GOVT 2306 Quiz Chapters 2and 3 Answers Shown.doc

State and local governments have greater administrative flexibility with ________ than with categorical
a. matching grants
b. earmark grants
c. block grants
d. project grants
2. The attempt to enhance the power of state and local governments, especially by substituting more
flexible block grants instead of restrictive categorical grants in aid is called
a. a matching grant.
b. devolution.
c. cooperative federalism.
d. dual federalism.
During the era of transition from dual to cooperative federalism which policy area garnered the most
opposition from southern states?
a. Agricultural policy
b. Marriage law
c. Public health
d. Civil rights
Southern states viewed Brown v. Board of Education, the Twenty-Fourth Amendment, the Civil Rights
Act of 1964, and Voting Rights Act of 1965 as
a. separate but equal.
b. an encroachment of their states’ rights.
c. coded language for states’ rights.
d. an example of devolution.
The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 is an example of
a. coercive federalism.
b. Texas policy becoming national law.
c. the development of cooperative federalism.
d. dual federalism.
The obligations that the federal government imposes on state governments with little or no funding to
help support the program define
a. unfunded mandates.
b. categorical grants.
c. block grants.
d. earmarked grants.
Controversy surrounding the Affordable Care Act is an example of the friction inherent in ___________.
a. confederal systems
b. unitary systems
c. Federalism
d. None of the above
Texas is one of __________ states that decided not to expand medicaid coverage under the Affordable
Care Act.
a. 3
b. 42
c. 13
d. 21
What percentage of the cost would Texas have to bear to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care
a. 10
b. 50
c. 20
d. 80
10. Constitutions are expected to do all of the following except
a. assign constitutional power.
b. identify political leaders.
c. place limitations on the government.
d. establish major governing institutions.
11. The constitution of the Texas Republic and the first state constitutions are products of
a. plantation culture.
b. Anglo protestant slaveholders.
c. some provisions of Spanish-Mexican law.
d. all of the above.
12. Which of the following concerning the Texas Constitution of 1836 is not correct?
a. It called for a careful separation of church and state.
b. It legalized slavery in Texas.
c. It prohibited the president from serving consecutive terms.
d. It established a federal system of government for the Republic.
13. What issue delayed Texas annexation to the United States in 1836?
a. The slavery controversy in the United States
b. The dense population of Texas
c. The heavy Catholic population in Texas
d. A Republic constitution did not exist
14. Which is a correct statement about the Texas Constitution of 1866?
a. Secession from the union was nullified.
b. Confederate war debts were renounced.
c. A civilian government was established.
d. All of the above.
15. Which of the following is not correct about the Texas Constitution of 1869?
a. It centralized state power in the hands of the governor.
b. It provided for annual legislative sessions.
c. It decentralized the Texas public school system.
d. It allowed the governor to appoint all major state offices.
16. When state governments misuse their powers, the response is usually to
a. throw out the old constitution and replace with a new one.
b. place constitutional limitations and restrictions on those powers.
c. make the document more flexible.
d. recall the officials.
17. Which of the following was the slogan of the Texas Grange going into the 1875 Constitutional
a. “Retrenchment and reform”
b. “Onward to the Future”
c. “Reconstruction of die”
d. “Republicanism for victory”
18. Which is not a correct statement about the present-day Texas Constitution?
a. It is one of the most restrictive.
b. It has been amended 474 times.
c. It is the longest state constitution.
d. It is the fourth most frequently amended state constitution.
19. Which of the following is not a guaranteed additional right granted by the current Texas Constitution?
a. It prohibits discrimination based on sex.
b. It prohibits the garnishment of wages for any reason.
c. It forbids imprisonment for debt.
d. It guarantees victims rights.
20. Which of the following is not true of the Texas legislature?
a. It is bicameral.
b. Senators serve six-year terms and representatives serve four-year terms.
c. The Texas Constitution sets legislative salaries at $7,200 a year.
d. The legislature meets in biennial regular sessions.
21. Article 3 of the Texas Constitution assigns power to a _______ legislature consisting of the 31 members
of the senate and the 150 members of the house of representatives.
a. bicameral
b. unicameral
c. polar
d. unitary government
22. Which statement is correct regarding term limitations of legislators in the Texas state constitution?
a. Legislators are limited to one term.
b. Legislators are limited to two consecutive terms.
c. Legislators are limited to serve two nonconsecutive terms.
d. Term limits do not exist in the constitution.