Regulations art 23 for old applications.docx

The Rector
Rectoral Decree No. 186 of 9 September 2011
on issuing Regulations for the awarding of teaching contracts for
degree programmes at LUISS Libera Università Internazionale degli
Studi Sociali Guido Carli pursuant to article 23 of Law No. 240 of
30 December 2010
- Having regard to Law Decree No. 580 of 1 October 1973 ratified, with amendments, by
parliament as Law No. 766 of 30 November 1973.
- Having regard to Law No. 240 of 30 December 2010 on “Rules governing the organisation
of universities, academic personnel and recruitment as well as delegation of authority to the
government to legislate to incentivise quality and efficiency in the university system”.
- Having regard to the Independent Statutes of LUISS Libera Università Internazionale degli
Studi Sociali Guido Carli.
- Having regard to the General University Regulations of LUISS Libera Università
Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli.
Article 1
The “Regulations for the awarding of teaching contracts for degree programmes at LUISS Libera
Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli pursuant to article 23 of Law No. 240 of
30 December 2010” are hereby issued.
Article 2
The Regulations referred to in the preceding article 1 shall enter into force the day after they are
affixed on the University’s notice board.
Article 3
The rules referred to in articles 25 and 29 of Presidential Decree No. 382 of 11 July 1980 remain
in force until 31 December 2014.
Prof. Massimo Egidi
LUISS | Viale Pola 12 | 00198 Roma | tel. 06 852 25 221 - 325 | fax 06 841 29 54 |
for the awarding of teaching contracts for degree programmes at
LUISS Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli
pursuant to article 23 of Law No. 240 of 30 December 2010
(proposed by the Academic Senate at its sitting of 13 July 2011 and
approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting of 19 July 2011)
Article 1
Subject Matter
These Regulations, issued to implement article 23 of Law No. 240 of 30 December 2010, govern
the manner and procedures whereby LUISS Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali
Guido Carli awards teaching contracts in order to meet teaching needs.
Article 2
The awarding of the contracts referred to in article 1 of these Regulations does not grant rights in
relation to tenure at the University and may relate to:
a. first and second level professors, fixed-term professors (professori straordinari) and fixedterm researchers belonging to the same department that is seeking to award the contract or
other departments of the University;
b. the individuals referred to in the preceding subparagraph a., permanent researchers, longterm appointees (incaricati stabilizzati) and assistants (assistenti del ruolo ad esaurimento)
fulfilling the requisites laid down by article 50 of Presidential Decree No. 382 of 11 July 1980
who have taught for three years pursuant to article 12 of Law No. 341/90, with adequate
academic and professional requisites, belonging to other Italian universities;
c. those who fulfil the requirements referred to in the preceding subparagraphs a. and b. who
are retired as at the date of publication of the announcement;
d. individuals appointed within university structures who have undertaken adequate teaching
and research, including foreign mother tongue lecturers under article 28 of Presidential
Decree No. 382/80 and the language experts and collaborators referred to in Law No.
e. highly qualified experts with a significant academic or professional curriculum, who are
employees of other administrations, bodies or enterprises, pensioners or self-employed
individuals with an annual gross income of not less than € 40,000.00;
f. acclaimed foreign professors, scholars or professionals;
g. individuals with adequate academic and professional requisites.
Article 3
Commencement of the Procedure
After assessing teaching needs and consulting with the Academic Senate, the Department
Executive (giunta di dipartimento) may submit a proposal to the Executive Committee (comitato
esecutivo) to issue announcements for teaching positions to be filled through awarding privatesector contracts broken down by academic discipline.
The announcement shall state the details set out hereunder:
a. the type of contract for which the list of qualified persons is being drawn up: teaching contract;
b. the academic discipline;
c. the relevant department;
d. the requirements, procedures and deadlines (normally 20 November) for participating in the
comparative evaluation process;
e. the criteria for and manner of the comparative evaluation of the candidates, with reference to
academic publications, experience or professional skills required.
The notice shall also specify the periods during which one can submit applications to update the
lists (normally between 20 October and 20 November) in subsequent years after the first one.
The vacancy notice shall be adequately publicised through posting it on the website of LUISS
Guido Carli.
Article 4
Requisites for the Submission of Applications
Applications to participate may be submitted by persons who fall within one of the categories
specified in article 2 of these Regulations and who fulfil the requirements stated in the specific
announcement they are replying to.
The Department Executive may limit participation in the comparative procedure on the basis of
fulfilment of certain individual requirements as specified in article 2.
Article 5
Deadline for and Method of Submitting Applications
Applications to participate in the comparative evaluation procedure referred to in these
Regulations must be sent to the Department Head (direttore di dipartimento) by and no later than
the deadline specified in the vacancy notice. Applications are to be submitted in the manner
stated in the announcement. The deadline for submission of applications may not be shorter than
15 days and runs from the day after the date of publication of the notice.
Applications must be accompanied by:
- an academic and professional curriculum vitae;
- a list of qualifications and publications;
- a list of professional activities undertaken.
