RHA and Community Council printable application

Residence Hall Association Officer
Community Council
Brianna Brown, RHA President, bbrown26@twu.edu
Mere Maddox, RHA Advisor, mmaddox@twu.edu
Spring 2016
Dear Applicant,
We appreciate your consideration of a Residence Hall Association (RHA) Officer or Community Council
position for the 2016-2017 academic year. RHA is an organization that represents the residents living on
campus at Texas Woman’s University (TWU). By actively being involved and serving on either the Residence
Hall Association or Community Council Executive Board, you will gain excellent leadership experience and
networking skills all while exploring new opportunities and growing as a student leader on campus.
In order to be eligible for a position as an RHA Officer or in Community Council, you must complete an
application. Applications, will be due to the RHA Office in Guinn Hall as soon as possible. Applicants please
keep in mind if you are eligible you will be receiving an email from an RHA Executive Board member to
inform you of further information in regards to the next steps in the process to your TWU Email.
On behalf of the Residence Hall Association, we thank you for your interest and wish you the best of luck with
your academic school year!
Brianna Brown, President
Vanessa Colegio, Vice President
Jocelyn Bonilla, Secretary
Allyson Titus, Treasurer
Kaylah An'Dream, Public Relations
Shayla Alexander, NCC
Kaye Ibrahim Hashim, NCC-IT
Mere Maddox, Advisor
Duties of the RHA Executive Officers will be to:
A. Attend Executive Officer Trainings (including returning to campus before move-in; date varying upon the
executive board), attend General Assembly meetings, Executive Officer meetings, in-service training, retreats,
and other RHA sponsored activities.
B. Until RHA REPS (Residents Extending Positive Success) are appointed, the executive officers shall all be
required to plan and coordinate all the major events planned for the Residence Halls or On-Campus Apartments
during each semester.
C. Each Executive Officer should be available to attend two summer orientation sessions to represent RHA.
D. Represent RHA at meetings with administrators of Texas Woman's University and serve on appropriate
University committees.
E. Attend a regional or national conference, provided that funds are available, per term in office.
F. Establish, maintain, and publicize the specific number of office hours per week for the respective position.
G. Conduct oneself in a manner that is keeping with the purpose of RHA and in accordance with its Constitution and
governing documents.
H. Take the Oath of Office for the respective office.
I. Provide a forum for the expression of concerns of the residents of each Residence Hall and/or On-Campus
Apartments (Residential Hall Forum).
J. Investigate and pursue issues relevant to the quality of life of the residents.
Duties of the Vice President of RHA will be to:
Assume the responsibilities and powers of the President in his/her absence.
Assist the President in duties of office.
Maintain a 2.5 GPA.
Hold Chair of Hall Governments/Councils position and assume responsibility for Community Council
involvement and activities.
Serve as a liaison between RHA and Community Councils.
Oversee standing and special purpose committees and keep permanent records of committee reports and
Community Council minutes.
Record Community Council attendance and compile contact information for all Community Councils.
Serve as the RHA Elections Commissioner and coordinate the Annual Spring Elections process including
advertising, drawing-up the ballot, distributing and collecting ballots, and counting votes. If the Vice-President
cannot fulfill these duties because he/she is running in the Elections the order of succession will be as follows:
Publicity Coordinator, Secretary, Treasurer, NCC, and President. If all Executive Officers are running in the
Elections the President can appoint an Elections Chair in order from the Community Councils then from the
General Assembly.
Hold ten working hours per week that includes office coverage as well as RHA meetings, the executive officer
meetings, and other committee meetings. RHA programs and events.
Transition the new Vice President
Duties of the Secretary of RHA will be to:
A. Keep permanent records of the RHA proceedings and correspondence.
B. Take minutes at General Assembly meetings and make available a copy of the RHA General Assembly minutes to
all members of the RHA General Assembly, Executive Board and RHA Advisor(s). Take minutes at all
Executive Officer meetings and provide minutes to the Executive Officers and the Advisor(s) within one week of
each meeting.
C. Send RHA Executive Officer meeting minutes to the SGA Secretary in office by the deadline in which the SGA
Secretary determines.
D. Holds ten working hours per week that includes office coverage as well as RHA meetings, the executive officer
meetings, and other committee meetings. RHA programs and events.
E. Compile a handout that shall consist of contact information, schedules, office and volunteer hours of all Executive
Officers, Advisors.
F. Compile a handout that shall consist of contact information and sign-in sheet for RHA Reps (Residents Extending
Positive Success) and General Assemblies.
