Mrs. Acker's Iliad Notes

Book I
Agamemnon makes Apollo mad- he sent disease upon the Greek camp- A bunch of people die
A priest come to beg ransom for his daughter (Chryseis) he says he hopes they can defeat Troy,
but let her go. The people agree, but
Agamemnon tells him to go, he won’t release her. He leaves but prays to Apollo. Apollo starts
shooting arrows at the Achaians, killing lots of them.
Achilles calls a meeting (Hera told him to) let’s find out why Apollo is mad
Calchas (kind of like a psychic) I will tell you (Achilles) why Apollo is angry, but protect me
because it is going to make Agamemnon mad
Cachas explains that Apollo is angry with Agamemnon for not accepting ransom- give her back
Apollo will get happy
Agamemnon gets mad at Calchas
Agamemnon says he will keep her and take her home..ok I will give her back, but you better have
something good to replace her because I don’t want to be the only one without something
Achilles says we aren’t going to give you our stuff, but you can have extra stuff when we take Troy
Agamemnon- I will just take your prize- go ahead and take her home
Achilles- I don’t ever get good stuff but I do most of the fighting even though this war has nothing
to do with me..I’m leaving
Agamemnon- go ahead and go, take your men (Myrmidons) but I’m coming to take Briseis
(Achilles’s girl prize) because I’m stronger than you
Achilles starts to draw on Agamemnon, but Athena stops him on orders of Hera
Athena tells him to chill and he will get a better offer soon- give her to Agamemnon
Ok- Athena leaves
Achilles calls Agamemnon a bitch and a coward tells him he doesn’t ever fight- You don’t respect
me (throws a childish fit)
Nestor gives advice
Achilles calm down- Agamemnon, let him keep his Briseis
They (Achilles and Agamemnon) are fighting like little kids
Odysseus sets sail to take Chryseis home
Agamemnon orders his servants to go take Briseis from Achilles- Achilles gives her up but throws a
fit and cries to his Mommy (Thetis) ~I was born to die young~
She joins him- He tells her the story – Go tell Zeus
Ask Zeus to help the Trojans so they will respect me..ok, but keep clear of battle
prayers and offerings to Apollo
Thetis tells Zeus the story- help him
I will help even though Hera will be mad- she says I help the Trojan to win
Hera jumps on Zeus about doing stuff behind her back- I saw Thetis
Hephaestus tells Hera to leave Zeus alone because he can’t protect her
Book II
Zeus calls a bad dream to go to Agamemnon- Arm your men, you can now take Troy (dream takes
on the shape of Nestor)
19- Agamemnon calls a meeting- tells of the dream
21- Agamemnon tells the guys they’re going home. Hera sees and gets irritated
22- She tells Athena to stop them- Athena talks to Odysseus. The men gather again.
23- men are mad at Agamemnon- he has it all
24- Odysseus calms them (hits a guy with a sceptre)
25- Odysseus reminds of the miracle (serpent and chicks- tells that they will win in the 10th year)
26- Nestor says let those who want to go go and the rest of us fight
27- Agamemnon suggests that he and Achilles should make up
28- Agamemnon assembles the troops
30-35- Names all that were there and who their leaders are and where they came from
36- Iris goes to the Trojans with a message from Zeus
37- Iris tells then that the Greeks are coming- get ready
38-39-Names those in the Trojan army
Book III
Battle begins- Paris challenges any man
He slinks back from Menolaos- Hector talks smack to Paris- Paris says you’re right
I should battle Menolaos- Hector tells the Achaians of Paris’s suggestion
Menolaos agrees- winner takes Helen
Iris tells Helen what’s happening
Priam asks Helen about Agamemnon and Odysseus
Priam asks about Aias
offerings and prayers to Zeus (whoever wins takes Helen and her wealth)
Prayers…Priam can’t watch and leaves…ready the field for the duel
They fight…Aphrodite saves Paris- carries him off to Helen’s bedroom
Aphrodite (in the form of an old woman) finds Helen and tells her that Paris awaits her
Helen ticks Aphrodite off- goes home- Tells Paris she wished that he had died
She tells him not to fight Menolaos again
Menolaos looks for Paris
Agamemnon declares Menolaos the winner
Book IV
gods watching the action
Zeus suggests they end the war- Hera gets mad- they fight
Hera suggests that they send Athena to help them along in the fighting (get the Trojans to renege
on the agreement by keeping Helen)
Athena goes
52- She finds Pandaros (Trojan) and convinces him to take a shot at Menelaos- He shoots
53- Athena saves Menelaos, but he is still shot (not too bad though)
Agamemnon- Oh Brother! Don’t Die!
54- I’m ok, don’t scare everyone
Talthybios goes to get the doctor (Machaon)
55- Machaon dresses the wound- Agamemnon gives orders to the men for battle
56- The Trojans broke the oath!
