Administrative Services Staff Meeting March 8, 2011 PRESENT:

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
March 8, 2011
 Babs Atane
Rocky Bonura
 Julie Bourlier
 Tom Brown
Tom Connolly
Janice Ely
Bob Gann
Jo Ann Higdon
Bruce Hoerning
Reuben James
 Andy Nasatir
Rachelle Sasser
Fred Sturner
 Michael Trevis
 John Wagstaff
 Satish Warrier
Minutes: Minutes from March 1st meeting was approved:
 Budget:
 Draft document of the budget reduction was passed at the meeting. This document has
been passed out at the last PBC and College Council meeting. This document shows the
possible impact to El Camino if tax ballot or Prop 98 does not pass.
o Line 3 shows the approximate reduction necessary:
 Option 1 - $7 million.
 Option 2 - $10.9 million.
 Option 3 - $17.5 million.
o Line 4 – shows the FTES for each option, which will take a drastic decline.
o Line 11 – Inglewood center, which is currently closed, but is looking at acquiring a
portion of the space that is vacated by the Adult Education program at Inglewood
High School.
o Line 12 – Management positions, these are positions that are currently vacant.
o Line 14 – Eliminate printed schedules, this is still under discussion.
o Line 15- Capital expenditure, this is coming out of Fund 11.
o Line 17 – Faculty positions frozen
 Column c, option 1 – there would be 10 positions.
 Column d, option 2 – there would be 15 positions.
 Column e, option 3 – there would be 25 positions.
o Line 18 – Classified positions frozen
 column c, option 1 - there would be 6 positions.
 column d, option 2 – there would be 9 positions.
 column e, option 3 – there would be 17 positions.
o Line 21 – all travel & Conference would be frozen.
o Line 26 -30 – those issues need to be negotiated with faculty & classified union.
o Line 29 – 30 – is avoided in option 1, but will be looked at with option 2 & 3.
 There are other expenditures that will be impacting budget for next year, such as health
insurance & election costs.
 Accreditation:
 Handout on 2008 El Camino College Planning Agenda Items- Accreditation Self Study
was passed out:
o Pick the areas that Administrative Services is responsible for and write a few
sentences on each one to say if it is completed, in progress or abandoned.
o Jo Ann needs the responses ready for the Accreditation Steering committee, so have
it done within the next two and a half weeks.
o At next week’s staff meeting each manager will give an oral report of the items that
their area is responsible for.
 Program Review:
 Mike is done with the Parking review.
 Facilities needs to let Shobhana know which year they will do a major review and
applicable rewrite for custodial and for Facilities Planning and Construction.
 Remove the third line from top.
 Jo Ann:
 SDI still has not called back.
 Meeting with Renee Graves regarding the Bond Audit.
 Accounting has been approved to fill Sophie’s position.
Committee Reports/Division Issues:
 Mike:
 Planned and setup for tonight’s Compton Center Board meeting.
 Janice & Tom C:
 Accounting Tech III position is filled and will be on the March board.
 Cash reconciliation is caught up to January except for the general fund, which will be done
in two weeks.
 Julie & Andy:
 Working on returns of unsold textbook before inventory in April.
 Bank reconciliation will be done before the Auditors arrive.
 Need to work with the campus community to get a friendly book rental program.
 John & Satish:
 Working on the equipment list.
 FYI – 420 power strips for Compton have been delivered to our warehouse.
 Bob:
 Yesterday, at Cabinet the monthly facilities report was presented and following two items
from that meeting:
o Name change from Math Business Health Science (MBHS) building to Math
Business Allied Health (MBAH) building.
o New name of Math & Computer Science building is Industry & Technology
 Tom B:
 Restroom renovation has not started yet, due to the company not providing the needed
 Bruce:
 Working in the old purchasing area to convert it into a meeting room.
 Working with ITS on a schedule to shut power to transfer it to new system.
 Babs:
 Working on the health premium project. Looking into the Life insurance plan.
 Have not received a feedback from HR.
 Met with Bob and Tom regarding the Bond equipment tagging.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.