusitaniae (amphotericin B)
b. C. glabrata (fluconazole)
c. C. krusei (fluconazole)
d. All of them
8- 7- Candida krusei is resistant to………………..
a. C. lusitaniae (amphotericin B)
b. C. glabrata (fluconazole)
c. C. krusei (fluconazole)
d. All of them
4- The causative agent of Tinea versicolor is:
a. Cryptococcus neoformans
b. Malassezia furfur
c. Hortae (Exophiala) werneckii
d. Piedraia hortae
5- The causative agent of TINEA NIGRA is:
a. Cryptococcus neoformans
b. Malassezia furfur
c. Hortae (Exophiala) werneckii
d. Piedraia hortae
6- ……………….. is characterized by Brownish maculae on palms, fingers, face:
a. Tinea versicolor
b. Tinea nigra
c. Black piedra
d. All of the above
7- Tinea Nigra can be treated by………………..:
salicylic acid
tincture of iodine
Combination of both A and B
8- ………………………………..it is Fungal infection of the scalp hair:
a) Tinea versicolor
b) Tinea nigra
c) Black piedra
d) Aspergillus
9-…………… is fungal infection of facial, axillary or genital hair:
a) Tinea versicolor
b) Tinea nigra
c) Black piedra
d) White Piedra
10- The causative agent of white piedra is ………………….:
a. Cryptococcus neoformans
b. Malassezia furfur
c. Trichosporon (yeast)
d. Piedraia hortae