56-57- Agamemnon is giving the guys individual pep talks
58- Agamemnon ticks off Odysseus- He calls some of the men lazy cowards
59- Sthenelos and Diomedes fight back against Agamemnon- At this they are all riled up
60- Terror, Discord, and Rout (chaotic retreat) are personified
Battle begins
Archilochos (G) kills Echepolas (T)
Elphenor (T) tries to steal his armor but Agenor (G) kills him
Aias (G) kills Simoeisios (T)
61- Antiphos (T) kills Leucos (G)
Odysseus (G) kills Democoon (T) (Priam’s son)
Apollo gives the Trojans a pep talk
Peiros (T) kills Diores (G)
62- Thoas (G) kills Peiros (T)
Book V
Athena helps out Diomedes (G) (gives him courage)
Phegus and Idaios (T) go out in a chariot to kill Diomedes- They miss
Diomedes kills Phegus- Idaios jumps out of the chariot. Diomedes goes to kill him, but
Hephaestus saves him (disappear)
Athena tells Ares that they should stay out of it and let Zeus decide who should win. They goBattle keeps on
Diomedes is fighting like crazy-Pandaros shoots him in the shoulder
Sthenelos pulls the arrow out- Diomedes prays to Athena
Athena tells him not to fight any god, bit if he sees Aphrodite, he can run her through
Diomedes goes on a rampage- kills a bunch of Trojans
Aineas asks Pandatos why he’s not trying to kill Diomedes
Pandaros says I tried, but he must have a god helping him
Pandaros says he doesn’t have a chariot- wish I did- I apparently am no good with my bow and
arrows and when I get home I will destroy them
Aineas tells him to get in his chariot and they will fight together
Sthenelos warns Diomedes, Diomedes insists they keep going and says he wants Aineas’s horses
Pandaros throws his spear and hits Diomedes
Only his shield is hit- Diomedes throws a speat at Pandaros and it goes straight through his head
Aineas jumps out to save the body of Pandaros- Diomedes crushes him with a rock
Aphrodite carries Aineas off- Diomedes chases
Diomedes stabs Aphrodite in the hand- Apollo save Aineas
Diomedes tells Aphrodite to leave the battle- Iris helps her out
Aphrodite cries to Ares- I want to go home; this hurts
He gives her his chariot; Iris drives her home. She cries to Mommy (Dione) Diomedes bullied me.
Leave it be- Diomedes will get his
Athena makes fun of Aphrodite- Zeus tells Aphrodite to stay out of it. Meanwhile, Diomedes is
still trying to kill Aineas. Apollo won’t let him. Apollo threatens Diomedes- Apollo carries Aineas
off to be healed by Leto and Artemis
Apollo makes a fake Aineas and tells Ares to stop Diomedes.
Ares disguises himself as a Trojan and rallies the Trojans- basically by telling them that they are
letting the Greeks win
Hector is inspired and rallies the troops again.
Ares was helping the Trojans- Athena was helping the Greeks- Aineas comes back healed
Fight continues-Ares is helping Hector- Diomedes talks crap abut him needing a god to help
Battle ensues
Odysseus goes on killing a bunch of guys- Hector gets enraged
Hector kills a bunch of guys-Hera and Athena ready to for battle (Help Greeks)
Hera and Athena go out on the field
Athena asks Diomedes if he is tired or scared- No, but Ares is in charge and you told me not to
fight a god. - She tells him to drive at Ares- I’ll help you
Athena saves Diomedes from Ares’s spear, helps him stab Ares- Ares runs back to Olympus
Ares whines to Zeus about Athena
Zeus calls him a whiner, says he hates him, but I’ll heal you just because you are my kid
Book VI
Battle rages on
Menelaos takes a man alove is about to let him go
Agamemnon changes Menelaos’s mind and Menelaos kills him
Nestor tells them to stop stripping the bodies, we’ll do that later
Aineas and Hector get a pep talk
85- Hector encourages the men
85-87 The story of Glaucos’s lineage
87- Diomedes says we are buds
88- Let’s switch armor- They do
Hector goes to the Trojan palace- mom tries to give him wine
89- No, no, you take all your women and pray and sacrifice to Athena to get her to stop Diomedes
(says he wishes that Paris would just die)
They pray, Athena refuses
90- Hector finds Paris- come fight
I know, I’m coming
Helen says(to Hector) she wished she had been killed instead of starting this war and Paris suckshave a seat
91- Can’t stay, gotta find my wife, make sure he follows me
He finds his wife and son
92- Don’t go back, Achilles already killed my whole family- Don’t make us widow and orphan
He says I must fight even though I know they will win eventually
93- I couldn’t bear it if you were taken off to be a slave girl
He tries to hug his son- son is scared- they laugh, he takes off his helmet. Hector prays to Zeus
that his son will be a better warrior than himself. He tells his wife that he will go to his grave if he
is meant to
94- Hector sends wife and son home- He turns to go back to battle- Paris catches up with him.