Article 6
Candidate Comparative Evaluation Procedure and General Evaluation Criteria
The comparative evaluation of the candidates who have submitted applications is done by a
commission consisting of three tenured professors appointed by the relevant Department Head
within 5 days after the passing of the deadline for submitting applications.
Should the Department Head not make the appointments in time, the commission shall be
appointed on an administrative basis by drawing from among the following on the basis of
seniority and assuring a homogeneous distribution of appointments: tenured professors, where
possible, pertaining to the academic discipline that the announcement concerns, belonging to the
relevant LUISS Guido department.
Unless otherwise decided the commission is chaired by the longest serving tenured professor.
The comparative evaluation shall be informed by the criteria set out in these Regulations, having
regard to teaching needs.
The teaching and academic strength of candidates shall be assessed having regard to their
curriculum, qualifications, expressly mentioned publications and teaching and professional
Teaching-academic output shall be evaluated taking into account the originality of the results
achieved, the methodological rigour displayed and relevance to the academic discipline that the
announcement concerns. Finally, the continuity of candidates’ academic output over time shall
also be a further element of evaluation.
Candidates’ professional activities shall be evaluated taking into account the position held, the
results attained, the work context and any other useful elements.
Other evaluation criteria, if provided for in the announcement, are:
1. the coordination of teaching and academic initiatives, aimed at attaining the strategic
objectives of LUISS Guido Carli’s own education plan;
2. proficiency in one or more foreign languages;
3. international experience in the academic discipline that the announcement concerns;
4. important work experience gained abroad.
To the extent that they are provided for in the announcement, the following are preferential
1. research doctorate or equivalent, awarded in Italy or abroad;
2. national teaching qualification (abilitazione scientifica nazionale);
3. teaching and research undertaken as part of official university courses;
4. professional activities undertaken at senior level in important national/international
enterprises, professional firms or consultancy firms.
Article 7
List of Qualified Individuals
At the end of the proceedings, on the basis of the criteria set out in the preceding article, the
commission shall come to an overall judgment on each candidate.
On the basis of the comparative evaluation and within 60 days after the deadline for the
submission of applications, the commission shall draw up a list of qualified individuals to whom
teaching contracts can be awarded.
That list, approved by the Department Executive, shall be valid for five academic years, during
which time it shall be updated by including thereon the names of the candidates who submit
applications from 20 October to 20 November for subsequent years after the first one and who
are judged to be qualified following a comparative evaluation procedure done in the manner
referred to in article 6.
Article 8
Awarding of Contracts
Having regard to its own specific teaching and academic needs and on the basis of the judgments
expressed by the commission, at the earliest opportunity the Department Executive that
organised the comparative evaluation may – by reasoned resolution approved by majority vote
and after consulting with the Academic Senate – submit a proposal to the Executive Committee to
award teaching contracts to one or more of the candidates adjudged to be qualified.
The Department Executive may decide not to award any teaching contracts should it maintain
that none of those on the list of qualified individuals adequately satisfy the University’s teaching
needs or should the course not actually start up.
The Executive Committee approves the awarding of teaching contracts, which are signed by the
General Manager (direttore generale).
Candidates shall be given detailed information on the University’s offer, specifying:
a. the duration, indicating the relevant academic year;
b. the gratuity, the remuneration, if any, or the criteria for its determination;
the type of teaching commitment that will be required and the number of hours to be devoted
to lectures;
the deadline by which acceptance must be communicated.
If for any reason whatsoever the candidate does not accept the offer made or in the event of
termination of the contract pursuant to article 18, the University may proceed to replace him or
her with other suitable candidates drawn from the list.
Article 9
Exceptions to the Selection Procedure
After consulting with the Academic Senate and acting on a proposal from the Department
Executive, the Executive Committee may directly award teaching contracts to the following
individuals without the need to go through the evaluation procedure set out in the preceding
1. the tenured faculty referred to in article 2, subparagraphs a., b. and c.;
2. eminent Italian and foreign scholars who have gained academic and/or professional
recognition nationally and internationally;
3. scholars who have been regularly engaged in teaching and research abroad at university
level for at least three years;
4. scholars who occupy an equivalent academic position in university institutions, including
foreign ones;
5. scholars who have already undertaken at least three years of teaching and research in Italian
universities subsequent to being directly hired on foot of a Ministry of Universities and
Research authorisation granted within the context of the “Brain Gain” programme.
Article 10
Acclaimed Foreign Professors, Scholars and Professionals
Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding article 9, in order to foster the University’s
internationalisation, the Executive Committee – acting on a proposal from the Rector, after
consulting with the Academic Senate and subject to publishing the candidate’s curriculum on the
University’s website – may award teaching contracts to any individual falling with article 2,
subparagraph f., utilising funds donated ad hoc by private individuals, business or foundations if
needs be.
The remuneration payable under contracts awarded in accordance with the preceding paragraph
is determined by the Executive Committee on the basis of an appropriate comparison with similar
appointments made by other European universities.
