DATE: February 27, 2014
Present: M. Abbani, F. Arce, S. Blake, K. Daniel-DiGregorio, R. Dreizler, W. Garcia, C. Gold, I. Graff,
J. Holiday, C. Jeffries, S. Kunisaki, C. Mosqueda, I. Reyes, J. Shankweiler, J. Sims
Other Guests: Kim Nguyen, Cheryl Shenefield
The meeting began at 1:04 p.m.
A. Notes of February 13, 104: Distributed and reviewed.
1. Corrections: (Page 2, B1.) “…to discuss brainstorming results ‘on’ (change to ‘for’) the
student success plan once the template is adopted.”
2. I. Graff and F. Arce will review and clarify the notes on page 2, section B1 and bring to the
next meeting.
B. Announcements
1. ITS is updating assessment testing contacts in the database. Trying to meet the March 30th
deadline putting in priority registration flags for initial orientation and education plan
2. Counseling task force is working with Outreach to implement assessment, orientation and
education plans. Planning a “March Madness” event, bringing large groups on campus
(including a Saturday group) for orientation and education plans. Counseling is working on
new, separate online orientations for ECC and Compton Center.
3. At the Joint Fiscal Services and Financial Aid meeting, discussed how students are not
reading instructions and not paying attention to deadlines. Students are informed of major
deadlines in student orientations. The use of Twitter and Facebook to announce early
registration was recommended. It is a student’s responsibility to remain informed. Based on
technology surveys, students want to be contacted proactively by the College through
texting and Facebook. Texting ideas were discussed – faculty should not have to use their
personal phones to text announcements to students. Need to decide which main
communication tool to use. Are students being used in focus group discussions on
4. Very energetic cohort of thirty-two new faculty attended On-Course training. Faculty
Development Committee may use mini-presentations on strategies used by new faculty in
the classroom as a springboard for flex day and workshops.
A. Automatic Granting of Degrees – W. Garcia
1. A subcommittee with representatives from both campuses met earlier this month to discuss
automatic granting of degrees. The summary of the meeting covers a general overview and
lists potential pros (11) and cons (10). Major concern of the subcommittee - is this the right
time to implement this? The subcommittee recommended not implementing this now but
possibly in the near future.
2. Discussion took place on other approaches.
i. Suggestion was made to contact and encourage students to receive their
degrees/certificates. Dramatic growth (48%) in the number of degrees/certificates
due to the proactive measures in contacting students created by the Graduation
Initiative. The Graduation Initiative grant ends in two years and is not renewable,
but there is may be another opportunity to write another grant starting this fall.
FYE experienced increased growth after adopting Graduation Initiative’s
practices for graduation and degrees. One major issue with automatic granting of
degrees is that once financial aid students apply for a degree from a high unit
major such as Nursing, they will be subject to going through the appeal process.
Better to inform students about the risks of automatically granting
degrees/certificates and offer an opt-out option.
ii. The cons seemed to be related to institutional issues i.e. lack of staffing.
iii. Consider launching a pilot program.
iv. Graduation Initiative provided funding for additional evaluators. Part of the
Graduation Initiative’s success is due to having a full-time evaluator. A&R and
ITS need additional funding/resources. Compton Center students are evaluated by
ECC evaluators.
v. The Vice Presidents need to continue to review the process for awarding degrees
in Admissions & Records and in ITS to ensure staffing is sized correctly.
vi. Assuming resources are sufficient in A&R and ITS, the recommendation was
made for every faculty and staff to change focus from transfer to promoting
vii. Maybe ECC has too many degrees and certificates and curriculum/programs need
to be reorganized or restructured. There is not enough demand for some degrees
and certificates. Decrease to a fewer strong degrees and certificates students may
need to transfer or gain employment. On the other hand, having more degrees
offer more options for students. Need to continue this conversation with faculty.
The subcommittee recommended holding off automatically awarding degrees and
certificates at this time. The VPs will continue to assess staffing needs for processing
degrees and certificates.
B. Outreach Report – R. Dreizler
1. Email blasts about changes to the application process, general timeline and priority
registration were sent to high school contacts (approximately 500 counselors and
administrators) and prospective students (approximately 7,000) early October 2013. There
were 51 application or ECC general presentations at the local high schools.
2. 638 tests and orientations have been administered so far by the Outreach office. 3,800
students have tested on campus since November 1, 2013. 36 testing/orientation sessions
have been completed or are scheduled.
3. The students who tested and received orientation through Outreach will be entered into
Datatel starting tomorrow. Since students are having problems with the current online
orientation, students who are assessed through Outreach will receive an orientation
immediately following. F. Arce recommended that W. Garcia and R. Smith discuss the
orientation process.
4. 11 new adjunct counselors have been assigned to local high schools. Outreach’s services of
assessment, orientation (abbreviated) and education plan given to 20 El Segundo High
School students will be the model process for the future.
5. Regular outreach presence is offered, but only five campuses have scheduled time.
C. Success Factors – I. Graff
1. Kim Nguyen, part-time Compton Center research associate, authored the Student Success
Brainstorming Session report. Student success redefined recommended that each college
create a team to relate college’s own work to six factors: Directed, Focused, Nurtured,
Engaged, Connected, and Valued. The next step is to select factor(s). Where is the greatest
interest and ideas to get started? Categorize work we’re already doing and will do. Think
about outcomes and how to measure them.
Will discuss at the next meeting and identify which factor to start with and implement.
Committee members were asked to read the handout before the next meeting.
The next Enrollment Management meeting will be held on March 13, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. in Library 202.
The meeting adjourned at 1:52 p.m.