
Suggested Changes to the CCSF Prototype Web Site
Home Page:
1. Change “Student Services” to “Student Development and Services”
2. Change “Community Outreach” to “Community Information”
Student Services Page:
1. Move “Resource Centers” from this page; as it is not related to Student Services.
2. On left-side list, include Homeless Program as a link (
3. On left-side list, remove “Special Service Programs” as they are all related to educational
4. On left-side list, change “Transfer” to “Transfer Center”
Community Outreach Page:
1. Change “Community Outreach” to “Community Information”
2. Change text to read as follows:
City College is a vibrant part of the San Francisco community and greater Bay Area. Find out
about the college’s special events <<same URL>>, college media <<same URL>>, Foundation
<<URL:>> , Public Safety <<URL:>>, and outreach activities <<URL to be
developed>> and get involved.
Members of the media can contact the Public Information Office <<same link>> about City
College, its history, and its outstanding faculty, staff, administration, and student body.
Kimberly Bolding/ Dr. Juanita Owens
Vice Chancellor of Student Development, 9/4/02