Book VII
Hector and Paris rejoin the battle
Apollo suggests peace for the day to Athena- Athena agrees
Apollo tells Hector to challlenge the Greeks- He does
Nobody says anything, so Menelaos gets mad and decides to fight- Agamemnon changes his mind
Nestor tells a story to taunt the men- If I was younger, I’d fight- 9 men stand
They basically draw straws- Aias is drawn
He’s proud- I will win- pray to Zeus for victory- Aias readies himself and Hector is scared
They exchange a few words (Hector and Aias)
They fight- Aias stabs Hector in the neck- They throw rocks at eachother
Aias knocks Hector down, but Apollo rights him
Night falls, they decide to stop fighting, give gifts as kind of an oath
The Greeks feast, decide to build gates and a moat after they burn the bodies of the fallen soldiers
The Trojans gather- Antenor suggests that they give Helen back
Paris balks- I will give up my riches, but never Helen
Go tomorrow and present the proposal to Menelaos (please keep truce until the dead are burned)
The Greeks decline- at this point not even for Helen- we will win- but we will keep peace until the
dead are burned
All burn their dead
The Greeks build their gates and moat
Poseidon is mad that they did all that work with no sacrifice
Leave the Greeks alone until this war is over says Zeus
105- Zeus calls a meeting. Do as I say
106- No god(dess) shall help either side or he will punish
Athena says she is still going to give advice and Zeus says ok (he tells Athena he was kidding)
He goes to Mt. Ida to watch
107- Fight ensues
Zeus sends a light among the Greeks
Nestor can’t move, Paris shot his horse
Hector almost gets Nestor, but Diomedes pulls up to save him
108- Nestor kills Hector’s driver
Zeus shoots a bolt at Diomedes car, Diomedes doesn’t want to run
109- Hector heckles the Greeks with all kinds of threats feeling big and bad because Zeus helped him
110- Hera asks Poseidon to help, he refuses
Hera gets Agamemnon to talk to the Greeks
111- He prays to Zeus, who feels sorry for him sends an eagle as an omen
They start fighting back again
Teucros kills a bunch of people, makes Agamemnon happy
112- Teucros can’t hit Hector because Apollo was making his arrows swerve and then Hector kills
113- Zeus helps Trojans again
Hera yells at Athena for not stopping Hector
Athena wishes him dead- says that Daddy forgot all she did to help Hercules and only cares about
Thetis right now
114- Athena says let’s go surprise the Trojans
Zeus sends Iris to tell them to stop- He is more angry with Athena because Hera does it all the
115- Hera- we better not fight, let whatever happens happen- both unhappy though
Zeus goes home tells the girls it’s a good thing they stopped
Hera yells at him
116- Zeus tells Hera that at dawn she will see even more Greeks die at the hands of Hector
Hector pulls back the Trojans and they rest
117- Hector- keep fires burning to keep the enemy away at night
He wishes that he were an immortal worshipped like Apollo and Athena and says he will kill
Diomedes tomorrow
Book IX
118- Agamemnon ponders why Zeus turned on him
119- He is ready to turn tail and run
Diomedes tells Agamemnon to go if he wants to (Zeus gave him no courage) but he will stay until
he takes Troy
Nestor tells Diomedes to let him convince Agamemnon to stay
120- Nestor tells Agamemnon that he needs to get Achilles back
121- Agamemnon, you’re right- lists a bunch of stuff he will offer Achilles
122- Odysseus will be sent to get Achilles- They pray to Poseidon to help convince Achilles
123- They go to Achilles who sits with Patroclas; they are welcomed and offered food and drink
124/5-We need you to fight or we die
126/7- I get no reward for fighting, so I’m not gonna, you will have to help him, plus, I hate
127- I wouldn’t marry his daughter for anything (I’m better than him)
128- Gives Thetis’s full prophecy
129- Phoinix appeals to Achilles- you trained me, you saved me from my gather, how can you leave me
130/1- I also made you what you are, get over it
132- Achilles still refuses
133- Aias talks about how cruel Achilles must be to let them (his friends) die
Achilles agrees but is still angry and refuses (I’ll fight if and when I feel like it)
Book X
135- Agamemnon can’t sleep, neither can Menolaos
136- They meet up, they plan to wake others and go to the outposts (Menolaos will go)
137- Agamemnon asks Nestor to go with him to see if the watchmen are awake
Nestor says yes, but let’s wake the others too
138- They wake Odysseus
139- They wake Diomedes who wake Aias and Phyleus’s son. They find the guards awake
140- Nestor asks for someone to go in and spy
Diomedes offers but wants another to go, many offer, Agamemnon tells him to choose, he chooses
141- They get armed, Athena sends a good omen, they are off
142- The Trojans are awake, Hector calls a meeting, he asks for a spy. Dolon offers; they agree
143- Dolon is sent out an spotted by Odysseus and Diomedes
They let him get by and then chase him down
144- They catch Dolon, Odysseus asks what he’s doing. Dolon answers. Odysseus asks about the
Trojan guards and Hector
Dolon says no guards per se
145- Dolon gives more info and begs to be let go, but Diomedes kills him
146- Diomedes kills 12 Thracians (Trojans) and their king and they steal their horses
Diomedes pauses to maybe kill some more, but Athena tells him to go
147- Apollo is angry and wakes the Thracians
Nestor meets them when they return and congratulates them
Book XI
148-150-Battle Resumes
151- Agamemnon kills 2 of Antimachos’s sons
152- Zeus has taken Hector out of harm’s way- Agamemnon keeps on killing
153- Zeus sends Iris to Hector to tell him that he will give him the power to fight the Greeks all the
way back to their ships as soon as Agamemnon is wounded
154- Agamemnon is injured, he leaves
155- Trojans attack with Hector leading, Greeks pushed back to ships, Odysseus and Diomedes know
Zeus is behind it
156- Odysseus and Diomedes go on the warpath- Diomedes almost kills Hector, but he gets away
Diomedes says he would get him next time if he had a god helping him, too
157- Paris hits Diomedes in the foot with an arrow
Diomedes calls him a girl heehee
Odysseus steps between them while Diomedes pulls the arrow from his foot- has his driver take
him to the ships
Odysseus is left alone
158- Odysseus gets wounded but not killed because Athena protected him. He kills the kid that
wounded him.
