A P1Tissues;JS.doc

A&P1: Tissues
Dr. Solti, 2012
The following is a list of all the tissues, their anatomical features, and related structures that you
will need to know for the A&P1 Lab Practical 1 Exam. You will need to be able to identify these
tissues from microscope slides or photographic images, where it is found in the body, its
functions, specific cell types, etc.
Simple squamous epithelium – found on lung slide (walls of alveolar sacs), etc.
Squamous cells
Nuclei of squamous cells
Simple cuboidal epithelium – found on kidney slide (kidney tubules), etc.
Cuboidal cells
Nuclei of cuboidal cells
Basement membrane
Simple ciliated columnar epithelium – found on trachea or lung slide (found throughout the
respiratory tract)
Goblet cells
Simple non-ciliated columnar epithelium – found on small intestine slide (found throughout the
digestive tract), etc. Have microvilli instead of cilia.
Goblet cells
Stratified squamous epithelium – found on skin/keratinized or vagina/nonkeratinized or wet
slides, etc.
Stratified squamous cells
Basement membrane
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium – found on trachea slide, etc.
Goblet cells or cilia
Basement membrane
Transitional epithelium – found on urinary bladder or ureter slide
Stratified cuboidal - not stretched
Stratified squamous - stretched
Basement membrane
Mesenchyme – found on mesenchyme slide
Mesenchymal cell
Background matrix
Areolar connective tissue (loose connective tissue) – found on areolar connective tissue
slide, hypodermis, papillary region of dermis, etc.
Collagen fiber (the big, pink ones)
Reticular fiber (the smaller, branched, pink ones)
Elastin (elastic) fiber (the small, squiggly black lines)
Dense regular connective tissue – found on ligament or tendon slides
Collagen fiber
Adipose tissue (fat) – found on breast, skin (the lowest layer), and many other slides
Adipose cell
Reticular connective tissue – found on lymph node slide
Reticular fiber
White blood cell (leukocyte)
Hyaline cartilage – found on trachea slide, rib cage, ends of longs bones, nose, fetal
Background matrix
Chondrocyte in a lacunae
Chondrocyte nuclei
Fibrocartilage – found on fibrocartilage slide (found in intervertebral discs and in pubic
Collagen fiber
Background matrix
Chondrocyte in a lacunae
Elastic cartilage – found on elastic cartilage slide (external ears, epiglottis, Eustacian tubes)
Elastin fiber
Background matrix
Chondrocyte in a lacunae
Compact bone – found on ground bone or compact bone slides
Haversian (central) canal
Haversian canal system (osteon)
Matrix organized into lamellae
Canaliculus (canaliculi, plural)
Osteocytes in lacuna
Blood – found on blood smear slide
Red blood cells (erythrocytes)
White blood cells (leukocytes)
Skeletal muscle – found on composite muscle slide
Striations (sarcomeres)
Muscle fiber (technical name for a muscle cell)
Cardiac muscle – found on composite muscle slide
Striations (sarcomeres)
Intercalated discs
Smooth muscle – found on composite muscle slide
Smooth muscle cells
Neural tissue – found on neural smear slide
Cell body of neuron
Axon of neuron