EL CAMINO COLLEGE NOTES – November 30, 2009

Office of the Vice President – Academic Affairs
NOTES – November 30, 2009
Assessment of Learning Committee (ALC)
Present: J. Simon, C. Gold, R. Bergeman, J. Noyes, K. Laureano-Ribas, K. Whitney,
K. Holt, C. Striepe, B. Jaffe, J. Shankweiler, L. Gallucci
1. Final Semester Report
The end-of-semester report based on the six questions from each division is due December 11.
2. Information Literacy Core Competency
C. Striepe looked at some schools that included literacy core competency. It may be important in
the future and become a general education requirement.
The plan for Mapping Courses and Program-level SLOs to the Core Competencies was
reviewed. Review II and III will be reviewed by J. Simon, C. Striepe, C. Gold and R. Bergeman.
Once wording is complete, it will be reviewed again by the ALC members. Handouts (samples
and forms) will be provided to faculty on flex day.
3. Planning the first Core Competency Assessment
J. Simon outlined what the steps are for the core competency assessment. It will also be
forwarded to the Senate and Board for approval. Questions that were asked include: How will
the College use this? Why and what for? Look at cycle and see what can be improved. In
reviewing data, who will use the information? Who will be completing a report, analyzing and
discussing report? ALC team or broader team?
It was suggested to provide a summit during the spring 2010 Assessment Student Learning
Week. The summit would provide a time for faculty to reflect on the results as a group. The
first assessment would take place in the fall 2010. It would need to map course and program,
plan survey and distribute. It was suggested to incorporate student service and CEC.
Can Institutional Research migrate into system or use its own system? Once collected, divisions
can complete the report. J. Simon will meet with Institutional Research regarding an online
survey. Ideas to obtain information are to include a survey when a student registers or allow
faculty to administer during class time.
4. Follow-up for J. Simon
(1) Meet with Institutional Research (2) C. Striepe, R. Bergeman, C. Gold and J. Simon will
include information on literacy into core competency. Revise documents.
(3) Write final semester report which will be due December 11.