Supports for TPE Reflection

Multiple Subject Program
Supports for TPE Reflection
Teacher Candidates are assessed on the TPEs in a variety of ways
throughout the Multiple Subject Credential Program: coursework
assignments, clinical practice performance, and the Teacher Performance
Assessment (TPA). Thus, it is imperative that Candidates recognize the
types of activities associated with each TPE and the indicators of quality
performance of each TPE. For this reason, Candidates should continually
reflect on the feedback that they receive from University Professors,
University Supervisors and Cooperating Teachers regarding their
performance in relation to the TPEs.
The pages in Supports for TPE Reflection may be used to support
Candidates in recognizing and reflecting on how their work illustrates
various TPEs. These pages contain information that can help Teacher
Candidates recognize the types of activities associated with each TPE as
well as the indicators of quality performance.
Each page features a different TPE, which is briefly described with a bullet
point description of quality indicators for that TPE. In addition, each page
contains a list of possible activities related to that TPE. The purpose of
these pages is to support Teacher Candidates in reflecting on the activities
in which they engage associated with each TPE and on the quality of their
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Supports for TPE Reflection
A: Making Subject Matter Comprehensible To Students
TPE #1
Specific Pedagogical Skills for Subject Matter
TPE 1A - Specific Pedagogical Skills for Subject Matter Instruction in
Multiple Subjects
(for each area: Reading/Language Arts, History Social Science,
Mathematics, Science)
 Consistently demonstrates understanding of how to use the state-adopted
academic content standards
 Consistently demonstrates planning for instruction that addresses the
 Consistently demonstrates the ability to teach to the standards
Possible Related Activities:
Implementing lesson plans to teach specific objectives related to standard(s) in the
subject area
Using state-adopted teacher guides and academic standards to plan instructional
Using state-adopted materials during the implementation of instruction
Developing and implementing unit plans for teaching standards in a subject area
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Supports for TPE Reflection
B: Assessing Student Learning
TPE #2
Monitoring Student Learning During Instruction
TPE 2 - Monitoring Student Learning During Instruction
 Consistently paces instruction appropriately and re-teaches content based on
 Monitors student learning related to progress toward achieving content
 Provides specific and timely feedback
 Uses multiple strategies to respond to student needs consistently
 Uses a variety of methods to assess student progress (both formative and
Possible Related Activities:
Using progress monitoring assessment strategies to monitor student learning while
Conducting benchmark tests
Reflecting after the lesson on how you use the assessments to inform instruction
Reflection after the lesson on how you use student information to scaffold learning
Using strategies for providing students feedback in a timely manner, such as providing
performance feedback during guided practice
Using criteria on checklists and rubrics to evaluate student work during guided practice
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Supports for TPE Reflection
B: Assessing Student Learning
TPE #3
Interpretation and Use of Assessments
TPE 3 - Interpretation and Use of Assessments
 Consistently includes assessment in planning
 Uses assessment information to modify instruction
 Guides students to assess their own learning
 Can assess levels of proficiency of ELL students
 Maintains accurate records
Possible Related Activities:
Recording and maintaining data on student learning, such as scores on assignments and
data from assessments
Using data on students while planning a lesson to inform decision making regarding the
instructional strategies to use, the grouping of students, etc…
Reflecting after the lesson on how you differentiate curriculum based on assessment
Reflecting after the lesson on how you use information regarding students’ English
proficiency level to determine ELD needs
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Supports for TPE Reflection
C: Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning
TPE #4
Making Content Accessible
TPE 4 - Making Content Accessible
 States in every lesson plan the State standards
 Uses activities and materials that support stated objectives
 Uses multiple ways to reinforce the content of the standard
 Follows a logical, sequence of instruction in the lesson plan
Possible Related Activities:
Stating in your lesson plan the content standard which your lesson objective teaches
Highlight the differentiation considerations you note in the co-teaching planning table
while planning with your Cooperating Teacher
Planning for a lesson plan sequence that follows a gradual release of responsibility over
to the learner to perform the objective
Using research based high quality instructional strategies that make standards-based
objectives accessible to all students in the classroom
Using graphic organizers and mind-maps to support student learning
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Supports for TPE Reflection
C: Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning
TPE #5
Student Engagement
TPE 5 - Student Engagement
 Ensures students understand the objective of the lesson
 Actively involves students with the lesson
 Uses a variety of strategies to involve the students and increase their
