Council on Research Meeting Minutes November 29, 2006


Council on Research Meeting Minutes

November 29, 2006

9:30 – 11:30 UNH 105

Members present: C. Bischoff, L. Bosart, J. Castracane, A. Haas, D. Lewis, J. Marler, L.

Schell, S. South, B. Shaw, L. Videka, W. West

Members absent: S. Chittur, F. Hauser, P. Lee, J. Mistry

Also attending: C. Frye, T. Walker, R. Webster

The meeting was called to order by Andrew Haas, at 9:45 am

Approval of minutes – October 18, 2006

Minutes were unanimously approved. Motioned by Schell, seconded by Shaw

Vice President for Research Report

Update on 2005-06 Indirect Cost Recovery

Lynn Videka presented information on the status of the Indirect Cost Recovery here at UAlbany. Action Item – Lynn will try to obtain a breakdown of utilization of the indirect cost retained by RF Central Office and report back to Council.

She noted also that the 2005-06 Council on Research approved a recommended proposal for revision to the ICR Distribution policy. The recommendation is currently under consideration, as there are a few issues that must be resolved before moving the proposal forward. One of the main issues is the differing opinions as to whether the funds should be retained at the school/college level or should be distributed to the level of departments or PIs.

Voice of the PI Session

On Tuesday, December 5, the Vice President for Research, Vice President for

Finance and Business, and the Researchers Liaison Committee are hosting a Voice of the PI forum. The purpose is to obtain the PIs perspectives on research support and development and pre and post award grants administration. Action Item

– Janice will send a copy of the proposed recommendation for changes to the IC R

Distribution policy and the Survey conducted by the AIRE Model subgroup of the

Researchers Liaison Committee to Council on Research and Researchers Liaison

Committee members.

Robert Webster announced that as a follow-up to the Voice of the PI session, the pre and post award offices are planning monthly meetings with each of the schools/colleges starting in January. Representatives from the Offices for Sponsored

Programs, Research Compliance, Sponsored Funds Personnel, Sponsored Funds

Financial Management, and Institutional Services will be attending

Page 2 – Minutes – November 29

East Campus Update

Mary Louise Mallick, former secretary of the Senate Finance Committee, will be joining UAlbany to help market and develop the East Campus.

Subcommittee Reports

Benevolent Award Committee - David Lewis, Chair

Recommendations for Funding

David Lewis reported that the committee recommended funding seven applicants. An eighth candidate may be funded pending confirmation of other internal funding for which she has applied. If it turns out that the eighth candidate receives funding, the

Committee recommends awarding the next applicant on the list.

Review of the Benevolent Application

Lewis also reported that the committee made changes to the application that will provide helpful information on the IRB process. These changes are effective spring round of competition, 2007. The Committee also recommended an overall review of and revisions to the Benevolent Award Application.

The Council voted to unanimously accept the Committee’s recommendations.

Adjourned at 11: 45.

Submitted by Janice Bogan