G. Coordinate all RHA correspondence including picking up and dropping off mail in Central Housing on weekly
basis for Executive Meeting.
H. Transition the new Secretary
Duties of the National Communications Coordinator (NCC) of RHA will be to:
A. Coordinate all travel and transportation plans for all conferences.
B. Complete records for all sub regional, regional, and national organizations; and prepare copies for the RHA
President and Advisor(s).
C. Organize all pre-conference activities (t-shirts, spirit promotion, and display).
D. Present monthly reports at the RHA General Assembly and Executive meetings.
E. Create and maintain an open dialogue between TWU RHA and those at other schools, including other NCC’s.
F. Be familiar with the National Communication Coordinator Guidelines as stated in the SWACURH and NACURH
Policy Books.
G. Responsible for effective communication, which includes completing all paperwork and forms required to
maintain TWU RHA's membership, between SWACURH and NACURH.
H. Attend SWACURH, NACURH, No Frills, and Texas/Mexico Subregionals Conferences as funding is available
from the organization.
I. Write one award bid or 2 pieces of legislation for each regional conference.
J. Serve as Liaison for communication between RHA and the National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH).
K. Hold ten working hours per week that includes office coverage as well as RHA meetings, the executive officer
meetings, and other committee meetings. RHA programs and events.
L. Transition the new NCC
Responsibilities of the Community Council Members shall be:
Serve as a representative of the Community Council in which you reside
Serve as a liaison between residents and the Residence Hall Association
Maintain a minimum 2.4 GPA
Attend Mandatory retreats (date varying upon the RHA executive board)
Attend Community Council weekly meetings
Attend RHA sponsored activities/events
Plan and coordinate all CC events in which you are representing
Assist the RHA Executive board on large programs
Attend regional conferences
Establish and maintain a communication between you and the RHA Vice President
Conduct oneself in a manner that is keeping with the purpose of RHA and in accordance with its Constitution and
governing documents
L. Fulfill all job duties specified for her/his respective position as outlined in the RHA constitution
M. Investigate and pursue issues relevant to the quality of life of the residents
Responsibilities of the Community Council President shall be:
Serve as the official representative and administrator of Community Council
Serve as a liaison between your Community Council and the RHA Vice President
Call and preside over all meetings the Community Council board
Conduct official organizational business
Appoint all standing chairs, such as special purpose committees, with approval of the Community Council board
Delegate responsibilities as deemed necessary
Keep an updated transition binder for suggestions and procedures that will be passed on to successors and present
it at the time of transition
H. Vote only in the case of a tie
I. Coordinate the budgetary process for the semester with consultation with the Treasurer of your Community
J. Reside in the Texas Woman's University housing
Responsibilities of the Community Council Vice President shall be:
A. Assume the responsibilities and powers of the President in his/her absence
B. Assist the President in duties of office
C. Oversee standing and special purpose committees and keep permanent records of committee reports
D. Serve as the Community Council Elections commissioner and coordinate the election process. This includes
advertising, drawing up the ballot, distributing and collecting ballots and counting votes. If the Vice-President
cannot fulfill these duties because he/she is running the elections the order of succession will be as followed:
Publicity Coordinator, Secretary, Treasurer, President
Residence Hall Association and
Community Council Board Member Application
Please print clearly and legibly using black or blue ink.
Name: ______________________________________________ TWU ID: _________________________
Phone Number: ___________________
Community Building & Room Number: _______________
Classification: ___________
TWU E-mail address: ___________________________________
RHA Officer Position applying for:
President ___
Vice President N/A
Secretary N/A
Public Relations __
Community Council position applying for:
___ Guinn Hall
___ Stark Hall
___ Jones, Bent Tree, Lonestar, LaMaureta, Vineyard, Withers
___ Lowry Woods, Austin Place & Austin Villas
Position Applying for (Circle One):
President ___
Vice President___
Secretary ___
Public Relations __
Previous Leadership Experience: ______________________________________________________________
Why do you want to hold an executive position? __________________________________________________
What can you bring to the Community Council and the residents of your current Hall or
What Advantages do you see in residing on campus at TWU? ________________________________________
**Please note that you must be a resident of the community in which you are applying 2016-2017.**
Specific information regarding officer responsibilities is in this application.
Upon receipt of your completed application, you will be contacted to schedule a brief meeting with the current
Residence Hall Association Officers.
If you have any questions, please contact the RHA office, Guinn Hall Commons, 940-898-3618 or Housing Office, 940-898-3676.