November 20, 2001

Meeting was opened at 1:10 p.m. by Jill McTarsney. Minutes of October 16 were accepted as
Safety Report Topic
The monthly safety meeting information was posted. Chintana and Gary volunteered to assist as
floor reps, going to training in Santa Ana on Thursday, November 29.
Committee Reports
Area Council Meeting
A new food vendor is coming to campus on December 10 with a 5-year contract. Staff will be
able to test the food in advance. The campus is getting rid of the food trucks. Food areas in math
and communications building, dine and dash and snack bar.
ECC Pride Day is December 13, 12:30-2:00 in East Dining Room.
Board measure is not going in March, will try for November 2002.
Security Update
Kirk Johnston came in to look at the Accounting area. A lot of his suggestions were long-range
projects. A request has been put through for a peep hole in the back door near cashiers. A sign
has been ordered for the front gate to read “Accounting Staff Only”. The AFT Office has a half
door similar to that in Accounting but with a slide safety lock that cannot be reached from the
outside. To secure the Accounting area, need to put in a request for such a lock. If secured, no
one can come into Accounting unless the door is opened for them. As long as someone is in the
reception area, this would be okay. On the downside, if going out that door need to be sure
someone is there to lock it after you and open it on return. The benefits should outweigh the
inconvenience. Also problem using back door as main entrance, especially during registration
time. Long-range projects are probably 5 years in the future.
Christmas Planning
Small ornaments were passed out for everyone to decorate individually. Larger ornaments are
available for teams of 2, 3 or more for competition to be reviewed by “celebrity” judges on
Thursday, December 18.
Regarding the Christmas tree, Luukia will distribute an envelope and flier. A sign-up sheet for
toys, food, decorating, and clean up is being distributed and should be completed by the end of
November 30. The open house is scheduled for Wednesday, December 12, 11 a.m.–2 p.m.
Consideration is still to be given to the personal office party to be held at Gay’s house.
Nina recommended a book for all to read, “Who Moved My Cheese”, that can be purchased out
of petty cash funds. It is a book about change, 85 pages that can be read in an hour. She highly
recommends it to all.
Brenda’s unit is trying to work with campus and train them on how to read budget reports.
Brenda has developed a computer printout of budget and how divisions can watch them.
Pam has vacation pictures if anyone is interested in seeing them.
The meeting closed at 1:53 p.m. Chintana will chair the next division council meeting on
Wednesday, December 18.