Study Guide-Lect Exam 1- Part 2.doc

Exam 1 Study Guide
Part 2 of 3 Parts
Isotopes and how they result
Define isomers
The types of bonds within and between water molecules
Explain water polarity and what is it due to
The difference between single, double, & triple covalent bonds
The cause of hydrogen bond formation
Define the following atomic and subatomic particles based on their different characteristics:
o An atom
o An anion
o A cation
o A molecule
o A neutron
A characteristic of water that is not found in oils
The two main types of chemical reactions and other terms identifying them
The specific base-pairing of nucleic acids
The building blocks of nucleic acids
Identification of commonly known sugars based on their structural units/monomers
Water properties associated with hydrogen bonding
The experimental proof of water surface tension
The three physical changes accompanying freezing of water into ice
The relationship between acidity, hydrogen ion concentration, and the pH
Endorgenic vs exorgenic reaction
Define an alkaline solution in terms of pH & hydrogen ion concentration
Distribution of electrons on energy shells & determination of reactivity of the element
The name of long chains of macromolecules (polymers vs monomers)
The function of enzymes
The number and distribution of subatomic particles
The different components of a nucleotide
The valence shell & its relationship to chemical reactivity
The four types of bonds, their relative strength, and the way they form
Identify the different classes/names of macromolecules
The macromolecule(s) that function:
o as an immediate source of energy
o as a stored form of energy
o as carrier of protein synthesis information
o in growth and tissue repair