159- Odysseus retreats, Agamemnon and Aias hear him yelling and run to help him
Aias kills several Trojans while Agamemnon gets Odysseus out
160- Nestor takes an injured surgeon from the fighting
161- Aias attempts to retreat the men to the ships, fighting mostly alone, gets slightly wounded. He is
helped by another soldier who is killed
162- Achilles sees Nestor returning and sends Patroclos to see who the injured is
163- Patroclos goes to Nestor who complains that Achilles is watching them all die and starts to
recount a story of his younger years.
164-165- Nestor’s story
166- Nestor reminds Patroclos that he decided to fight and now sits idly by with Achilles- suggests that
he borrow Achilles armor and help
167- Patroclos is touched and runs to talk to Achilles- he runs into a wounded man and decides to help
him before going to Achilles
Book XII
168- Trojans push the Greeks behind their wall
169- Hector’s horses won’t cross the moat
The Trojans get out of carts and off horses to attack on foot
170- Lists who goes where in the 5 groups
Asios Hyrtacos’s son rides toward the Greek gate
171- The gatekeepers yell to the other Greeks- the Greeks fight back
Asios prays to Zeus
One Greek god is killed
172- The other Greek guard kills several men
Hector’s men still hanging by the moat
Zeus sends an omen of an eagle and a snake
Polydamas tells Hector they shouldn’t fight right now
173- Hector disagrees and threatens to kill him or anyone else who bails
Zeus sends wind/dust into the Greek’s faces
Hector starts tearing down the wall
174- Zeus sends Sarpedon (his son) into battle- he rallies Glaucos, they charge
175- The Greek in charge of that part of the wall tries to get Aias big, little and Teucros’s attentionsends a messenger
Aias big and Teucros go to help
176- Some Trojans are killed, Zeus saves Sarpedon from death
177- Hector gets in the wall, he calls for the men to break down the wall and burn the ships
Zeus helps Hector pick up a ridiculously big rock and break down the wall- Trojans pour in
Poseidon is tired of watching the Greeks die and goes to help them out
Poseidon tells the Aias boys to fight
They recognize him as a god- Poseidon rallies the other Greeks
The Greeks fight back- Hector presses on
Fight between 2 guys
A Trojan kills Poseidon’s grandson and Poseidon gets mad- He rallies the Greeks (talks to
Idomeneus says that Zeus wants the Greeks to die- Poseidon fights
Meriones is looking for a spear because he broke his.
Idomeneus and Meriones decide which way to go- left
Battle rages- Idomeneus kills a couple guys
Idomeneus kills some more
Deiphobos goes to Aineas to help- Aineas runs to attack Idomeneus
Idomeneus calls for back up
Aineas calls for back up-Ascapholos gets shot- There is a fight over his body
Poseidon protects Antilochos while he tries to take armor from a dead guy
Menelaos hits one guy in the hand- another in the face (his eyeballs fall to the ground) Menelaos
takes his armor
Menelaos (G) kills Harpalion (T)
Paris (T) kills Meriones (G)
Hector is menacing the Greek ships
Aiases are guarding
Polydamas tells Hector that he should go get the leaders and decide what to do next. Hector agrees
Hector discoveres that several of his men are dead at the front lines
He finds Paris, blames him- Paris says don’t blame me, I’ve been fighting- Tell us what to do
Zeus gives them courage
Aias taunts Hector- Hector talks back- They press on the fight
Book XIV
197- Nestor puts on armor and goes out to find Agamemnon
198- Agamemnon feeling sorry for himself because they are losing
199- Agamemnon again suggests that they flee
Odysseus gets mad about this
200- Diomedes says lets go back to fighting- all agree
Poseidon turns into an old man and bad-mouths Achilles to Agamemnon
201- Hera sees that Poseidon is helping and decides to distract Zeus by getting him to sleep with her to
make him tired
She pretties herself up and asks Aphrodite to give her the charm of love
202- Aphrodite agrees
Hera goes to Thaos to meet Sleep- she asks him to lull Zeus to sleep after a little lovin’ and he tells
her no because she almost got him thrown out of heaven once before
203- Hera offers Sleep one of the Graces to marry
He makes Hera swear on the River Styx that she will give one of the Graces to him and then agrees
to go with her
204- Hera meets up with Zeus who wants to sleep with her- he lists other loves that haven’t been as
appealing to him as she is now
205- They bam-chicken-bam-bam and fall asleep- Sleep runs to the Greeks and tells Poseidon to attack
now while Zeus is sleeping
206- Poseidon leads the Greeks into battle
Hector gets his guys ready and they start fighting
207- Aias strikes Hector with a rock, he is hurt pretty badly, the Greeks try to advance on him, but the
Trojans rally around him and carry him away
208- Peneleos (Greek) kills a Trojan***Gruesome*** and holds his head up for the Trojans to see
209- The Greeks really start to scare the Trojans
Book XV
209- Trojans are pushed back to the other side of the moat
Zeus wakes up
210- He reminds Hera about some of the punishments that he has inflicted on her- she says she had
nothing to do with it and she can’t help that Poseidon is helping the Greeks
211- Zeus tells what he wants to happen
1. Tell Poseidon to go home
2. Apollo give courage to Hector
3. Hector kill Patroclos
