Program Learning Evaluation Form

CE Program & Learning Evaluation Form
Participant Name:
Program Title:
To evaluate the effectiveness and quality of this program please supply the following information.
Use a rating scale of 1 to 3: where 1 = agree; 2 = neutral; and 3 = disagree. For items that cannot be rated, indicate N/A.
1. The program objectives were met.
2. The content adequately covered the learning objectives.
3. The teaching method was appropriate.
4. The learning evaluation was appropriate.
5. The program met or exceeded my expectations.
6. Concepts presented will be incorporated into my practice.
7. I would attend another similar program.
8. Major strengths and/or weaknesses of this program? _____________________________________________
9. Suggestions to improve this program? __________________________________________________________
10. Please rate each presenter using the above scale of 1 to 3:
Speaker (s) Name
11. Comments regarding speaker(s): ___________________________________________________________
Signature of Participant: ____________________________
Winter 2013 Update