
School Relations Tip #6
Science Behind Our Food – Due to the leadership of Dr. David Knauft, we
have a terrific resource available to share with science teachers
across the state. By using food as the unifying theme, graduate student
fellows supported by a National Science Foundation grant entitled
Science Behind Our Food have developed a vast array of lesson plans
that are inexpensive and simple to incorporate in the classroom. The
SBOF program seeks to provide inquiry-based education in science while
improving achievement, comprehension and mastery of scientific concepts
by middle and secondary students. 150 lesson plans are compiled on a
set of DVDs and professionally packaged within a pocketed Teachers
Resource Guide. This resource can serve as your entrée to meet a new
curriculum director, superintendent or teacher. Or, you could use it
yourself if you are called upon to serve as a resource speaker for a
science class. To order a copy of SBOF while supplies last, contact me
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