Wednesday, July 21, 2010 2:30 pm Activities Center West Conference Room

El Camino College
Associated Students Organization
Senate Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
2:30 pm
Activities Center West Conference Room
Call to order
Vice President Tim Linehan called the meeting to order at 2:31pm
II. Roll Call (by sign in)
 Executive Cabinet
Jessica Lopez (President), Tim Linehan (Vice President), Dalal Budri (Director of Academic
Affairs), Ryuichiro Enomoto (Director of Finance), Nicole Reinertsen (Public Relations
Officer), Meg Panlaqui (Region 7 Rep)
Not Present:
Johanna Zamora (Student Trustee) and Chloe Smith (Student Services Officer)
 Division Senators
Present: Ryanchase Balthazar (Behavioral & Social Sciences), Damien McDowell
(Behavioral & Social Sciences), Jameel Younis (Business), Zachary Gurzenski (Business),
Vito Iaia (Mathematical Sciences)
Not Present: Heather Barone (Fine Arts), Lisa Brown (Humanities), Paul Hiney
(Mathematical Sciences), Noor Bala (Natural Sciences), Gabriela Lopez (Natural Sciences)
 Advisers (Non-Voting)
Present: Harold Tyler, Janice Watanabe
 Guests
Christy Jaramillo, Osbaldo Garcia, Joshua Casper, Carolee Vakil-Jessop, Linda Lew
III. Approval of Minutes
 none
IV. Approval of Agenda
 Motion to approve the agenda. Made by Jessica Lopez, seconded by Meg Panlaqui.
Motion passed.
V. New Business
5.1 Financial Items Approved by the ASO Finance Committee
 Approval of 2010-2011 ASO Budget
Copies were distributed and members were asked to review the budget. Jessica
Lopez explained that the budget had been approved at the Finance Committee
meeting on July 14th.
o Motion to approve the 2010-2011 ASO Budget as presented. Moved by Jessica
Lopez, seconded by Meg Panlaqui.
Motion passed.
 Copy Center Allocation
o Motion to approve $300 from the AS Supplies account (71-55001-00-8361017670) for a Copy Center blanket purchase order to pay for ASO copies during the
year. Moved by Jessica Lopez, seconded by Damien McDowell.
o Discussion: Copies will be made for minutes, agendas, election ballots, etc.
Motion Passed.
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ASO Office Supplies Allocation
o Motion to approve $500 from AS Supplies account (71-55001-00-836101-7670
for ASO office supplies needed during the year. Moved by Jessica Lopez,
Seconded by Vito Iaia.
Motion Passed.
Approval of Magic Mountain Allocation
o Motion to approve $12,300 from AS Magic Mountain Fundraising Expense
account (71-55001-00-836121-7670) for a Magic Mountain blanket purchase
order. Moved by Jessica Lopez, Seconded by Meg Panlaqui.
Motion Passed.
5.2 ASO Orientation
 Jessica Lopez explained that this event would be an opportunity for the Senate to get
together and socialize during the summer. There would be some cost involved for
food and materials to distribute to the members.
 Meg Panlaqui mentioned that other schools do retreats
 Josh Casper explained that at last year’s orientation there was a session on
parliamentary procedures, ice breakers and food.
 Email Jessica if you have any suggestions.
5.3 CCCSAA Conference
 Janice Watanabe distributed an information sheet describing the upcoming
conferences for the 2010-11 year. The CCCSAA Conference is a good opportunity for
students to network with other students, share information and learn some
leadership skills.
 Josh Casper and Jessica Lopez described what they learned by attending some of the
conferences last year and how they were valuable.
 Motion to have Senate members attend the CCCSAA Conference. Moved by Jessica
Lopez, Seconded by Ryanchase Balthazar.
o Discussion: Jessica explained that the decision as to who is going to the
conference will be determined by availability, interest and the members’
dedication to the organization and their job. The Finance Committee will be
discussing the monetary appropriations at a later time.
 Motion passed
VI. Old Business - none
VII. Reports
7.1 ASO Members Reports
 Region 7 Rep – Meg Panlaqui
o Attended the Region 7 meeting last Friday and reported that there were
updates from the college reps on what was happening on their campuses.
They also voted on two Senators from Compton and will work on creating bylaws for the region.
o ECC New Student Welcome Day is on August 25th – see Meg to volunteer at
this event.
7.2 ICC Report – Damien McDowell
 ICC cabinet has been meeting to plan club rush from Sept. 13-16th and the club mixer
on Sept. 24th.
7.3 Committee Reports - none
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7.4 Adviser Reports
 Janice Watanabe distributed a sheet for members on the eligibility check procedures
that the Student Development office does at various times during the semester to
make sure that members are meeting the requirements for office.
 Harold Tyler reported on the reasons why students have been dropped from classes
for non-payment of fees and also that there are glitches in the system and some
students will not know that they have been dropped from their classes until the
semester begins.
Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items
 Tim Linehan commented that it is the Vice President’s responsibility to appoint the Senate
Leader. He requested that interested members contact him by email.
IX. Adjournment
 Motion to adjourn. Motion made by Jessica Lopez, Seconded by Meg Panlaqui. Motion
 Meeting adjourned at 3:21pm.
Minutes Recorded by Janice Watanabe
Minutes Verified by:
Jessica Lopez, ASO President
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Janice Watanabe, ASO Adviser