Welcome to the 2 WSR-88D Level II Data Stakeholders Workshop!!

Welcome to the
Level II Data Stakeholders
We’ve Come a Long Way!
New Years Eve, 1998
(January, 1999 AMS Annual Meeting)
1 Radar
We’ve Come a Long Way!
February, 2000 (CRAFT Workshop
in Norman) – 6 Radars
We’ve Come a Long Way!
January, 2001 (AMS Annual Meeting)
14 Radars
We’ve Come a Long Way!
January, 2002 (AMS Annual Meeting)
We’ve Come a Long Way!
Why are we Here?
The CRAFT R&D experiment has provided a great deal of
useful information about
Data compression
Real time Internet-based transmission strategies
Data reliability, latency (timeliness)
Uses of real time Level II data (academia and private industry)
CRAFT has created effective linkages with the private
sector (end of NIDS agreement)
The NWS is using lessons learned in CRAFT to investigate
the possibility of collecting and distributing Level II data;
one scenario could make data available in early/mid 2004
Much of the basic R&D within CRAFT is finished (much
more to be done in using the data), and thus we’re at a
crossroads: several questions need to be addressed
Key Questions for the Workshop
What are the Level II needs and requirements of the nongovernment sectors?
Given that these sectors are important to the operational enterprise,
can their needs be accommodated by the NWS scenarios now under
development? (soon, eventually, never)
Does the present CRAFT system, or an expanded version of it,
represent a viable option for Level II distribution to non-government
– If so, for how long will it be needed?
– Can it be operated synergistically with the NWS as its effort spins up?
– Could it serve as a short-term backup to the NWS system
What are the technical and administrative options?
Would the CRAFT methodology be sufficiently reliable and costeffective?
Are we positioned to deal with planned expansions of radar data
volume (e.g., new VCPs; dual-pol; ½ deg x ¼ km)?
A Strategy for Finding Answers
Gather the key stakeholders
Within a framework of EXTENSIVE DIALOG…
– Provide information about CRAFT
Technical strategy
– Learn of private sector experiences to date in the use of real time
Level II data from CRAFT
– Establish a clear set of non-government user needs and
requirements for transmission back to the NWS (tri agencies)
– Provide information about NWS plans and discuss their viability
for accommodating other user needs
– Examine scenarios for Level II data distribution, including costs
are administrative structures
– Discuss benefits and incentives – should be a win-win
The End Game
A brief workshop summary (paper) for delivery
to Dr. Jack Hayes at the NWS Office of Science
and Technology, with copies to
– NEXRAD Technical Advisory Committee
– USWRP Interagency Working Group (birthplace of
Project CRAFT)
– Commercial Weather Services Association
– Executive Director of the AMS (for subsequent
distribution, e.g., Board of Private Sector Meteorology)
– Others…
Possibly a personal briefing to OST and other