4. Achilles kill Hector
5. Greeks take Troy
No other immortal is to help the Greeks
Hera goes back to Olympus
212- Ares wants to go get revenge for the death of his son Ascalophos
Athena runs after him- tells him to forget his son and remember what Zeus is capable of
213- Hera sends Iris and Apollo to Mt. Ida to meet with Zeus
Zeus sends Iris to tell Poseidon to go home or fight Zeus- I’m stronger because I’m older
214- Poseidon is angry says Zeus can’t scare me
I’ll do what he says BUT if he lets the Trojans win, I will hate him forever
215- Zeus tells Apollo to rile up Hector- Apollo finds Hector and gives him courage
216- Hector comes toward his men, one of them cries out that they must continue fighting now that
Hector is back
The Greeks summon their best fighters
217- They fight with Apollo’s help (Trojans)
The Trojan men are collecting the armor off the dead, but Hector tells them to stop and push
218- The Trojans fight harder, Patroclos tells Eurypylos (a wounded guy) that he will convince Achilles
to fight
219- The battle is at a stalemate
Hector and Aias fight- They kill people around each other, but not each other
Teucros kills some Trojans with arrows
220- Teucros is about to shoot Hector, but Zeus breaks his bow
Hector tells his men to stop looting bodies-He knows that Zeus is helping them
221- Aias tries to encourage his men- Some fighting and killing ensues on both sides
Menelaos shows back up
222- Antilochos comes into battle (Greek) and kills Hector’s cousin Melanippos
223- Zeus’s intention is to let the Trojans get as far as burning the Greek ships then let the Greeks win.
224- The Greeks kind of run scared of a crazed Hector- Nestor tries again to encourage the men
Athena lets out a “rare great mist” that let light shine on Hector and his men- Aias takes off
225- He jumps from ship to ship telling the Greeks to fight
Hector presses forward toward the Greeks- he grabs hold of the ship that Aias is on and continues
to holler to him men to shoot at it because Zeus gives them the power to
226- Aias jumps off the ship and calls to his men to keep on fighting while he kills 12 people with his
Book XVI
226- Patroclos confronts Achilles in tears
227- Achilles gives him a hard time for actually crying about the fallen Greeks- He says they did it to
Patroclos asks Achilles to let him at least borrow his armor so that maybe he can trick the Trojans
into thinking that he is back in the battle
228- Achilles tells Patroclos to go ahead and go…maybe he will win back the girl for him and some
other gifts and save his people
He tells Patroclos to come back as soon as he gets the Trojans away from the ships- don’t get
caught up in the fighting- Don’t actually fight without me.
229- Aias is getting tired, and then he realizes that Zeus is behind the Trojans winning and removes
himself from the bow of the ship
Achilles prods Patroclos to hurry before they set the ships on fire
230- Achilles wakes up the Myrmidons (men that follow Achilles), and they rally around Patroclos
231- Achilles gives a speech of encouragement to the Myrmidons
232- Achilles prays to Zeus to grant victory to Patroclos but allow him to come back uninjured
233-234- The fight ensues with the Greeks leading, driving the Trojans away from the ships
235- Patroclos drove them away from the ships but wouldn’t let them get back to their city
236- Zeus is upset when he sees Patroclos about to battle his son Sarpedon because he knows that he is
destined to be killed by Patroclos- He asks Hera what he should do
She tells him to do what he must, but that if he pulls his kid out, other gods are apt to do the same
thing- He leaves it alone but showers the battlefield with bloody raindrops in honor of his son
237- Patroclos kills Sarpedon- Glaucos prays to Apollo to heal his wound that he may fight for
Sarpedon’s death
238- Apollo heals Glaucos
Glaucos rallies the Trojans – Patroclos rallies the Greeks
239- The fight ensues back and forth
240- Zeus tries to decide whether he should just go ahead and kill Patroclos or let him keep fighting for
a while
241- He decides to let him keep fighting and temporarily takes away Hector’s courage at which time he
has Apollo go down and get Sarpedon’s body to take him to get cleaned up and given burial rites
Patroclos thinks that he is going to take Troy
Apollo keeps stopping him
242- Patroclos finally starts to retreat- Hector goes after him
243- Patroclos is injured and retreats again, but Hector sees him and kills him
244- Zeus and Apollo begin to strip Patroclos’s armor
245- Before Patroclos dies, he informs Hector that Achilles is to kill him, he tells him also that he only
won because of Zeus and Apollo
246- Menelaos is watching Patroclas’s body
Euphorbos says that I hit him first
Menelaos threatens Euphorbos
Euphorbos talks smack
247- Menelaos kills him
Apollo tells Hector what happened
Menelaos tries to decide what to do next
248- He leaves the body to find Aias
When they get back, Hector is trying to steal the body (He already took his armor)
Glaucos talks smack to Hector
249- Hector brags about having the armor- He tells his men to fight hard
250- Hector changes his armor- Zeus makes it fit him
He challenges anyone to help get Patroclas’s body behind the walls of Troy
251- Aias says we can’t defend the body alone.
