University Senate Document 09-7 19 April 2010 To:

University Senate Document 09-7
19 April 2010
The University Senate
University Student Affairs Committee
Modified Student Honor Code
University Regulations, Part 5; Section III
University Senate for endorsement
Whereas: Academic dishonesty occurs at increasing rates on college and university campuses across the
country and at Purdue University
Whereas: The Purdue Student Government supports the reduction and elimination of academic
dishonesty and the promotion of academic integrity on Purdue University campuses
Whereas: The Purdue Student Government has rewritten the current Student Code of Honor with the
following Modified Student Code of Honor:
The purpose of the Purdue University academic community is to discover and disseminate truth.
In order to achieve these goals, the university commits itself towards maintaining a culture of
academic integrity and honesty. For this to be possible, self-discipline and a strong desire to
benefit others must be present within each individual. Therefore, we students must follow the
Regulations Governing Student Conduct of Purdue University out of a sense of mutual respect,
rather than out of fear of the consequences of their violation.
Whereas: The Purdue Student Government will help facilitate educational activities at various venues
such as the Boiler Gold Rush and the Star Program for new and continuing students about the Modified
Student Code of Honor
Whereas: The Purdue Student Government will encourage faculty to include the Modified Student
Honor Code in course syllabi
Therefore, Be It Resolved That:
The University Senate endorses the Modified Student Honor Code and its dissemination through
educational activities on Purdue campuses and its placement in course syllabi.
Committee members approving the resolution: Dave Anderson, Zarjon Baha, Becky Brown, Christian
Butzke, Martin Curd, James Greenan, Sally Hastings, Tony Hawkins, Peter Kim, Pablo Malavenda, James
Ogg, Tom Robinson, Jess Rombach, John Sautter, Linda Thoman, Thomas Templin, and Marion Trout