Chapter 22-24.doc

Anatomy & Physiology
Reviw for Chapters 22-24
Instructor: Dr. Chukwu
 Chapter 22
What makes up the Lymphatic System?
What are the Functions of the Lymphatic System
Permeability of the blood capillaries compared to the Lymphatic capillaries
Function of Lymph nodes
What are the Lymphatic trunks
Location of the Lymphatic nodules
What is Tonsils, what is their functions and where can you find them
What happens when you rupture a spleen, and how does blood flow through the spleen
What are the Functions of spleen
Site of maturation of T cells
what is Immunity, and what are the categories
Differentiate between mechanical mechanisms and chemical Mediators
What is Innate Immunity?
What is adaptive immunity?
What are the functions of the cells
What is Inflammation and what are the responses
Types of inflammation and symptoms
The origin and development of lymphocytes
What are antigenic determinants
Types of Immunoglobulins (Ig
What is Acquired Immunity
Effects of Acquired Immunity on aging
Problems of the immune system
Chapter 23 (Respiratory System)
 Define ventilation, internal and external respiration
 What are the functions respiratory system
 Major divisions of the respiratory tract
 Functions of the nose
 Regions and functions of the Pharynx
 The lungs and the lobes of the lung
 Muscles of Respiration, inspiration and expiration
 Functions of the pleural fluid
 What is, the relationship between pressure and volume
 Define Compliance
 What are the conditions that decrease compliance
 Define Tidal volume, Inspiratory reserve volume, Expiratory reserve volume, Residual volume, Inspiratory
capacity, Functional residual capacity, Vital capacity, Total lung capacity
 What are Minute ventilation: Respiratory rate or frequency: Anatomic dead space: Alveolar ventilation:
Partial pressure
 Henry’s law
 Diffusion of gases through the respiratory membrane Depends on ?
 What are relationship between ventilation and pulmonary capillary flow
 How is O2 transported
 How is CO2 transported
Where is the Respiratory Areas located
What is Rhythmic Ventilation
Herring-Breuer Reflex will ??
The relationship between Ventilation and Exercise
The effects of aging
Chapter 24 (Digestive System)
The digestive tract and the accessory organs
Regions of the GIT
Functions of the GIT
What is Deglutition, Peristalsis:
How is the GIT regulated
What type of nerve is involved in he regulation
Parts of the Oral Cavity
Sets and types of teeth
Label the teeth
Salivary Glands, functions and location
Relationship between Pharynx and esophagus
What are the three phases of swallowing
The regions of the stomach
What are the divisions and functions of the small intestine
What are the secretions of the small intestine
Lobes and ducts of the liver. Liver function
Function of the pancreas as endo and exocrine
Secretion of the pancreas
What are the sections and functions of the large intestine
Control of flow of digesta/chime through the GIT
Movement in Large Intestine
Types of digestion
Absorption and transportation of nutrients
In what form are the nutrients transported
What are the Effects of Aging on the digestive system?