Menelaos calls for help- Zeus helps to conceal
252- Aias spears a guy in the head who is trying to take the body
Hector aims at Aias- kills another guy- Aias kills a guy
253- Apollo talks to Aineas- says even though Zeus wants us to will Ya’ll won’t fight
Aineas calls to Hector- goes out to help kills a guy
254- Patroclas tug-o-war (Achilles doesn’t know)
255- Achilles horses cry over Patroclas
Zeus says that Hector will never get Achilles’s horses and chariot
256- Automedon takes the horses into battle where he picks up Alcimedon to drive for him
Hector asks Aineas to help him get Achilles’s horses- They attack
Automedon asks Aias big and little and Menelaos to help them
257- They fight- Aias and Menelaos scare off Hector
Zeus has changed his mind, he sends Athena to encourage the Greeks- She speaks to Menelaos
258- Menelaos prays to Athena, she is pleased- she reenergizes him
Apollo reenergizes Hector
Zeus turns the tides- Trojans begin to win again.
259- Idomeneus nearly gets killed, but his driver saves him
Aias realizes Zeus is helping the Trojans- He suggests someone goes to get Achilles- prays to Zeus
to lift the mist
260- Zeus is touched- lifts the mist. Aias sends Menelaos to find Antilochos to tell Achilles that
Patroclas is dead
261- They don’t think Achilles would come soon and without his armor
They pick up Patroclas’s body and carry it back to the ships
262- Achilles has theories about who is dead
263- Antilochos breaks the news of Patroclas- Achilles freaks out
Antilochos is afraid that Achilles may kill himself
Thetis wails- I’ll never have him back
264- Thetis goes to Achilles- Oh woe is me who wasn’t there to help Patroclas. I must kill Hector
265- He decides to go fight- Don’t try to stop me Mommy
Thetis says ok, but wait until I can bring you more armor tomorrow (made by Hephaestus)
266- Hector is making it difficult to get Patroclas’s body safe.
Hera sends Iris to Achilles to ask for help
Achilles tells her he can’t without his armor.
267- Iris tells him to just go show himself at the moat to surprise them
He does- Athena shines a light from him
The Trojans were shocked- The Greeks were able to get Patroclas’s body home
268- Battle stops- The Trojans meet- Polydamas suggests they go back behind the walls- we will go
again tomorrow at dawn
269- Hector says we have already lost so much and we will not hide- we’ll eat and then go out at dawn
I will face Achilles and win.
Greeks mourn Patroclas
270- Achilles- I screwed up- I will not bury Partoclas until I behead Hector
They wash up Patroclas and mourn him
Zeus and Hera argue about who is right
271- Thetis goes to Hephaestus- they have a happy reunion
272- She tells him that Zeus made her sleep with a mortal man and she had Achilles, then she tells him
about what is going on in Troy
273- She asks him to make Achilles new armor and a spear
Of course he will and right away
274-277- Description of the armor
277- Hephaestus brings the armor to Thetis- Thetis takes it to Achilles
Book XIX
277- Thetis shows with Achilles’s armor- Achilles is holding the body of Patroclas and crying
278- Achilles gets mad and then happy about his new armor
I will get ready, but I’m afraid the bugs are going to eat Patroclas
Thetis says she will keep him from rotting- Achilles gathers the Greeks
279- Achilles says we shouldn’t have fought over a girl, let’s put it behind us
The crowd blames Agamemnon for the problem
280- Story that doesn’t matter
281- Achilles says let’s go to battle
Odysseus says we need to get our strength first
282- Odysseus tells Agamemnon to make amends with Achilles
Agamemnon is going to give Achilles treasures
Achilles tells him that they can deal with that later
283- Odysseus says no, we need to rest and eat
They go get treasures and Briseis for Achilles
284- Agamemnon swears that he had not touched Briseis and sacrifices the boar
Briseis freaks out when she sees Patroclas’s body- this isn’t how it was supposed to be (Patroclas
was always nice to me; Achilles was supposed to take me home and marry me)
285- Achilles says that Patroclas’s death is the worst thing that could have happened- he cries
Zeus tells Athena to go feed Achilles (nector and ambrosia) or he is going to starve
286- She does- The Achaians ready for battle
287- Hera gives Achilles’s horse speech
-we know you will die soon
-Apollo let Hector kill Patroclas
-your fate is to fall by the strength of a god and man
Achilles says I know I’ll die here, but I won’t stop fighting until I do.
Book XX
287- Zeus summons the gods to Mount Olympus
288- Zeus tells them that they may go and fight for whichever side they want now that Achilles is back
in it. He says that he is bowing out now, and he is just going to watch.
The gods take off like a shotAchaian- Hera, Athena, Poseidon, Hermes, Hephaestus
Trojan- Ares, Apollo, Artemis, Leto, Xanthos, Aphrodite
289- The gods fight- Achilles seeks out Hector- Apollo tries to get Aineas to go fight Achilles
290- But, but.. Achilles is no normal man, he will beat me
Apollo reminds him that his mother is Aphrodite, a daughter of Zeus- he is encouraged
Hera wants to join in the battle herself- Poseidon says lets go find a place to watch and let the
mortals fight,
291- but if Apollo or Ares join in, we are in it,.
Aineas and Achilles meet up in the middle
292- Achilles reminds Aineas that he almost killed him once, but the gods saved him (HA HA I took all
your stuff too.)
Aineas says that one of their parents is going to be mourning soon.- He speaks of his lineage
293- Aineas says let’s stop talkin and get to fightin- He throws a spear and misses
294- Achilles throws a spear- misses
Poseidon doesn’t want Aineas to die. Aineas is to be the only survivor of Priam. Hera reminds him
that they promised not to help the Trojans, but do what you want. Poseidon scoops up Aineas and
flings him back
295- Tells him not to fight Achilles; no other Greek can kill you
Achilles is mad that a god helped…again- He rallies the Greeks
Hector rallies the Trojans- I will fight Achilles
296- Apollo tells Hector not to fight Achilles 1 on 1
Achilles cuts a guy’s head in half, kills some other guys
297- Achilles kills Hector’s brother. Hector goes up to Achilles. Hector throws a spear, but Athena
blows it away.
Apollo hid Hector in a mist- Achilles lashes out anyway- starts screaming about how Hector was
saved by a god. I will kill you next time if I have a god too.
Achilles kills some guys
298- Achilles kills a bunch more guys.
Book XXI
299- Achilles splits the Trojan army- some toward the city, some toward the river
Achilles kills a bunch of guys in the river with his sword
He takes 12 guys as hostage, ties them up, sends them back to camp
300- Achilles sees Priam’s son, Lycaon, trying to escape (He had already let him go once before by
selling him to someone in Lemnos- Now I’ll kill him- Kid grabs Achilles and begs for his life
301- Achilles kills him and throws him in the river- The fishey’s will eat you!
302- The river is angry- Achilles attacks Asteropaios (Xanthos gave him courage)
Achilles kills that guy (his bowels fall out) Achilles takes his armor
303- Neener, neener I am Zeus’s descendent- Fish eat that guy, too
Achilles kills some more guys
River in human form- quit killing people in the river- I’m choking!
Achilles says you bet, but I am fighting right on into Troy
304- River asks Apollo why he isn’t helping the Trojans- River starts chasing Achilles
305- Achilles prays to stop the river- Poseidon and Athena get him out- It’ll stop soon (not your fate)
Poseidon tells him to go back to the ships as soon as he kills Hector (you will have victory)
Scamandros river calls to Simoeis river to help him get Achilles
306- Scamandros intends to kill him, Hera calls Hephaestus to set a fire to stop the river- he does
River is upset- This is not our fight
307- Make him stop, Hera. I will never help the Trojans again- hera has Hephaestus turn off the fire
Gods are angry- Zeus is amused
Ares attacks Athena- you let Diomedes hurt me, now you pay- She throws a rock at him, he falls,
she says, you suck
308- Aphrodite helps him up. Athena pushes Aphrodite, they fall
Poseidon vs. Apollo- we should fight, you start Apollo
309- Apollo says I’m not going to fight you, let’s stay out of it.
Artemis gets on to Apollo
Hera scolds Artemis- go back to your mountain- she takes her quiver and beats her up with it
310- Artemis runs off crying and leaves her arrows on the ground
Hermes tells Leto he won’t fight her- Leto grabs up Artemis’s arrows
Artemis runs to Zeus – Hera hit me
Apollo goes into Troy- Priam sees Achilles and opens the gates to let his people in before Ahcilles
can kill them
311- Apollo gives Agenor strength- He is confused- I don’t know what to do. He decides to stand and
312- Agenor throws a spear at Achilles. It hits him but bounces off his armor. Apollo carries off Agenor
in a mist. Achilles chases who he thinks is Agenor out of the city (Apollo is getting him out of
Troy) so that the Trojans can get back behind the gates.
312- Trojans are cowering- Hector by the gate.
313- Apollo shows himself to Achilles- makes fun of him for letting the Trojans retreat
Achilles says yeah? You tricked me. Yay for you.- goes back to the city
Priam sees Achilles- Tells Hector not to go it alone. Achilles is stronger than you- He’s already
killed a bunch of my sons
314- Come back in the gates- You’ll die- I’ll be sad (He tears out his hair)
Mom is crying too- come in, don’t get killed
315- What would you have me do? Give up? We will let Zeus decide our fate
316- Hector runs away- Achilles chases him
Zeus says he loves Hector and suggests that they save him
Athena says do what you want, but we don’t approve
317- Zeus- I didn’t mean it- I won’t upset you, go do what you want – Athena takes off.
Achilles has given orders that no one is to shoot at Hector
They run around the city 3 times. 4th time, Zeus decides their fate- Hector will die
Athena tells Achilles they will win- Nothing Apollo can do
318- I’ll go talk to Hector into standing up to you- Athena pretends to be Hector’s brother- go fight
him- she leads him to Achilles
Hector tells Achilles that the agreement should be – If I kill you, I won’t desecrate your body, I’ll
give it back, but I will take your armor- you do the same
Achilles- I will make no such agreement
319- Achilles throws a spear- misses (Athena gives it back)
Hector casts- misses (hits the shield- it bounces off) He has no other spear- realizes that his
brother wasn’t really there.
320- Achilles stabs him in the neck- tells him his body will be eaten by dogs
Hector begs him to give his body to his parents- Achilles- NO! Not for anything!
321- I will bring god’s wrath when it is your time to die- Achilles takes his armor. The other Greeks
stab and kick him
Achilles tells his men to take Hector’s body to the ships, singing
322- Achilles attaches Hector by his ankles to the back of his chariot to drag him
The Trojan people mourn- King Priam suggests that he go alone to Achilles to beg for the body
323- Hector’s wife hears the sorrow and knows that Achilles has killed Hector- she goes out
324- Andromache crying about Astyanax not having a daddy
325- Let’s go mourn Patroclas- then we can unyoke the horses and eat- he lays Hector on his face
326- They eat- we’ll burn Patroclas tomorrow
Patroclas comes to Achilles in a dream
327- You need to burn me already- I am being bothered by these other souls- burn me then bury my
bones with yours when you die
They mourn all night
328- The mean go out and chop down trees for the pyre- They set it up
Achilles tells them to armor and mount up- They cut off their hair and throw it on the body
329- They burn Patroclas along with the 12 Trojans and a bunch of animals
Dogs are not eating Hector because Aphrodite has run them off- she fixed him up from the
dragging- The pyre is not burning- Achilles is confused
330- Achilles prays to the winds- Iris gives the message- the winds kick up the fire- all night
331- Achilles tells Agamemnon that they have to gather Patroclas’s bones and wrap them up until
Achilles dies too.
There will be a chariot race- prizes courtesy of Achilles
332- Achilles calls for competitors
- 2. Eumelos (Admentos’s son)
- 5. Diomedes
- 3. Menelaos
- 1. Antilochos- Nestor tells him he has the slowest horses, so he will have to use trickery
333- Nestor continues
- 4. Meriones
334- They cast lots to determine what order they go in (See above)
They take off. Apollo knocks a whip from Diomedes, Athena gives it back- she breaks Eumelos’s
yoke (he’s out)
335- Athena is making Diomedes win- Antilochos yells at his horses- he gets super close to Menelaos
Menelaos says you’ll kill us both- Antilochos doesn’t move, so Menelaos slows down
Menelaos says that Antilochos won’t get his prize without swearing that he played fair
336- Menelaos gets his horses going- Idomeneus and Aias argue about who is winning
337- Diomedes Antilochos Menelaos
338- Achilles feels sorry for Eumelos- give him a prize even though he lost
Antilochos throws a fit- if you want to give him a prize, go get him something else- you better not
give him mine.- ok, sends Automedon to get it
Menelaos- Antilochos cheated
339- Ok, I went to far- here, have my horse- Menelaos, I forgive ya
340- Achilles gives Nestr a prize- Nestor talks about how good he once was
341- They will now box- 2 men
Epeios Panopeus’s son steps up and says that he is not a great warrior, but he will smash anyone he
boxes- Euryalos steps up, the former wins
342- 3rd round wrestling- Big Aias and Odysseus, they go round and round- Achilles tells them to stop
343- You both win- next footrace
Aias, Odysseus, Antilochos- Aias is winning with Odysseus on his heals- Odysseus prays to
Athena, Athena trips Aias- Odysseus wins.
344- Aias complains- Antilochos says the god like old me (HA!)
Next- sword fight for Sarpedon’s armor (to the blood)
Aias vs. Diomedes- Diomedes wins
345- Throw a big rock- Polypoites wins
Archery- Teucros, Meriones- hit a dove
346- Teucros forgets to promise sacrifice to Apollo and misses
Meriones prays- hits and wins
346- Party breaks up- Achilles cries
347- Some of the gods want to send Hermes to get Hector’s body- Hera, Poseidon, and Athena say no
12 days pass- Apollo is mad
348 Hera’s mad- Achilles is better than Hector
Zeus says Hector was a good man- he sends Iris to get Thetis to tell her that Achilles has to accept
ransom and give the body back
349- Zeus tells Thetis to go talk to Achilles- she goes
350- She tells Achilles- he agrees- She sends Iris to Troy – Promise Priam no one will kill him
351- Iris tells Priam- he orders people to get ready
Hecabe freaks out- Why would you go there- They’ll kill you.
352- I’m going- He gathers ransom
353- he tells his sons he is ashamed of them- His best som was killed
They load up the ransom- Hecabe gives him a glass of wine and tells him to pray to Zeus
354- He prays- Zeus sends an eagle- Priam feels better- mounts up
355- Zeus sends Hermes to lead Priam to the Greeks
Hermes disguises himself as a young prince- He says
356- I’ll protect you
357- Hermes tells him the body is safe- they get to Achilles’s hut
358- Hermes leaves him- Priam begs for Hector
359- Achilles tells him he is a strong man
360- They get the ransom unloaded and
361- get Hector’s body prepared and then place it on a bier
Let’s eat
362- Let’s sleep
363- Achilles agrees to hold off battle for the mourning and funeral time
Hermes can’t sleep- He wakes Priam- Dude, You’re sleeping with the enemy
364- Priam wakes and takes off
The Trojan people meet him outside the gates
Andromache freaks out- we will die at the hands of the Greeks soon now that Hector is gone.
365- Hecabe speaks her piece- Helen comes- you were always so nice to me
366- They burn Hector- They ready for battle