2nd RodCouncil Meeting of the Year I.

2nd RodCouncil Meeting of the Year
Intro’s and Ice Breaker (What fruit would you be)
● Matt Baron - pineapple
● Ben Gilbert - kumquat
● John Hack ● Sreems - mango
● Kevin Seitter - ugli fruit
● Tanya - strawberry
● Richard - blood orange
● Katherine - 1st year!!!, Chem E, grapes
● MacKenzie - 1st year!!!, guava
● Gage - 1st year!!!, avocado
● Amy - 1st year!!!, systems?, litchi
● Sean - 1st year!!, BME?, apples
● Jack - 1st year!!, BME?, watermelon
● Catherine - blackberry
● Joey - banana (WORDS OF WISDOM: you are what you eat)
● Mario - pomegranate
● Brian - cantaloupe
● Mike - passion fruit
● Dasha - raspberry
Officers not present:
○ Wilson
○ Sam
○ Naveed
○ Kelly
○ Patrick
○ Nipun
○ Garrett
Officer Updates
A. Academic
1. Yoga is almost set up
a) There hasn’t been a class yet
b) Admin….
c) People enrolled though, scheduling still being set up
d) Possible conflict with ENGR 1410 class? move 15 minutes??
e) Credit??? Will there be enough classes?
B. Advising
1. Elzey’s birthday tomorrow
a) Cake supplied after ENGR 1410 class gets out
b) Nice sheet cake with pic of Elzey’s IRONSIDES
2. Next advising event is during RodFest
a) Advisor-advisee olympics!!!!
(1) Events and prizes being planned
(2) Conflicts with classes if at beginning?
3. Grad school dinner (reception/social?) week before Thanksgiving
a) Getting someone from each engineering department and some
med school folks
(1) Admission officer for UVA Med School please
(2) Faculty suggestions please send email to Ben or Matt
b) Location TBD
c) Broaden scope of title (research, med school)
4. Majors speed-dating for first years
a) Some time in between RodFest and grad school dinner
(1) Lines up with class selection
(a) 2nd week of November
C. Communications
1. Website suggestions
a) Richard - not a BME, CS major
b) Update “contact us”
2. Alumni discussion
a) Pull Kelly (networking) and Communications together
b) Communications collect info specifically on 4th years
(1) Maybe not so early, wait until 2nd semester
3. Minutes
a) Need to put up on website
b) Everybody on RodCouncil should have access to Google Doc
4. Feedback
a) Semesterly general Rodman body feedback on RodCouncil
b) Individuals can submit personal feedback or suggestions.
(1) Website
(2) Google docs
(3) Create an email for it?
c) Purpose:
(1) Rodman programming
(a) what did people like/not like
(2) Info
(a) Who is doing research/internships
(b) Cool stories
d) Combine feedback and data collection
(1) Get Elzey to send those out? People probably will read
5. Entrepreneurship
a) Hack Cville
b) Medical Hackathon
(1) October during Fall Break
(2) Free food, prizes, cool sponsors
(3) Circuit and prototyping workshops
(4) Business pitching workshops
c) Charlottesville EG
d) What even is a hackathon?
(1) Intense short time competition where groups go go from
initial business pitch to initial prototyping
e) Want to put together resource newsletter that goes out to people
(1) Include in communications newsletter
(2) List on the website
(a) More for people outside of program
6. Networking
a) Not present again, RIP physics test
7. Social
a) Camping
(1) Misty Mountain camp resort (#blessed)
(a) Amenities, HORSEBACK RIDING neighhhhhh
Cabins, yayyyyyyy
Get opinions if people prefer tents?
(a) Cost difference?
(b) The “tent poll”
(b) Renting equipment from Mem Gym
What about outdoors club/slaughter??
(c) Poll going out for best weekend availability
Before RodFest probably best
October 4th?
b) RodFest
(1) Got a save the date email from Elzey
(2) Expect an email from Mike
(a) If you’d like a carbon copy of the previous one, ask
(b) Info on coordinating rides
(c) Pregame????? (jk)
2nd years)
d) Rotunda (RIP) dinner
(1) Hotel E Garden Room
(a) Don’t take observations until October
Saturday night
March 21st?
UVA Catering
(b) Yiqi made the suggestion
(c) No plan B, maybe special collections
(a) Mike will investigate
e) Other things going on (probably decide through poll and not
anytime soon, probs better for spring):
(1) Paintball
(2) Open mic night
(3) Humpack
8. 2nd Year Class Reps
a) Bodos on the lawn
(1) Has to happen, Mario’s campaign promise
(2) $20 → 35 bagels
(3) Cream (eme?) cheese
b) Humpback
(1) Maybe better for smaller group
(a) ...maybe sunset
c) Carter’s Mountain
d) Transportation in general?
(1) Probably get people in class to volunteer
(2) Lots of people cars
9. 3rd Year Class Reps
a) Compile awards for research or entrepreneurship, Rodmans who
got it so you can contact them?
(1) Maybe good for annual report too
(2) Long term
(3) URN partnership?
b) RodCouncil - Local corporate sponsors $$$$$$$
(1) Maybe work with entrepreneurship?
(2) Workshops, working with people in “real world”
(3) Better opportunities we provide, increase attractiveness of
10. 4th Year Class Reps
a) Yiqi sent a list to Sreems
b) Old Rag
11. Presidents
a) Honor 4 founding members of Rodman Program
(1) Coordinate with Dean’s Office
(2) Funding from Dean’s Office
(3) Highlight evolution of the program
b) Want to grow alumni outreach
(1) Elzey doing a lot of work here
(2) What’s best way to periodically reach out to them besides
just sending them one report each year
(3) Give them info on how to give back?
(4) Working a lot with Kelly
c) Echols council reaching out to us (for real?)
(1) Help their re-formation
(2) Rodman and Echols programming
d) Pizza chair
(1) We’re really bad at feeding ourselves
First Year Rep Elections
A. Congrats to Amy and Gage
B. Service initiatives????