Novel Assignment 6
Due Date January 22
a.) First Person POV - In a first-person narrative the story is told by a narrator who is also a character within the story, so that the
narrator reveals the plot by referring to this viewpoint character as "I" (or, when plural, "we").
b.) Second Person POV - second-person narrative mode, in which the narrator refers to one of the characters as "you", therefore
making the audience member feel as if he or she is a character within the story.
c.) Third Person POV - In the third-person narrative mode, each and every character is referred to by the narrator as "he", "she", "it",
or "they", but never as "I" or "we" (first-person), or "you" (second-person).
This assignment is in two parts:
Part 1
1. Select your main character to complete the Point of View graphic.
2. Each part of evidence that you use for the point of view must be cited and punctuated correctly.
Part 2
1. Choose one rising action or the climax to rewrite from a different point of view from a different character’s point of view
that was involved.
Example: Freak the Mighty
“I have loved that boy like he was my own ever since his momma died. It was so tragic that she died the way she did. I
am so scared that his horrible old man will come back for him. Late at night, I stay up late sometimes just peering
through the curtains at the street… praying that his no good father never comes back.”
2. The rewrite must have a minimum of 10 sentences and contain dialogue.
3. Staple the rewrite to the graphic organizer to turn in.
Title - __________________________________________________________
Author - ________________________________________________________
Point of View_________________________