1301 Essay 2.doc


Essay # 2

Must be turned in no later than the beginning of class on the due date. After class has started your paper will be considered late and it will be automatically docked by a full letter grade.

15% of your total grade


Write a 1,500-word essay, using two outside sources to support your argument, discussing a theme, motif, symbol, etc… in one of the fairy tales read in class. In this essay explore how and to what extent the theme, motif, symbol, etc… is depicted and developed in the story and how it affects the story on a whole.


Write a 1,500-word essay on any of the fairy tales read in class, from “The Princess and the Pea” to “Sleeping Beauty.” Use the standard MLA format, double–spacing, and set margins to one inch. Use quotations from the text, as well as from your two outside sources, to support your argument - include a Works Cited page.

Remember, your sources cannot be from online sources such as google, yahoo, or bing especially no Wikipedia.

You MUST have a thesis argument with supportive evidence. I am looking for intelligent insight beyond class discussion, original thought, ability to support your argument with textual evidence, critical analysis of the literature, clear and sophisticated prose, grammar and style, and a lack of errors and typos.
