EDUC Career Research Project 2013.doc

Career Research Project
This three part assignment should be submitted to your teacher on the day that you
make your speech. Staple, paper clip or otherwise secure the pages together along with
a simple cover page showing your name. The grade on this assignment will count as
15% of your semester average.
Step One: Chose a career that you are interested in learning more about. Go online to
the web site for the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( Print out
information related to your chosen career. Read and annotate (add notes and
comments) the print out. This is one source for your speech. For more information, go to
the HCC library and do further research on your career.
Step Two: Interview someone who works in the field you are researching. You should
take notes during the interview to turn in to the teacher. If the interview is conducted
online, print out the responses and turn this in in lieu of notes. This is the second source
of information for your
speech. You may add any additional questions, but you must ask these questions:
1. What things do you do in a typical day or typical week?
2. What do you think this career will be like in 10 years?
3. What do you know now that you wish you had known when you were in school?
4. What is the most interesting thing that has happened to you while working in this
5. If you had it to do all over again, would you chose this career? Why or why not?
Step Three:
Write a 1500-2000 word essay about the things you’ve learned about yourself this
Describe what you have learned about your values, personality type, multiple
intelligences, learning style and tell how those relate to your chosen career. Be sure to
cite any information from your research using MLA format.
Write a rough draft, take that rough draft to an HCC tutor on campus or submit the
rough draft to an online tutor for critique. Utilize the tutor’s suggestions to write a final
draft of the essay. Turn in the double spaced final draft along with the rough draft
showing the tutor’s markings, suggestions, and name written on the page. This essay is
the third source for your speech. If you do Step One, you will receive a grade of 25 for
the project. If you do Step One and Step Two, you will receive a grade of 60 on the
project. If you do Step one and Step Three, you will receive a grade of 75 on the project.
If you do steps One, Two and Three, you may receive a grade of 100 on the project.
Career Speech Project
The grade for this assignment will count as 10% of your semester average. Use
information from the three sources described above to create a 3-5 minute speech
about your chosen career. Your speech will be graded using the criteria listed on the
other side of this page. The key to making a good speech is preparation and practice.
Remember who your audience is; dress and speak accordingly. Create an opening that
will grab the audience’s attention (not your name and major). Your speech must include
information from all three sources listed above. You should tell the audience about the
nature of the work, education required, salary and working conditions, personal
information about yourself that shows this is the career for you. Make sure to mention at
least one thing you learned from each of the three research resources. Conclude your
speech with a transition phrase that lets the audience know you are about to finish and
end with a statement that references the interesting thing you said as an introduction.
When you go to the front of the room, you must turn in your research project and a copy
of the outline of your speech. You are only allowed to take one index card containing
the speech outline and your visual aid(s) to the podium. You must refer to your visual
aid during the speech. Your speech must not be longer than 7 minutes, not shorter than
3 minutes; 4-5 minutes should be your
Career Speech
Rating Scale: Up to 10 points awarded for each of the following:
_____ Copy of outline provided to teacher before speech begins.
_____ Dress is appropriate for occasion.
_____ Speech has an interesting opening
_____ Speech incorporates facts from Occupational Outlook Handbook.
_____ Speech includes name of person interviewed and information from interview.
_____ Speech mentions personality type, dominant intelligence, and learning style.
_____ Speech follows a logical progression to an evident closing statement.
_____ Speech is 3-5 minutes in length.
_____ Visual aid is utilized during speech.
_____ Student is poised, show appropriate eye contact, speaks clearly and at an appropriate
pace and volume.
Teacher’s Notes: