Promotion Abstracts2004StudServ.doc

Instructor to Assistant Professor:
Michael Johnson, DCC Student Services – M.S.Ed. from SUNY College at
Brockport; B.A. from SUNY at Buffalo. First year at MCC – 1999. Mr. Johnson is
tremendously committed to the counseling role that he holds at the Damon City
Campus. One of his major responsibilities includes the oversight of disability
services for the campus, and he was instrumental in creating policy and protocol
related to students with disabilities. During this tenure, the number of students
with disabilities has tripled, and the needs of those students have been
challenging. He is viewed as a mentor, coach, and leader to students at DCC
and is known for his handling of numerous walk-ins, many of whom ask for him
personally due to his open and giving nature with students. He serves the entire
student population at DCC in his counseling role and, in particular, is a strong
role model for African American urban men; he is always available to offer
support and mentorship to this special population. Michael actively engages
students in learning through his involvement with campus events and
programming and has been active in student leadership programs and in several
DCC student government initiatives. As the Career and Transfer Center has
grown in the last three years, he has been a leader and has trained the interns,
enhanced materials and developed policy and protocol for the center. He took
the initiative this year to apply to the United Way of Greater Rochester’s African
American Leadership Development Program and has begun to use this
experience in practical applications at DCC, expressing an interest in taking a
more active role in administrative functions within student services.
Advisor to Senior Advisor:
Susan Rock, Graduation Certification – A.A.S. from Monroe Community
College. First year at MCC – 1998. Ms. Rock is constantly trying to find new
ways to better serve those who come to the Graduation Certification Office. She
is always eager to help students and it is not unusual for her to make phone calls
to get information for students or walk them to another office to help them get
answers to their questions. She developed and leads an ADV workshop for
faculty. She continues to involve herself in the co-curricular program as the staff
advisor to WMCC, the campus radio station. She has embraced the concept of
community service with the WMCC student leaders, and she sets an example
with her support of important College functions. She also serves as the alumni
representative to the Board of Directors of the MCC Association, Inc. where she
is a valuable participant in setting policy for this organization. Sue also has
worked evenings as an advisor in the Counseling Center.
Technical Assistant to Senior Technical Assistant:
Christian Caswell, Hazard Prevention – A.A.S. from Monroe Community
College. First year at MCC – 1995. Mr. Caswell took on the responsibility to
install, repair and maintain all of the Public Safety security systems. He is the
systems manager and administrator of all software, hardware and technical
equipment for all those security systems. He assists the Public Safety staff with
his technical expertise in computerized access control, web cameras, digital
voice recording, and intrusion systems. He assisted Public Safety with ensuring
that all systems at the residence halls were functioning along with the fire alarm
and sprinkler systems. He has learned the new network video recording system
and is instrumental in seeing that it operates as designed to do. He has
maintained inspections and testing of systems in compliance with NFPA
guidelines. He attended training on the incident command system. He attends
Emergency Management classes and Incident Command Training and trains
others in emergency medical services and specific public safety system