1301.Topic Nine.doc

1301 Topic Nine: Growing Pains 1816-1840
A. Removal of opposition
1. Native Americans removed
a. allows for huge migration westward
2. Spanish in Florida
a. Adams-Onis Treaty 1819
B. American System
1. Hamiltonian policies adopted
a. Bank of US
b. internal improvements
c. high tariffs
d. raise price of land, but easy money practices
2. Transportation Revolution
a. roads
b. canals
c. steamboats
C. Industrial Growth/Agricultural Growth
1. Factory system emerges in the North
a. textile factories, decline of putting out system
b. more international trade
c. high tariffs
d. but only 9% of population in industry
2. Cotton becomes king in the South
a. by 1840, 75% of world’s cotton grown in US
3. All helped by new forms of transportation
D. Monroe and the Era of Good Feeling
1. No political fighting
2. Served as Madison’s Sec. of State
a. chose John Quincy Adams as Sec. of State
3. Panic of 1819
a. blamed on Bank of the US
4. Missouri Compromise
a. question of slavery
5. Monroe Doctrine
a. No European interference in the Americas
E. Cementing National Power through the Supreme Court
1. Chief Justice is John Marshall
2. Dartmouth College vs. Woodward
a. SC has power to overturn state court decisions
3. McCulloch vs. Maryland
a. asserted supremacy of national government
b. states have no power over federal agencies
4. Gibbons vs. Ogden
a. Congress regulates interstate commerce
5. Johnson vs. McIntosh
a. citizens could not buy land from natives
b. government defines native policy
6. Worcester vs. Georgia
a. states cannot take away native land
b. tribes given ‘sovereign’ status
F. Election of 1824
1. JQ Adams vs. Andrew Jackson
a. Adams win, “corrupt bargain”
2. Taints Adams’ presidency
3. Marquis de Lafayette visits country
4. Both Jefferson and Adams die on 4 July, 1826
a. end of the Revolutionary War era
G. Andrew Jackson
1. elected in 1828
2. lets Bank of US lapse
3. Nullification Crisis
H. Martin Van Buren
1. Panic of 1837
2. Rise of the “new” American
a. more democracy
b. wealthy aristocracy of Revolution gone
I. William Henry Harrison wins the election of 1840