Present: R. Bell, W. Garcia, A. Garten, I Graff,... B. Mulrooney, J. Nishime, D. Reid, J. Shankweiler, R. Smith,... EL CAMINO COLLEGE

DATE: April 4, 2013
Present: R. Bell, W. Garcia, A. Garten, I Graff, D. Horton, S. Jackson, C. Jeffries, G. Miranda,
B. Mulrooney, J. Nishime, D. Reid, J. Shankweiler, R. Smith, J. Wagstaff, C. Wells
Other Guests: R. Dreizler
The meeting began at 2:34 p.m.
A. Notes of March 21, 2013: Distributed and reviewed.
a. II, A, 1: New methodology is a better match than the one used previously.
b. Notes approved as amended.
A. Review of latest draft of AP 5055 Enrollment Priorities
1. Registration Priorities streamlined from twelve tiers to nine. H, I, and J combined into Tier
Eight as agreed at the last meeting.
2. Discussion whether or not to list the legislative (Veterans and Foster Youth) and regulatory
(EOPS and DSPS) mandated groups in A and B as in C-K. Information can be updated if
legislation changes.
3. Tier Three includes athletes, student government, Project Success, Puente, International
Students, Honors Transfer, FYE, etc.
4. Discussed combining Tiers One and Two. There are schools that opted to combine Tiers
One and Two; combining these groups can be done at the discretion of the district. Groups
can be combined as long as Veterans and Foster Youth are not prevented from getting the
classes they want – not enough Veterans and Foster Youth to impact EOPS & DSPS, but
there are enough EOPS & DSPS students to impact Veterans and Foster Youth.
5. Legislation allows districts to require all students to go through orientation, assessment and
Ed plan requirements if they have the resources. Addition to page 1: “Eligible new students
in Tiers One, Two, Three, Four and Six must have completed…”
6. Page 2, F - change from ‘Other Eligible New/Returning Students’ to ‘Eligible non-district
new or returning students’ to match F on page 1.
7. Page 2, D - provide link to Fact Book that shows our district zip codes. A more detailed map
may also be created. In-district students are high school graduates who live in the district’s
zip codes.
8. Tier Eight – ESL or basic skills exemptions for 100 unit limit were added. There were 872
students with 100 units or more (including basic skills) last fall – 68.5% of those took at
least one basic skills course. Discussed when ESL or basic skills classes should be
subtracted from the 100 unit limit. Consensus of committee to make exemption adjustments
after student reaches the 100 unit limit.
9. Page 3, IIB – need to determine registration deadlines. Deleted 100 unit majors section –
confirmed there are no 100 unit programs even with pre-requisites added.
10. Tier Nine K-12 Concurrently Enrolled Students – do they have to be scheduled during the
last 2 days of registration? They can be scheduled earlier. Discussed high school seniors and
concurrent enrollment for summer sessions.
11. IV, A, 2a-d – Extenuating Circumstances – students have the right to appeal loss of priority
registration, but do circumstances need to be defined? Listing parameters will help decrease
the number of appeals with non-extenuating circumstances. List as reasons for probationary
or unit load only. Include statement regarding students making significant academic
improvement – add as IV, A3.
References to in-district priority registration will go into guidelines.
Not enough resources to accommodate splitting semesters. Summer 2014 will be the
effective date. Will continue to co-mingle summer and fall registration to begin April
timeframe after ‘W’ date.
Formal vote will be taken at April 18th meeting and B. Mulrooney will send committee final
version next week before the next meeting.
B. Discussion of Possible Exemptions (or Substitutions) to Assessment, Orientation, and Ed Plans
1. Consider also those exempt from one of three requirements (i.e. high students who take AP
tests in English and math; need to code as having completed assessment test).
2. Discussed keeping concurrent enrollment students’ exemption to assessment, orientation
and Ed plans if these students can’t be given priority registration.
3. Need a process/coding to confirm students who have completed services at another college.
4. Exempted students would not be eliminated from priority registration.
5. Will need to continue discussion and break out each element within the next few weeks.
C. District Designated Priority Cohorts
1. Need to develop/manage priority registration process for groups to get classes they need.
For example: Learning Communities - zero cap the class and then have the group register;
HTP courses - lower count for general public and reserve the rest for HTP students (51% of
sections offered in a term must be open to the general public).
2. The committee will move forward to discuss designated priority cohorts. B. Mulrooney will
bring current guidelines to the next meeting. The committee will discuss criteria and
The next Enrollment Management meeting will be held on April 18, 2013 at 2:30 p.m. in Lib 202.
The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.