2007-08 Council on Libraries, Information Systems and Computing (LISC) Minutes

2007-08 Council on Libraries, Information Systems and Computing (LISC)
April 4, 2008
3:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Attendance: Lawrence Raffalovich (chair), Debra Dickerson (support staff), George Berg;
Carolyn Malloch; Frank D’Andraia; Victoria Von Arx; Christine Haile; Carole Jewell;
Antun Milas; Martin Manjak; Chris Moore (guest)
I. Call to Order
II. January 25, 2008 and February 22, 2008 Minutes were unanimously approved.
III. Reports
A. Report from Chief Information Officer (Haile)
Chris introduced Christophe Moore from Client Support Services. Chris Moore
reported on the anti-plagiarism software tools that ITS is looking into: Safe-Assign
and Turn-it-in. Chris Moore reported that both work in a similar fashion – both
comparing papers that students submit against other papers and tells you if there is a
high percentage of the paper that is similar to other reports. Safe-assign integrates
with blackboard; but is still in the testing stage. Turn-it-in is a web-based review
system that allows you to copy and compare against a very large database. There
may be an intellectual property rights issue about putting students’ papers into a
database; Chris Haile will obtain an article she read recently regarding this subject to
share with the Committee. Chris Moore went on to say that the database in SafeAssign provides a global database and requires an opt-in for students. These two
software tools are being tested now. Chris thanked Christopher for his presentation
and he was excused from the meeting.
Chris Haile reported on the ITS Budget and Operating Plan, which is calling for a
reduction of 1.6% or 2.4%. The overall ITS approach is to insure that we maintain
services at current levels, but the exact impact will depend on the amount allocated to
IT after the budget is passed.
On a positive note, there is funding in the Capital Budget to proceed with the design
of a new Data Center.
B. Report from Director of Libraries (D’Andraia)
Frank reported on the Library budget. Different budget scenarios being used until
final budget figures are known.
An alum of the University has given funds to the Libraries to create a new reading
area on the first floor of the University Library. Work is now underway to create the
new space, which will include comfortable seating and study spaces for more than
two dozen people.
LISC Minutes
April 4, 2008
Library and IT are working on UDID (University Digital Imaging Database), whose
start-up costs were funded by a selective investment allocation. Library is digitizing
special collections. Chris suggested inviting the UDID project manager, Caitlain
Devereaux-Lewis, to present at a future LISC meeting. Larry concurred.
Capital Budget: Library may be given money for planning and renovations in some
of the University Library.
A Library Committee meeting will be convened in May 2008.
IV. Report on Senate Executive Committee meeting 3/31/08: Larry Raffalovich
At the last Senate meeting Larry discussed the library budget and its drop in library
ratings. The Senate was interested in how other rankings were computed. Larry
suggested that Frank attend a future Executive Committee meeting or Senate meeting.
V. Old Business
A. Proposed Revisions to Charter (ITPUC)
Larry reported that there was a lot of opposition in the Executive Committee to an
ex-officio chairing a Council committee. The EC concerns centered on the
separation of executive from legislative responsibilities. The EC suggested:
a) Since expertise is the issue, recruit faculty/staff experts to chair ITPUC;
b) Exempt LISC from the consensus that ex-officios not chair Committees; or
c) Eliminate the two standing committees of LISC – Library and IT
administration can report to LISC on recommendations from their internal
advisory committees.
The Director of Libraries and the Chief Information Officer asserted that they
needed input from the wider University community, not just their internal
committees. It was noted that recruitment of faculty/staff experts cannot be
routinely accomplished. Under the current Charter, Chris will continue (as
elected chair) to form ITPUC. A motion to resubmit the proposed Charter
revision was seconded and unanimously approved.
B. E-mail as Official Means of Communication
1. The Senate never passed the 2005 Policy referenced on the ITS website.
The amendments that were added were not approved by the President.
The Executive Committee insisted that the current “policy” be removed
from the IT web page, and agreed that the administration should explain to
the EC and/or the Senate what issues were found objectionable. The EC
suggested that LISC either submit a revised bill, or recommend presenting,
to the Interim President, the bill that had been approved by the Senate.
We agreed to take this under advisement.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Next meeting scheduled
for May 2, 2008.