understanding of the lessons objectives
 Monitors of students’ progress is ongoing
 Monitors of equitable involvement by all students is ongoing
Possible Related Activities:
Stating in your lesson plan the engagement strategies you will use while teaching
Planning an “Anticipatory Set” that uses grade/age appropriate activities to motivate
and engage the learners in the topic/goal of the lesson
Using monitoring strategies to monitor for student engagement during a lesson
Using prompts to keep students on task during a lesson
Using various techniques to encourage student participation and engagement such as
think/pair/share, question and answer, choral response
Using inquiry activities and hands-on activities to engage student in the objective
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Supports for TPE Reflection
C: Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning
TPE #6A & #6B
Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices
TPE 6A - Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices for grades K-2
 Knows the level of student mastery in the class
 Can differentiate instruction in terms of groups and reinforcement material
 Consistently designs practice activities at the level where students can be
successful and yet challenged
TPE 6 B - Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices
for grades 3-5, 6-8
 Understands important characteristics of the learners
 Designs instructional activities
 Provides developmentally appropriate educational experiences
Possible Related Activities:
Developing lesson plans and unit plans appropriate for the grade level you are teaching
Developing lesson objectives that are appropriate for the learner based on grade level
standards and assessed student strengths and needs
Using differentiation strategies as you teach lessons in a subject area, such as science,
math, social studies, reading
Highlighting the student needs you consider when planning for differentiation of
instruction that you note in the co-teaching planning table while planning with your
Cooperating Teacher
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Supports for TPE Reflection
C: Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning
Special Education
TPE 6D - Special Education
 Articulates rationale for inclusive education for all students
 Understands and applies principles of universal design to differentiate
 Develops modifications and adaptations in curriculum assessment and
instruction for students with special needs
 Understands of roles and responsibilities as members of SST & IEP Teams
 Collaborates with others to plan, teach and assess students with special
Possible Related Activities:
Highlighting the co-teaching approaches you use during instruction to meet specific
needs of students and address differentiation considerations/IEP, etc…
Participating in and taking notes on a SST meeting
Using “best practice tips” during an SST meeting
Using tools such as “Cluster Map of Student” and “Differentiation Strategy Matrix”
Participating in and taking notes on an IEP meeting
Using “best practice tips” during an IEP
Using RTI strategies & tips for planning and instruction
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Supports for TPE Reflection
C: Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning
TPE # 7
Teaching English Learners
TPE 7 - Teaching English Learners
 Applies pedagogical theories, principles and instructional practices in English
Language Development in accord with state adopted standards
 Successfully draws information about students’ backgrounds and prior learning
 Is able to assess levels of literacy in English and students’ first language
 Analyzes student errors in oral and written language in order to understand
how to differentiate instruction
 Designs lesson to make learning strategies explicit
Possible Related Activities:
Developing language objectives for content area lesson plans
Highlight the co-teaching approaches you used during instruction to meet specific needs
of EL students
Using SDAIE strategies during instruction
Using comprehensible input teaching strategies specific to supporting EL access
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Supports for TPE Reflection
D: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning
Experiences for Students
TPE #8
Learning about Students
TPE 8 - Learning about Students
 Understands child and adolescent development to better understand students
 Uses formal and informal methods to learn about students to assess students’
prior mastery
 Uses interpersonal interactions to learn about students’ abilities
 Connects with the various factors that can affect student learning and modifies
instruction to includes all students
Possible Related Activities:
Reviewing student performance data and become familiar with factors affecting student
academic performance in prior years
Conducting a student survey and a learning profile survey
Interacting with and observe students to become familiar with their interests, culture,
aspirations, strengths, preferred modalities and how they best learn
Activating and utilizing student strengths, culture, preferred modalities during learning
Communicating with students and their families
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Supports for TPE Reflection
D: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning
Experiences for Students
TPE #9
Instructional Planning
TPE 9 - Instructional Planning
 Consistently establishes short and long term goals
 Develops sequences of instruction and connects the learning to the students’
prior knowledge and student backgrounds, needs and abilities.