The contracts are signed by the General Manager.
Article 11
Agreements with Public and Private Bodies
The Department Executive may propose that teaching contracts that are free of charge and
without cost for the University be directly awarded to experts belonging to public or private bodies
with whom agreements have been signed, including employees of:
 the scientific research and testing institutes referred to point 6 of the table annexed to Law No.
70 of 20 March 1975 as amended;
 Higher Institute of Health (ISS);
Higher Institute of Occupational Safety (ISPESL);
Italian Institute of Occupation Medicine (IIMS);
National Statistics Institute (ISTAT);
industrial testing stations;
Research Centre, Experience and Studies for Military Applications (CRESAM);
“Giancarlo Vallauri” Naval Institute for Telecommunications and Electronics (Marinateleradar);
Trieste Research Area;
bodies equivalent to those listed above.
Article 12
The minimum remuneration for the contracts referred to in these Regulations is determined by
decree of the Ministry of Education in conjunction with the Ministry of the Economy and Finance.
Article 13
Free Contracts
The contracts referred to in these Regulations may be free of charge if entered into with persons
who already earn employment income documented through appropriate self-certification.
Article 14
Term of the Appointment and Renewal
Teaching appointments are normally annual and as a rule run from 1 November of the relevant
academic year, and may be renewed for an overall term not exceeding 5 years.
Article 15
Rights and Duties of Contract Holders
Contract professors must attend meetings of academic bodies in accordance with the provisions
of the Statutes and university regulations. In any case, they may not participate in the
deliberations of academic bodies concerning:
1. the awarding of tenured positions;
2. the awarding of teaching contracts governed by these Regulations;
3. tenured positions or in any event matters in connection therewith.
Contract professors sit on exam commissions both for individual courses and for the final degree
Contract professors shall keep an up-to-date register in which they must, from time to time, note
the lessons held, the topics taught and the other matters associated with their job. The said
register must be delivered to the department secretariat during the academic year.
Article 16
In the event of being awarded a teaching contract, before signing it any candidate who is a public
sector employee must deliver the University an ad hoc authorisation issued by his or her
employer in accordance with applicable law.
To that end when signing the contract the individual concerned must submit appropriate selfcertification to the effect that his or her public service commitments are compatible with the
teaching activities envisaged by the contract.
The authorisation and compatibility must be valid for the entire term of the contract.
Contract professors undertake not to engage in any activity during the term of the contract that
gives rise to a conflict of interest, actual or potential, and that could in any event prejudice LUISS
Guido Carli.
Article 17
Social Security and Insurance
As regards social security, the contracts referred to in these Regulations are governed by the
provisions of article 2, paragraphs 26 et seq., of Law No. 335/95 as amended.
Where necessary the University will arrange insurance coverage against injuries and civil liability
for the faculty referred to in these Regulations within the context of the performance of their
Article 18
Termination of the Contract
Contracts shall make provision for termination as of right in the following cases:
1. unjustified failure to or delay in starting work;
2. unjustified suspension of work for a period longer than a week.
Article 19
Kinship Restrictions
The procedure for the awarding of contracts under these Regulations is not open to persons who
are related, by blood or marriage up to the fourth degree inclusive, to a professor belonging to the
hiring department, the Rector, the General Manager or a member of the Board of Directors.
Article 20
Transitional and Final Provisions
In order to enable the evaluation procedure to be correctly undertaken and the impact on the
relevant offices to be reduced, in the initial phase of application the General Manager may decide
that the lists of qualified individuals referred to in article 7 of these Regulations are to be valid for
a period of between five and eleven academic years.
In the initial phase of application the deadlines referred to in article 7, paragraph 2, are reduced to
30 days.
While awaiting the issuance of the ministerial decree referred to in article 4, paragraph 3, of
Ministerial Decree of 8 July 2008 that will determine economic terms, the remuneration payable is
that set out in Annex A hereto.
Annex A
to the Regulations for the awarding of teaching contracts
pursuant to article 23 of Law No. 240/2010
Remuneration table for the academic year
for contract faculty at Departments
Contracts awarded to non-tenured faculty at LUISS
Number of credits
8 or more
Gross remuneration
degree Master’s degree programmes and
programmes and 1st, 2nd and 3rd 4th and 5th years of the single-cycle
years of the single-cycle degree degree programme in law
programme in law
€ 3,500.00
€ 5.500.00
€ 6,000.00
€ 10.500.00
€ 11,000.00
Contracts awarded to tenured faculty at LUISS
Number of credits
8 or more
Gross remuneration
degree Master’s degree programmes and
programmes and 1st, 2nd and 3rd 4th and 5th years of the single-cycle
years of the single-cycle degree degree programme in law
programme in law
€ 4,500.00
€ 6.500.00
€ 7,000.00
€ 12.500.00
€ 13,000.00
Gross remuneration (for 20 hours of lectures)
€ 2,350.00
N.B. The remuneration set out in this table is a gross all-inclusive fixed sum. Therefore, no
reimbursement of expenses is envisaged.