NSF GK-12 2011-2012 Teaching Journals

Teaching Journals
The objective of the journal is to provide fellows with a place through which they can capture their activities
and reflections throughout their GK-12 fellowship. Fellows will also use these journal entries to extract
information needed for the “Summary Reflections” we will use in evaluation of the successes and the
obstacles to achieving the goals of GK-12 Program.
Fellows will make at least one journal entry each week (~600 word maximum). Each journal entry should
include notes on what the fellow did during the week (hours, tasks, etc.), the challenges and successes
experienced, and comments relative to one of the journal discussion topics listed below. The topic discussed
each given week is the choice of the fellow, but each topic should be addressed at least once during
each semester.
Journal Discussion Topics:
1) K-12 Issues
Discuss things that happen in the schools or issues that affect what happens in the schools that you were
not aware of prior to your experience in the GK-12 program (i.e. No Child Left Behind, funding, student
home lives, learning levels, etc.)
2) Fellow-Teacher Team Planning
Discuss progress that you have made in cooperating with your teacher and the process you have used to
integrate your work into his/her curriculum. Also discuss any coordination or planning you have done
with other content areas, teachers, fellows, agencies, and UMD faculty.
Describe any issues you have encountered in this area and how you overcame them?
3) Inquiry Teaching Methods
Describe what inquiry teaching methods you have been introduced to; which you have mastered; how
will you use them in the future?
4) Levels of confidence as communicators of STEM
When you started what was your level of confidence in communicating STEM knowledge? If your level
of confidence has changed, describe where you would evaluate yourself now, and what contributed to
this change.
5) Demonstration of self-reflection and assessment
What role does reflection play in your work with learners? What role should it play, discuss any
similarities or differences.
6) Interventions to improve your teaching
How did you use feedback from teachers or students to improve your teaching effectiveness? What form
did that feedback take?
7) Interventions to improve student learning
How have you used collaborative review of student work to monitor and adjust your teaching to improve
student learning? Describe examples.
8) Levels of interaction with teachers & students
Describe changes you have seen in the level or style of communication between you and the teacher
and/or students as the year progressed. Discuss why you think those changes have occurred.