
Math Lab #8
Consider systems (i), (ii) and (iii) in problem 4 on page 180 of Text #2.
(a) Write each of these systems in scalar form and use dsolve to find the general
solution of each system.
(b) Write each of these systems in scalar form and use dsolve to find the solution of
each system that satisfies the initial condition stated in part (b).
(c) Plot the resulting solutions for t = -a..a for a = 1, 5, 10. What conjecture can you
make about the behavior of the solutions as t -> + infinity?
(d) Use DEplot to graph the solutions of (i), (ii) and (iii) that satisfy the initial condition
of part(b) for t = -a..a, a = 1, 3, 5, 10.