Ramadan Explained

Ramadan Explained
Ramadan Mubarak
NHS Blackburn with Darwen
Valuing the Richness that Diversity
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presentations for Information
Aims of the presentation
• To provide information, advice and
guidance on arrangements during
Ramadan (Ramzan).
• Based on the organisations values and
principles of valuing the richness that
diversity brings.
• We believe it is important that employees of
the PCT understand the religious and
cultural traditions of the people we serve
and of those we work with in line with
Employment Equality (Religion and Belief)
Regulations 2003 and the Equality Act
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What is Ramadan?
• 9th month of the Hijri Calendar (Lunar
• The Lunar calendar is approx 10 days
shorter than the Gregorian calendar.
• Ramadan begins at the sighting of the
new Moon.
– Commencing 1st / 2nd September 2008*
• Ramadan ends at the Waning
• Eid Ul Fitr falls at the end of Ramadan
– 1st / 2nd October 2008*
*these dates are approximate as commencement of Ramada
and Eid are determined by the Lunar Calendar
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Significance of Ramadan
• It is the 4th pillar of the 5 pillars
of Islam.
• It is the month in which the
Qur’an (the holy book of Islam)
was revealed.
• It is a special month of fasting,
repentance, increased prayer
and increased charity which
people of the Muslim faith
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Examples of Current Practice
• Fasting (Roza)
– During daylight hours is an essential
element of Ramadan. Roza starts at
dawn and ends at sunset.
– Involves changing the balance of daily
life i.e. doing less of the ordinary daily
activities to practice self restraint and
more of the spiritual, religious, moral and
charitable activities.
– The person must not eat, drink, chew,
smoke, swear, sing or dance, bully or
fight with others, engage in sexual
activity and must refrain from things that
may be offensive to others.
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Examples of Current Practice
• Fasting continued:
– Muslims are expected to start and finish the
Roza on time.
– Muslims who are fasting will need to break
their fast at the prescribed time (sunset).
– Deliberately doing anything which is
prohibited will break the fast and this is
seen as bad or even worse that not fasting
at all.
– All Muslims fast except:
• Children, Adults who are unwell or travelling
long distances, women who are
menstruating, in post-child birth care,
pregnant or breast feeding.
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Examples of Current Practice
• Prayer Times and facilities:
– Ramadan is a time when Muslims try to
spend time in prayer and religious
– There is an all year round requirement
for Muslims to pray five times daily at
given times.
– The most important prayer for Muslims
is the ‘Jummah’ prayer on Friday
afternoon, during Ramadan Muslims are
expected to offer extra prayers every
evening (Taraveeh prayers).
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Examples of Current Practice
• As Ramadan is the celebration of
the giving of the Qur’an to the world
many Muslims will try to read the
whole of the Qur’an during this
• The evening before the 27th Roza is
especially important as it is believed
to be the very first day the Qur’an
was revealed to the prophet. Many
Muslims will stay up very late saying
prayers and reading the Qur’an.
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Working with Muslim Colleagues
• During Ramadan:
– Try not to invite Muslim Colleagues to
meetings which include lunch or extend after
5 pm.
– Be understanding that this is the most special
month in a Muslim's Calendar.
– Be aware that it is common for Muslim’s to
take annual leave during the last week of
Ramadan, as the last 10 days are very
important and also to take in Eid.
– Eid Day is taken as a day to be spent with
family and friends.
– Greeting colleagues saying ‘Ramadan
Mubarak’ (Blessed Ramadan) is a polite way
to greet colleagues during Ramadan.
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Working with local Muslim
• Consider fasting times when arranging meetings
and home visits.
• Ramadan is a holy month for most Muslim
families. This means that families will be waking
up during the night to eat and pray until the early
hours of the morning and some families may go
back to bed. So early morning visits from health
professionals should be avoided unless they are
necessary. (presently fasting opens at around
• Visiting patterns need to be flexible and
negotiated with individual families to save
inconvenience and time.
• Clinic appointments may be better in the early
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It is hoped that this information will help
colleagues to gain more understanding of
what Ramadan means to our Colleagues
who are of the Muslim Faith.
Jules Wall
Diversity and Equality Manager
Blackburn with Darwen Teaching Primary Care Trust
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presentations for Information