UMD Student Life Professional Employee Self-Review Template

UMD Student Life Professional Employee Self-Review Template
Employee Name
Employee ID
Job Code
Class Title
Department Name
Describe your performance in terms of each factor listed below. Provide substantiation that is as specific as possible. For performance that was
affected by factors or issues beyond your control, identify what they were and how you addressed them.
Achievement of goals that support the mission of the department/division, the campus, college or administrative unit:
Behavioral and functional competencies:
Service delivery to internal colleagues and external constituents:
Promotion of, and sensitivity to the University's diverse community with attention to equal opportunity, affirmative action, and
improvement of climate for diverse groups:
Responsible leadership, management, and use of the University's human, physical and financial resources:
Additional criteria:
Assessment of Overall Strengths and Accomplishments:
Identification of Challenges of the Past Year and Goals to Address Them:
Employee Signature: