Appendix to the briefing document: library and learning resources checklist

University Library
Partner Institution Library and Learning Resources Provision:
Guidelines for assessing support for HE courses
Two documents are provided to help staff at Partner Institutions prepare for Anglia Ruskin
University’s approval and review processes. It is expected that there will be close liaison between
the relevant staff within the University Library and the Partner Institution Library and that both
parties will be involved in completing the documentation which comprises:
(A) Checklist for five yearly Institutional Approval/Review
(B) Self-assessment pro-forma for approval of individual pathway proposals
(A) Checklist for Library and Learning Resources (LLR) at Partner Institutions
This is designed to provide an overview of Library and Learning Resource provision at the Partner
Institution which can be used to inform the Institutional Approval/Review processes and provide
background information for Approval Panels. This should be completed by the Partner Institution
Librarian/Head of Learning Resources in collaboration with the University Librarian or nominee
initially in preparation for the Institutional Approval/Review processes. It may subsequently be
updated in preparation for a particular approval event, if appropriate.
(B) Self-assessment pro-forma for approval
The self-assessment pro-forma is intended to provide Approval Panels with information about
learning resource provision for a specific proposal(s) and should be used in conjunction with the
Checklist. This should be completed by the Partner Institution Librarian/Head of Learning
Resources in collaboration with the relevant academic member of staff.
(A) Checklist for Library and Learning Resources (LLR) at Partner
Institutions in preparation for an Institutional Approval/Review Event
Name of Partner:
Head of LLR:
Please provide details under the following headings:
Library and Learning Resources within the Partner
Partner Institution structure and position of Library and Learning Resources within it.
Funding mechanisms: how is budget allocated/is funding specifically earmarked for HE
Liaison between LR staff and academic staff
Involvement of LLR staff in pathway development/review
Is LLR “Quality” embedded within Partner’s QA procedures?
Number of FTE Library staff/number of professionally qualified staff
IT staffing/IT support arrangements
Staff development and training
Location of LLR and accessibility
Total area of space/spaces (m2)
Number of non IT study spaces
Number of IT study spaces
Provision for silent and group study
Staff accommodation
Size of collections
a) Books
b) Journals
c) E-resources
Loan periods and entitlements
Are there short loans for high demand materials?
Arrangements for collection’s development and review e.g. Collection Policy?
IT provision
Number of open access PCs
Applications and software available
Internet access
Print facilities
Library Management System
Remote access to OPAC/Website
User support
Provision of Enquiries/Help desk services
Induction arrangements
Information skills training
Guides and handouts
Opening hours
a) Term time
b) Vacation
Wider access to resources
Abstracts, indexes including electronic databases
Inter Library Loans policy
Agreements with/access to other libraries
Quality Assurance
User feedback mechanisms
QA documentation e.g. Charter, Service Statement, self evaluation documents
LLR involvement in reviews or audits
Completed for Partner Institution
Job Title:
Verified for Anglia Ruskin University
Job Title:
(B) Partner Library and Learning Resources (LLR) provision: Selfassessment pro-forma for approval (“validation”) of an individual
pathway proposal
Partner Institution:
Approval event:
Have LLR staff been involved in the development of the proposal?
Does the proposed pathway/module:
a) Build on existing strengths?
b) Is it in a completely new subject area?
How many students will be taking this pathway each year?
4. Will additional funding be required to improve/develop information resources to support
this pathway?
Please indicate how much will be allocated in:
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Will any new journals subscriptions be required?
Please list and cost
Will new core texts be required within the library?
Please list and cost
Will any other specialist resources be required?
e.g. Electronic databases/learning packages/specialist software/additional IT
Please list and cost
Any other relevant supporting information?
Completed for Partner Institution
Job Title:
Verified for Anglia Ruskin University
Job Title: