November 18, 2013

El Camino College
Inter-Club Council
General Meeting
November 18th, 2013
Alondra Room
Public Participation: Members of the Public are invited to speak concerning any item of business on this agenda prior to or
during the Cabinet/Senate’s discussion of the item, and always prior to the Cabinet/Senate taking action on the item. For
matters not listed on this agenda that are under this Body’s jurisdiction, members of the public are invited to address the Body
during Public Comment. Please, limit your comments to no more than 2 minutes.
Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 12:01 pm.
Roll Call
Brittany Hubble, Gregory Sonnen, Liliana Lopez, Jonathan Sharp, Shirley Mendence, Tatiana Medina, Avery Marshall, Joy Mo,
Luis Mendez, Breanna von Stein, Glafira Carr (Alpha Gamma Sigma), Ivan Gomez (Architecture Club), Lila Rosito (Astronomy &
Astrophysics Club), Byron Challoner (Chorale Club), Willy Corea (El Camino Salseros/Salsa Club), Anna Hirst (ECC Student
Chapter of the American Chemical Society/Italian Club), Roy Buchanan (Engage Christian Club), Angie Taylor (GSA), Daniel
Cameron (History Club), Alan Corrales (Honors Transfer Club), Luigi Almonte (IDEAS Art Club), Lesleyann A. Kingman
(Maharlika Club), Danish Noorani (MSA), James Majdali (Music Exchange Club), Brandon Marshall (Robotics Club/Tech. Club),
Duk. P Chong (Science Club), Yuji Nakotsaki (SGI Club), Zachary Davis (Smithereens Jewelry Club), Ivan Alcantar (Society of
Music), Rosemarie Palomino (Studio2Street), Gabrielle D. (Taylor Made Fashion Club), Maria De Gracia (Teachers
Club/Women in Technology), Estefania Gigena (USGBC), Lauren Martinez (Young American for Liberty)
Approval of Agenda
3.1 Motion made by Ivan Alcantar. Seconded by Byron Challoner. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes
4.1 Motion to amend minutes made by Byron Challoner and Glafira Carr. Motion to approve amended minutes made by Glafira
Carr. Seconded by Angie Taylor. Motion passed.
New Business
5.1 Discussion of forming an Ad Hoc committee for the Inter-Club Loan Account
5.1.1 The Cabinet/Council will discuss the proposal of creating an Ad Hoc committee for creating policies and procedure
related to the Inter-Club Loan Account.
5.1.2 Brittany Hubble announced that there will be an ad hoc meeting this Friday at 10 or 11am, and asked anyone if they
would like to attend the meeting or if they had questions regarding the ad hoc.
Old Business
6.1 Discussion of the ICC Officer Orientation
6.1.1 The Cabinet/Council will discuss feedback on the workshops and on the orientation overall.
6.1.2 Brittany Hubble asked the council for feedback from the event.
6.1.3 Ivan Alcantar commented that the presentations were well made.
6.1.4 Angie Taylor commented that this was more helpful than the hour long presentation that the cabinet previously had.
6.1.5 Byron Challoner commented that he learned a lot and wished that this orientation was offered earlier.
6.1.6 Brittany Hubble mentioned that they wanted to have this earlier but due to other events happening early in the semester
there were time conflicts.
6.1.7 Brittany Hubble asked the council if they also wished this happened earlier, many consented.
6.1. 8 Avery Marshall thanked and appreciated those who attended his presentation.
6.1.9 Duk Chong mentioned that he had a problem with the schedule and how it ended one hour earlier than expected.
6.2 Discussion of the Children's Holiday Party
6.2.1 The Cabinet/Council will discuss the Children's Holiday Party and possible ways to be able to put on the event.
6.2.2 Gregory Sonnen announced that he did not get a response from CDC.
6.2.3 Breanna von Stein mentioned that the Fed. Government no longer funds the headstart program but the State does, and
the only conflict is that there are no kids signed up for the event. She also mentioned that since the program has funding, in the
future they are interested in collaborating with us.
6.2.4 Brittany Hubble announced that the council should look out for an email about the event.
6.3 Discussion of Student Activity Fee Proposal
6.3.1 The Cabinet/Council will discuss the policies and the financial breakdown of the Student Activity Fee.
6.3.2 Brittany Hubble mentioned that she didn’t receive questions or concerns regarding the proposal so the topic was voted
6.3.3 Angie Taylor asked if this would count as an extra fee, Brittany Hubble confirmed that this would be like ASB.
6.3.4 The council votes consisted of 18 in favor, 1 not in favor and 2 abstained.
6.3.5 Brittany Hubble said she will relay this info. to the administration, and will report updates about the activity fee.
Finance Items
7.1 None
8.1- ICC Member Reports
8.1.1 Avery Marshall asked to speak to the ECC Salseros rep.
8.1.2 Ivan Alcantar announced that Society of Music is having a Jamba Juice fundraiser on the library lawn from 12-2pm.
8.1.3 Byron Challoner reported that the Chorale Club Variety Show turned out well and mentioned that they raised money for
their club and also thanked those for coming.
8.1.4 Lesleyann Kingman announced that Maharlika Club is holding a donation center on the library lawn for the typhoon
victims in the Phillippines from Mon.–Wed. Clothes and other donations are welcome except canned goods.
8.1.5 Byron Challoner asked when and where the ICC cabinet meetings take place. Brittany Hubble told him they are at 12pm
in the ICC Office.
8.2- ASO Report
8.2.1 None
8.3- Finance Report
8.3.1 Jonathan Sharp reported that the balances remain unchanged.
8.4- ICC Adviser Reports
8.4.1 Breanna von Stein-None
Public Comment on Non- Agenda Items (2 minute max)
Motion made by Angie Taylor. Seconded by Willy Corea. Meeting adjourned at 12:18 pm.