
Budget Projection
Preparation Instructions
Main Budget Worksheet
1) Fill out information in upper left hand corner of “Main Budget” page.
2) Cut/Paste corresponding months at bottom of “Main Budget” page to numbered
month (e.g. if the grant starts in the month of March, cut Mar through Dec and
paste starting at Month 1 on top row of budget)
3) Fill in budget amounts under the “Bud” column. The bottom line amount should
equal your budgeted Direct Costs (Total costs minus Indirect Costs line item from
your budget set-up). Once finished, copy and paste the numbers into the next
column “Bud Rev”. You will need to do this in order to make accurate
calculations on your budget. Should you make any changes to your budget –
make all changes under the “Bud Rev” column. Once you have input your
original budget under “Bud” these numbers should not change.
4) All of the other sheets have linked cells to this “Main Budget” worksheet,
therefore any detailed expenditure information should be made on each
individual expenditure sheet. All cells except for the cells that you will need to
make changes to (see above) have been protected. Should you need to take the
protection off, just go to the “Tools” menu and highlight “Protection” and choose
“Unprotect Sheet” and then you will be able to make changes to any of the cells
on the worksheet.
Personnel Budget
1) Breakdown your personnel budgets into the categories provided. Break-down by
Faculty, Salary, Hourly & Student Assistant. The “Grant Total” amount should
equal the “Total S & B” amount on the “Main Budget”.
2) Cut/Paste corresponding months at right of worksheet to numbered month (e.g. if
the grant starts in the month of March, cut Mar through Dec and paste starting at
Month 1 on left hand column)
Individual Worksheets
1) Cut/Paste corresponding months at the far right of each individual worksheet to
the numbered month to the left of it. (e.g. if the grant starts in the month of
March, cut Mar through Dec and paste starting at Month 1 on the left hand side
of worksheet).
2) “Budgeted Amount” in red at top of worksheet is linked to “Bud Rev” amount
under matching category.
3) “Total” amounts total all inputted amounts above it. The “Total” amounts will
show-up on the “Main-Budget” for each month specified.
4) “Total” at bottom will reflect total amount spent in this line item category and
should be the same as the amount under the matching line item category on
“Total Spent” column on the “Main Budget” page.
May 2003
Post Award/Budget Templates/instructions.doc