March 5, 2002

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
March 5, 2002
__x_Rocky Bonura
__x_Janet Clarke
__x_Mike D’Amico
__x_Maurice Elmore
__x_Janice Ely
__x_Pam Fees
__x_Bob Gann
__x_Vic Hanson
__x_Alex Kelley
__x_Donna Manno
__x_David Miller
____Andy Nasatir
____Lynnda Nelson
____Allene Quarles
__x_Marcy Wade
Minutes: The minutes of February 20 were approved.
February Status Report: Copies of Vic’s February 2002 Status Report were shared with the group.
1. Bond
 The Board approved tBP/Architecture, and Bob is working on the contract to define the
scope of work.
 Caldwell Flores Winters, Inc. was chosen as the financial advisor firm to be recommended
to the Board in March. Two of the other firms interviewed will be recommended as
underwriters if they are willing to work together.
 Maas and Associates will be recommended to coordinate the process.
2. Planning & Budgeting
 The college is currently 22 above its faculty requirement; however, in spite of the hiring
freeze, the faculty hiring process will continue because the opportunity only comes once a
 The figures for fall 2001 don’t seem to fit the 12.3% relationship for projected FTES that
was discussed in the January report. Discrepancies in enrollment reporting and grading
have been discovered and will be researched and corrected. This should provide a better
idea of the actual numbers and could impact growth and spring projections.
 The deficit factor is not significant; however, this is the first time in many years there has
been one at all.
 Matching funds are still needed for scheduled maintenance projects.
3. P4E
 The $500,000 for the Technology Plan Support will not be expended this year due to the
uncertainty of future funding.
4. Calendar
 The president’s definition of “cost neutral” is that there will be no increased expenditures.
It was noted that growth monies go to salary schedules.
 The new calendar creates artificial growth, but ECC will not get funded beyond cap.
Anything over cap will be applied to another semester.
5. Learning
 Funding for equipment and program relocation in the Natural Science project is still needed.
 Phasing costs of $1.2 million may also be necessary due to the unwillingness of faculty to
alter existing schedules.
Hiring Freeze: Per an E-mail from the president’s office, control of expenditures will be maintained
by suspending hiring of all permanent positions except faculty. This hiring freeze is will go through
June or July and is due to:
attempts to deal with exceptions.
lack of control of other expenditure items
decrease of state monies
attempts to equitably handle each area’s vacancies
It is desired that services continue to be provided at the same level; consequently, non-certs and
temporary people may be hired, and the limitations on non-cert days maybe adjusted. Marcy noted
that substitute employees can be employed beyond the day limit. Comments:
 Why are we continuing the hiring process for faculty if we don’t have any money?
 Implementing a hiring freeze in the middle of a number of hiring processes reflects
negatively on ECC.
 The college is already overspending in the temporary and casual areas. This will just make
it worse.
 Is it realistic to think that a major change like the upcoming condensed calendar can be
implemented, along with keeping up the current level of services, with less staff and
 In efforts to bypass their inability to hire permanent people, some are misusing the
paraprofessional category, and this needs to be addressed. An oversight function is badly
needed. Janice Ely will provide the information to Vic. It was suggested that each name,
position and salary be required to go to the Board approval.
 Taking disciplinary action is impacted if managers can’t replace those who are terminated.
 Will ITS be expected to step in and provide services currently performed by P4E-funded
positions (like the Inglewood Center)? Per Vic, they will not.
Campus Deli: The Campus Deli opened on March 1.
Customer Service Training: The hiring freeze changes the atmosphere for the customer service
training; however, it was suggested that this makes it all the more important. Managers will be
trained on April 4, and others should start thinking about the best day to take the training.
Committee Reports/Division Issues:
 Rocky Bonura: The SWACC inspections are going well. At the recent CalOSHA visit on
asbestos and rats, it was determined that the employee created his/her own asbestos problem;
therefore, the employer is not responsible.
 Donna Manno: Classified Professional Development Day is March 26. She will notify
managers where the April 4 training will take place.
 Bob Gann: The electricians will be working on high ceiling lighting in classrooms and
valve repairs in the Student Services Center during spring break. They will also try to catch
up on work orders and window washing. It was noted that delivery trucks are coming on
campus again, and they need to be notified that this is not allowed. Janet Clarke prepared a
letter on the process when the issue first arose, but new vendors may not be aware of it.
 Janet Clarke: Reminder: April 1 is the cutoff date for ordering supplies and equipment.
 Janice Ely: Letting employees know when the cleaning of the attic is scheduled should help
with morale in the office. Rumors about the classified retro bonus for 2001 being held up
intentionally are not true. They are in the process of manually making the adjustments to
that casuals and students get increases on their next checks. She is creating a salary schedule
for classified employees, then the retro checks will be processed. She is also working on
salary schedules for part-time faculty.
 Pam Fees: Would the South Bay Workforce Employment Board be a possible option for
temporary employees? During discussion of non-monetary motivators for employees at a
recent Area Council meeting, recognition was a top one.
Alex Kelley – Seven new kiosks have been ordered and they expect them to be operating
before summer school. These would allow full student services. The 52 computers for the
Inglewood site were received; however, they weren’t configured the way they were ordered.
Staff medical issues in Tech. Services will be impacting their workload. They are working
on a new release for Colleague and will train users on new areas. A wall-mounted unit has
been ordered for the MCS area to deal with the Timekeeper System issues there. They are
also working on security issues for the Inglewood Center and still have significant backlog
of computers to be installed (they are about 6 weeks behind).
 Maurice Elmore: Orkin provided a report stating that there are rats, roaches, etc. all over
campus. The open bowls of cat food are a health problem and a violation of the health code.
A plan to resolve this issue needs to be developed and enforced.
 Vic Hanson: AS managers should share their area status reports with each other.
Meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m.