

HCCS English 1302 --Doc Rowe Spring 2013

Annotated Bibliography Assignment

You should have at least five sources listed -- sources that you are planning to use on your research paper, following the same format as a Works Cited page. Alphabetize the items in the same fashion you would on the Works Cited list. However, in this case, you will include a paragraph of 50-100 words or so summarizing and then evaluating the source for its importance to your research project, after each listing. Each item should be listed according to MLA format for the Works Cited list.

Example of one entry and summarizing paragraph on annotated bibliography assignment:

Márquez, Antonio C. “Richard Rodriguez’s Hunger of Memory and the Poetics of


Arizona Quarterly 40 (1984): 130-141. Print.

In this scholarly essay, Professor Márquez defends Rodriguez’s memoir against those who find it a sell-out. Márquez sees the value of the work particularly in its poetic, stylistic qualities. He also finds it, usually, honest and thinks the work helps us understand how the act of autobiographical writing can help any writer understand his or her own feelings and experiences. Márquez finds Rodriguez less an advocate of assimilation into the mainstream than a creative writer who provides insight into the pressures of cultural assimilation that many are experiencing. The author also suggests that the early positive reception of the book by some Anglo-Americans and the early negative one by some Mexican-American readers might be partially explained by differences in cultural attitudes about publicly disclosing personal and family secrets. Márquez’s essay is especially important as the first major defense of Hunger of Memory by a leading scholar of Mexican-American literature.

See reverse side for Essay Three Assignment Instructions
