

Space Collage/Photomontage Project

Objective: Learn to control space with atmospheric perspective while focusing on the principles of design


11 x 14 inch heavy white paper

Scissors/Utility (xacto) knife





14 x 16 inch Black matte/Illustrator board

Project Description:

You will be using magazines to create a collage. Your focus is on the three levels of atmospheric perspective; foreground, Middle ground and Background.

Place the collage on a 14 x 16 inch Black matte/Illustrator board for presentation.

Project Due Date:

Atmospheric perspective - How the atmosphere affects the appearance of objects in space.

Things To Consider With Atmospheric Perspective

Foreground means in front - the area immediately in front of the observer.

Middle ground is in the middle. There is no specific measurement for what the limits are- it is just in the middle.

Background is in the distance. The term means behind (in back of) something. In a landscape it means far away.

Contrast: Use a highly contrasting image for the foreground. It should have high contrast within it and contrast with its surroundings in your image. As the scene goes farther back, use less and less contrast. Be aware of a highly contrasting background with a softer middle ground.

Focus: Make the foreground the sharpest in the image, the middle ground the next sharpest and the background the dullest if possible.

Details: Use an object for the foreground that has a lot of details. The background should be chosen because it has little in the way of details. The middle ground, as usual, is in the middle.

Color: Keep the foreground bright and warm in color. The background should be the dullest and coolest in color. Be careful of warm colors in the background since they will want to come forward.
