University Committee Survey

University Committee Survey
Please complete this survey for each university committee affecting university policy,
governance and oversight. Your responses on this form can be made by clicking on the
blue text or selecting a check box. Please submit the completed form to Jacquie by ________________? Thank you.
1. Committee Name:
Click here to enter text.
2. Committee Responsibilities:
a) Please state the mission/purpose/charge: Click here to enter text.
b) Is this a standing committee or an ad-hoc committee? Choose an item.
3. Committee Membership:
a) Please list the name(s) of the current chair(s): Click here to enter text.
b) Email address for the current chair(s): Click here to enter text.
c) Representation: please include a count for each and check the appropriate
How many?
Click here to enter text. ☐Appointed
How many?
Click here to enter text. ☐Appointed
Student Government:
How many?
Click here to enter text. ☐Appointed
How many?
Click here to enter text. ☐Appointed
4. Meeting Schedule:
a) Frequency: Choose an item.
b) Meeting duration: Choose an item.
c) The committee meets during these semesters: Choose an item.