NSP000028_Tukituki Catchment Proposal Template_ for_Comments_on_Draft_Decision from High Court Referral.docx

Comments on the draft decision in relation to the matters referred back to the Tukituki
Board of Inquiry by the High Court
The High Court referral back to the Tukituki Catchment Proposal Board of Inquiry (the Board) directed them to reconsider their decision only on
including the factual deeming provision in Rule TT1(j) of Plan Change 6 (PC6) and the conditions of consent for the Ruataniwha Water Storage
Scheme (RWSS) in light of the changes the Board made to Rule TT1(j).
The Board now invites any comments from the applicants, relevant local authorities, submitters, relevant Ministers and the landowners and
occupiers directly affected by the decision that was granted previously by the Board on 18 June 2014, on minor or technical aspects of the draft
report in relation to these two matters within 10 working days after the date the draft decision is released. You may include only comments:
 On minor errors in the report.
 On the wording of amendments made to Rule TT1(j) and consequential amendments made in Plan Change 6 as specified in the report.
 On the wording of amendments made to Schedule Three of the RWSS consent conditions as specified in the report.
 If you consider there are omissions in the report (for example, if the report does not address a certain issue that is within scope of the directions
from the High Court).
Your comments must be received by the Environmental Protection Authority by 4pm on 15 May 2015.
Comments can be received either via email on tukituki.proposal@epa.govt.nz, fax (04) 914 0433 or by post. The address to send comments to is:
Amy Selvaraj, Environmental Protection Authority, Private Bag 63002, Wellington, 6140
(Note: if sending comments by email or fax, please put “Tukituki Catchment Proposal: Comments on draft decision in relation to matters referred
back by the High Court” in the subject line).
Parties are encouraged to work with other parties with similar interests for comments, to avoid repetition.
The Board will consider any comments received and then make its decision and produce a final report.
April 2015
Provision of comments on minor or technical aspects
Representing (if applicable):
Local Authority
Directly Affected
I/we would like to provide the following comments:
(Page & paragraph; condition number;
Amendment sought
Correct typographical error.
Replace “maters” with “matters”.
Pg [XX], Para [XX]
Additional pages may be added or attached to this document.
April 2015