 Selects strategies/activities/materials/resources that are appropriate for the
students in that classroom
Possible Related Activities:
Developing lesson plans for teaching academic content in subject areas
Planning with your Cooperating Teacher
Using the co-teaching planning table to plan for co-teaching specific subject matter
Meeting with other teachers at the same grade level for a grade level planning meeting
Developing unit plan
Developing a yearly plan
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Supports for TPE Reflection
E: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for
Student Learning
TPE #10
Instructional Time
TPE 10 - Instructional Time
 Appropriately allocates instructional time to maximize student achievement
 Effectively and efficiently maximizes instructional time through management
based on reflection and consultation
 Adjusts the use of instruction time to optimize learning opportunities
Possible Related Activities:
Sequencing your lesson plan so as to spend appropriate amounts of time in each phase
of the lesson, such as “anticipatory set,” “teach to the objective,” “guided practice”
Transition efficiently from one part of a lesson to the next part, from one lesson to the
next lesson
Highlighting the co-teaching approaches you used during instruction to allocate and
maximize instructional time to support student achievement
Developing a daily class routine/structure
Adjusting the amount of dedicated time as you monitor for student comprehension and
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Supports for TPE Reflection
E: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for
Student Learning
TPE #11
Social Environment
TPE 11 - Social Environment
 Understands the importance of the social environment
 Establishes and maintains a positive environment for learning
 Creates classroom community through promotion of students’ social
competence and natural peer supports
Possible Related Activities:
Conducting team building activities and using strategies that promote student
Developing classroom rules and norms together with the students
Collaborating with co-teaching partner to established positive rapport with one another
in ways that promoted positive learning environment for students
Developing and using management plan and strategies the promote a positive learning
Arranging the classroom in a user-friendly manner and so as to promote positive social
Participating in social school events
Developing caring and respectful professional relationships with each child to support
the child’s development and learning
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Supports for TPE Reflection
F: Developing as a Professional Educator
TPE #12
Professional, Legal and Ethical Obligations
TPE 12 - Professional, Legal, and Ethical Obligations
 Takes responsibility for student academic learning outcomes
 Applies professional and ethical obligations
 Knows and applies legal obligations
Possible Related Activities:
Demonstration the disposition of “professional ethics” in courses and in clinical practice
Engaging in professional obligations, such as being on time, being prepared, and
attending required events
Behaving respectfully toward all with whom you interact as an educator
Following legal and moral obligations in all interactions with students and their
families, both in formal meetings and informal meetings
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Supports for TPE Reflection
F: Developing as a Professional Educator
TPE #13
Professional Growth
TPE 13 - Professional Growth
 Evaluates teaching practice and subject matter knowledge
 Uses reflection and feedback to improve teaching practice and subject matter
Possible Related Activities:
Reflecting actively on lessons that you teach to determine how effective you instruction
was in helping children learn
Reflecting actively and responding actively to the feedback on your assignments by your
course instructors
Reflecting actively and responding actively to the feedback by your University
Supervisors on your teaching performance
Demonstrating disposition of “reflective teaching and learning” in coursework and
clinical practice
Participating in professional development activities, workshops, trainings, conferences
Attending district meetings and board activities
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Supports for TPE Reflection
CSUSM Additional TPEs
TPE #14
Educational Technology
TPE 14 - Educational Technology
 Maximizes use of instructional technology, reflecting all five of the ISTE
National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS). See
 Appropriately applies technology in instructional settings to maximize student
 Adjusts the use of technology to resources available to optimize student learning
Possible Related Activities:
Developing lesson plans which include student use of the Internet for research and for
dispensing information
Giving students opportunities to use technology as an essential part of their work
Using software with students for organizing information
Integrating technologies from campus, home and/or the library
Teaching students about copyright, ethics and safe practices on the Web
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Supports for TPE Reflection
CSUSM Additional TPEs
TPE #15
Social Justice
TPE 15 - Social Justice
 Values and uses socially equitable teaching, learning, and schooling in a variety
of organizational settings
 Incorporates pluralism and divergent perspectives on educating diverse
 Strives to democratize public education to achieve social justice and equity
Possible Related Activities:
Developing a Social Justice Action Plan
Demonstrating the disposition for social justice and equity during courses and clinical
Developing integrated Thematic Units,
Engaging in Service Learning
Utilizing differentiation strategies
Utilizing scaffolding strategies
Communicating with and involving parents / family
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Supports for TPE Reflection
CSUSM Additional TPEs
TPE #16
*Only for Teacher Candidates obtaining a Bilingual Authorization
TPE 16 – Biliteracy
 Applies pedagogy, theories, and principles for biliteracy programs
 Assesses and addressing the needs of biliterate students
 Designs biliteracy curriculum utilizing developmentally appropriate
instructional approaches for biliterate students
Possible Related Activities:
Using the primary language to communicate with parents/family
Developing lesson plans the use primary language instruction to teach academic content
Developing lesson plans that support the development of academic language in the
primary language
Developing lesson plans that support the development of academic language in English,
using primary language support and special language scaffolding strategies to teach for
transfer and support ELD
Using instructional strategies, materials, for bilingual lesson
Reflecting on and responding to University Supervisor feedback on performance during
of a lesson taught in Spanish
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