Unit 5 Interview Former Student

English Language (1) for
Computer Students
“ENG 126”
Unit 5:
“Interview Former Student”
BY : Dr.Yosry Azzam
1- Starter
 Match
a. LAN Topologies
6. Network Technology
b. PC Bus Architectures
1. Computer Architecture
c. Modems
10.Data Communications
d. How to connect printers
2. HW Installation & Maintenance
1- Starter (Contd.)
e. Unix Operating System
5. Multi-user Operating System
f. Pascal
9.Software Development Procedural
g. Writing a program
7. Software Development Life Cycle
h. Creating a database
11. Information Systems & Services
1- Starter (Contd.)
i. Maintenance of desktops Computer
8. Standalone Computer System Support
j Word processing and other office
3 Info Tech Applications (1)
k. Binary system
15 Mathematics for Computing
l. Making presentations
13 Communication
3- Listening
Part I
Part II
Part III
2 Listening
1. Which
of the subject areas listed in Task 1
does Paul mention?
HW Installation & Maintenance, Inf. Tech.
applications, SW development and
2. Which additional subjects does he mention?
planning, design, and programming
3 Why did he choose to do his Diploma in
There seemed to be more jobs in support , so
support seemed a better career move.
2 Listening (Contd.)
4. What practical work was included
in the course?
Assembling computers
5. Which subject did he particularly
3 Listening
1. What suggestions does Paul have
for improving the course? Note
a) his suggestions for improvement
and b) the reasons he gives.
Change the programming
component Perhaps to
Work Experience
Pascal & COBOL
are not in
Employers are
looking for it
3 Listening (Contd.)
2 Which of the subjects he studied has he
found useful in his work?
Note a) the subjects and b) examples in the
work situation.
Example in work situation
Learning Access To design databases for
System building To assemble computers
for customers
Communication Making presentations to
customers, job interviews
4 Listening
1. In which situations does Paul have
to learn fast?
When he has gone to customers
who want something fixed that he
doesn’t know about.
2 What sources does he use for help?
Books, manuals, PC magazines, the
Internet, Microsoft websites, and
the manufacturer’s websites.
4 Listening (Contd.)
3. What advice did the college
provide on sources of information?
One lecturer gave the students some
advice on where to look.
4. What was the problem with the set
It was full of mistakes such that it had
to be checked against other books.
4 Listening (Contd.)
5 How does he feel about going back
to college?
He had like to do a degree some
time but it is difficult to get the time
and money to do that.
Language work: Past simple questions
 Study
these examples of questions
about the past.
 Asking about quantity:
-How many days a week did you study?
-How much programming did you do?
 Asking about time:
-When did you study Communication?
Language work: Past simple questions
 Asking about people:
-Who taught you Maths?
-Whose classes did you most enjoy?
 Asking about things:
-What made you choose computing
-What did you like most?
 Asking about actions:
-What did you do on Fridays?
-What happened on Monday mornings??
5.Language work:
What questions might the interviewer have
asked to obtain the information in italics?
1- How many subjects did you study in
your first term?
2- How many days each week did you have
3- What did you have on Monday morning?
4- Which day was a free day for home
5- Where did you have Systems Analysis
on Wednesday?
5.Language work:
What questions might the interviewer have
asked to obtain the information in italics?
6- What did you study on Thursday?
7- When did programming happen?
8- How often did communication
take place?
9- Whose classes did you like most?
10- When did you have your lunch
6. Word Study: UP- and –UP verbs
1.To avoid losing data, you should back up
your files regularly.
2.You can upgrade your PC by adding a new
3. Delete some files to free up space on
your hard disk.
4. Data is uploaded from regional PCs to
the company's mainframe each night.
5.The operating system boots when you
start up your computer.
6. She's taking a course to update her
knowledge of computing.
6. Word Study: UP- and –UP verbs
7. The computer checks the memory when
it starts up.
8. He set up a website to advertise his
travel company.
9.You can keep up/ catch up with
developments by reading PC magazines.
10. If you miss a class, you can study the
hand-outs to keep up/ catch up.
11. The image in a digital camera is built up
from a red, green and blue image.
7. Speaking
Role Play: Work in pairs. Using the
tapescript for Part 1 of the
interview, on page 196, play the
parts of the Interviewer and Paul.
8. Writing
Study the description of a computer
course.Then write a description of
your own computing course, or one
of its components, in the same way.